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1 byte added ,  21:22, 7 July 2020
= About CallTo =
CallTo is a reverse phone lookup service for businesses. Reverse phone lookup refers to searching white pages records using just a phone number to identify who a telephone number belongs to. Reverse phone lookup if is often performed when a person receives a phone call from an unknown number, a spam call, or possibly just a number they don't recognize.
But, what is even more important, is another use case, which relates to [ missed business calls]. Not answering business calls means missed business opportunities. No connection, no sale. And you never want to miss an opportunity to make a sale.
But as businesses are getting more and more global and communication more asynchronous, it is easy to miss important phone calls, either because you are in a different time zone or your schedule is different from you business partners.
<strong>CallTo makes it easy to win back missed opportunities by contacting business partners via alternative contact options revealed by reverse phone lookup.</strong>
= Updating Contacts =