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 Companies:townCompanies:countyHas coordinates
01206213822ROWLEY REGIS51° 52' 59.96" N, 0° 49' 23.65" E
01215441888ROWLEY REGIS52° 30' 22.67" N, 2° 1' 38.79" W
01215596152ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 28' 34.16" N, 2° 3' 0.40" W
01347868570ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS54° 10' 10.09" N, 1° 12' 15.23" W
01414296779ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS55° 51' 11.17" N, 4° 16' 57.22" W
01584878070ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 22' 7.28" N, 2° 43' 2.36" W
01686639030ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 33' 56.30" N, 3° 8' 46.72" W
01698710900ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS55° 47' 49.78" N, 4° 6' 21.41" W
01758614500ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 53' 20.31" N, 4° 25' 7.18" W
01785715225ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 43' 34.83" N, 2° 6' 58.18" W
01902326262ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 28' 18.99" N, 2° 3' 59.02" W
01902452807ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 34' 33.68" N, 2° 6' 38.53" W
01902606665ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 35' 22.53" N, 2° 3' 23.70" W
0190524388ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 12' 17.06" N, 2° 13' 38.02" W
01922682342ROWLEY REGIS52° 37' 13.12" N, 1° 57' 17.65" W
01938555810ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 39' 36.40" N, 3° 8' 48.69" W
07554232868ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 3' 53.78" N, 2° 12' 51.58" W
07791402255ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 37' 59.65" N, 2° 29' 25.47" W
07881873220ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 37' 8.53" N, 2° 2' 39.94" W
07887513305ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 36' 22.14" N, 2° 3' 41.61" W
08009173370ROWLEY REGISWEST MIDLANDS52° 34' 53.09" N, 2° 7' 33.22" W