01189076016 | |
Company name | JUST TILES LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01189076016 |
Address | 88 HEADLEY RD |
Extended address | WOODLEY |
County | BERKS |
Postcode | RG5 4JE |
Category | Bathroom Equipment |
Phone number 01189076016 is used by UK company JUST TILES LIMITED.
JUST TILES LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01189076016.
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JUST TILES LIMITED is located at 88 HEADLEY RD, NR READING, BERKS (postcode RG5 4JE (51° 27' 14.82" N, 0° 53' 54.21" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 7 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01189076016 | JUST TILES LIMITED | Bathroom Equipment | NR READING | ||
01189077990 | JUST TILES LIMITED | Tile Suppliers | NR READING | info@justtiles.co.uk | http://www.justtiles.co.uk |
01189502414 | URBAN PIERCINGS LIMITED | Body Piercing | NR READING | http://www.urbanpiercings.co.uk | |
01189697774 | JUST TILES LIMITED | Tile Suppliers | NR READING | info@justtiles.co.uk | http://www.justtiles.co.uk |
01256464277 | BDM GROUP LTD | Sheet Metal Work | NR READING | webmaster@matcom.co.uk.co.uk enquiries@bdmuk.co.uk webmaster@matcom.co.uk enquiries@lannertec.co.uk | http://www.bdmgroup.co.uk |
01394382067 | JUST TILES LIMITED | Tile Suppliers | NR READING | nathan@justtileswoodbridge.co.uk | http://www.justtileswoodbridge.com |
01614255180 | JUST TILES LIMITED | Tile Suppliers | NR READING |
Similar companies
JUST TILES LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Bathroom Equipment. There are 655 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about JUST TILES LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.