01740629999 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01740629999 |
Web site | www.parsonscontainers.com |
Extended address | WEST END SEDGEFIELD |
County | CLEVELAND |
Postcode | TS21 2BW |
Category | Container Hire |
Phone number 01740629999 is used by UK company PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED.
PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01740629999.
PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED's homepage is at www.parsonscontainers.com.
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PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED is located at THE MANOR HOUSE, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, CLEVELAND (postcode TS21 2BW (54° 39' 7.27" N, 1° 27' 10.79" W)).
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Similar companies
PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Container Hire. There are 98 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01162779405 | ECO WELFARE HIRE LIMITED | Container Hire | LUTTERWORTH | http://www.ecowelfare.co.uk | |
01173708250 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01206322121 | TUDOR TRADING LIMITED | Container Hire | LONDON | info@sinclaireknight.com | http://www.tudortrading.co.uk |
01214561236 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | ||
01215529070 | CENTRAL CONTAINER SERVICES LIMITED | Container Hire | WARLEY | http://www.centralcontainers.com | |
01216612459 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01224453714 | BROWN LTD | Container Hire | FAREHAM | info@rfbrowncontainers.co.uk | http://www.rfbrownshippingcontainers.co.uk |
01224453931 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01224716841 | SECURASTORE LIMITED | Container Hire | ABERDEEN | ||
01224873797 | CONSERVE OILFIELD SERVICES LIMITED | Container Hire | LONDON | http://www.conserveplc.com | |
01227203862 | R.S. FRENCH LTD | Container Hire | FAVERSHAM | ||
01227752101 | R.S. FRENCH LTD | Container Hire | FAVERSHAM | sales@rsfrench.com | http://www.rsfrench.com |
01268766226 | A1 CONTAINERS LTD | Container Hire | BIRKENHEAD | http://www.a1containers.com | |
01273927291 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk | |
01277223666 | C.A.I INTERNATIONAL LTD | Container Hire | DURHAM | http://www.capps.com | |
01278685842 | KRG TRANSPORT LTD | Container Hire | BRIDGWATER | kevin.gooding@btconnect.com | http://www.krg-transport.co.uk |
01291626388 | CONTAINER LEASING UK LTD. | Container Hire | MONMOUTHSHIRE | http://www.containerleasing.com | |
01293871621 | RUSPER CABINS LIMITED | Container Hire | CATERHAM | http://www.ruspercabins.co.uk | |
01299253535 | TPS RENTAL SYSTEMS LTD | Container Hire | DROITWICH | http://www.tpsrentalsystems.co.uk | |
01371811111 | BOXTOR LTD | Container Hire | LONDON | info@boxtor.com | http://www.boxtor.com |
01375659088 | TITAN CONTAINERS LIMITED | Container Hire | GRAYS | info@titancontainers.com dk@tcmail.eu jlb@tcmail.eu jmc@tcmail.eu rn@tcmail.eu sbj@tcmail.eu jin@tcmail.eu hel@tcmail.eu kak@tcmail.eu hno@tcmail.eu nlb@tcmail.eu mab@tcmail.eu ad@tcmail.eu kb@tcmail.eu mlb@tcmail.eu msn@tcmail.eu ras@tcmail.eu hh@tcmail.eu hjg@tcmail.eu rbb@tcmail.eu kpj@tcmail.eu oha@tcmail.eu aog@tcmail.eu dib@tcmail.eu au@tcmail.eu dla@titancontainers.com.au sjl@titancontainers.com.au rbo@tcmail.eu nl@tcmail.eu marc@tcmail.eu rob@tcmail.eu mm@tcmail.eu info@greville.com.br camiliocid@greville.com.br camilocid@greville.com.br lcp@greville.com.br maf@greville.com.br gvg@greville.com.br eduardobunster@greville.com.br sueli@greville.com.br roseli@greville.com.br fernanda@greville.com.br lidia@greville.com.br camila@greville.com.br mayara@greville.com.br mayaracintra@greville.com.br tamyris@greville.com.br thamyris@greville.com.br eduardo@greville.com.br adriana@greville.com.br vivian@greville.com.br fr@tcmail.eu tb@tcmail.eu sru@tcmail.eu lum@tcmail.eu che@tcmail.eu hu@tcmail.eu csg@tcmail.eu ctc@crystalgroup.in aa@crystalgroup.in ps@tcmail.eu ie@tcmail.eu bom@tcmail.eu info@starservicegoa.it cferraro@starservicegoa.it aghiglino@starservicegoa.it dghiglino@starservicegoa.it atraverso@starservicegoa.it mdecaroli@starservicegoa.it mfrancia@starservicegoa.it nz@tcmail.eu hgr@titancontainers.co.nz jta@titancontainers.co.nz jta@titancontainers.co.na ebr@titancontainers.co.nz info.panama@multicontainer.com info.peru@multicontainer.com pol@tcmail.eu mgf@tcmail.eu es@tcmail.eu igv@tcmail.eu kah@tcmail.eu fjmv@tcmail.eu flm@tcmail.eu ro@tcmail.eu ms@tcmail.eu ccn@tcmail.eu sob@tcmail.eu vma@tcmail.eu lpo@tcmail.eu mg@tcmail.eu mt@tcmail.eu gap@tcmail.eu mco@tcmail.eu sw@tcmail.eu sa@tcmail.eu mj@tcmail.eu cy@tcmail.eu olh@tcmail.eu tur@tcmail.eu gur@tcmail.eu uk@tcmail.eu pb@tcmail.eu dp@tcmail.eu td@tcmail.eu hgh@tcmail.eu mb@tcmail.eu pm@tcmail.eu gh@tcmail.eu kat@tcmail.eu sth@tcmail.eu nc@tcmail.eu apo@tcmail.eu ere@tcmail.eu ksh@tcmail.eu mwi@tcmail.eu cwi@tcmail.eu aho@tcmail.eu bristol@tcmail.eu mbe@tcmail.eu cbe@tcmail.eu tho@tcmail.eu th@tcmail.eu pl@tcmail.eu mpg@tcmail.eu ct@tcmail.eu ctr@tcmail.eu spi@tcmail.eu info@multicontainer.com gsegovia@multicontainer.com mpdelc@multicontainer.com vgonzalez@multicontainer.com rintha@multicontainer.com fmateos@multicontainer.com fperez@multicontainer.com vfernandez@multicontainer.com eadda@multicontainer.com sfavaro@multicontainer.com gfornaro@multicontainer.com ftavella@multicontainer.com gmachin@multicontainer.com ldecastro@multicontainer.com se@tcmail.eu it@tcmail.eu at@tcmail.eu tr@tcmail.eu | http://www.titancontainers.com |
01407742288 | MON CARAVANS LIMITED | Container Hire | YNYS MON | ||
01416115818 | R.F. BROWN LIMITED | Container Hire | HAMILTON | ||
01416116401 | JOHN G. RUSSELL (TRANSPORT) LIMITED | Container Hire | GLASGOW | morag.wigfield@johngrussell.co.uk | http://www.johngrussellcontainers.co.uk |
01455271300 | THS CONTAINERS LTD | Container Hire | WIGSTON PARVA | sonya@thscontainers.co.uk | http://www.thscontainers.co.uk |
01473281818 | ADAPTAINER LIMITED | Container Hire | HARROW | sales@adaptainer.co.uk hires@adaptainer.co.uk | http://www.adaptainer.co.uk |
01474534664 | RAVENSTOCK MSG LIMITED | Container Hire | STOCKTON-ON-TEES | http://www.ravenstockmsg.co.uk | |
01482425547 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01483901882 | MULTI-STORE LIMITED | Container Hire | GUILDFORD | sales@multi-store.co.uk | http://www.multi-store.co.uk |
01484301604 | PH EUROPE LIMITED | Container Hire | HUDDERSFIELD | info@pheurope.com | http://www.pheurope.com |
01484351070 | PH EUROPE LIMITED | Container Hire | HUDDERSFIELD | info@pheurope.com | http://www.pheurope.com |
01493330307 | SWIRE OILFIELD SERVICES LIMITED | Container Hire | LONDON | http://www.swireos.com | |
01512030044 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | ||
01512033766 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01512039598 | MORBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Container Hire | LIVERPOOL | jb@bridgeheadcontainers.com enquiry@morbridgeinternational.com | http://www.morbridgeinternational.com |
01512369421 | MORBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Container Hire | LIVERPOOL | jb@bridgeheadcontainers.com enquiry@morbridgeinternational.com | http://www.morbridgeinternational.com |
01515460033 | TEU LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHPORT | sales@teultd.com | http://www.teultd.com |
01519228448 | EAGLE CONTAINERS LIMITED | Container Hire | RUTHIN | sales@eaglecontainers.co.uk | http://www.eaglecontainers.co.uk |
01543577580 | LION CONTAINERS LIMITED | Container Hire | DUDLEY | info@lioncontainers.co.uk | http://www.lioncontainers.co.uk/?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell |
01603515788 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01614067424 | PENNINE SERVICES LIMITED | Container Hire | BIRMINGHAM | http://www.mastacab.co.uk | |
01616690728 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01616692303 | WILLBOX LIMITED | Container Hire | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.willbox.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
01618727520 | PLUSCRATES LIMITED | Container Hire | LONDON | http://www.pluscrates.co.uk | |
01623361184 | M & B CONTAINER HIRE & SALES LIMITED | Container Hire | NEWARK | ||
01628405611 | CRONOS CONTAINERS LIMITED | Container Hire | LONDON | ||
01628471526 | TAYLOR MINSTER LEASING LIMITED | Container Hire | READING | ||
01628891543 | BLUE SKY INTERMODAL (UK) LTD. | Container Hire | MARLOW | info@bsiu.com g.mornard@bsiu.com n.stribley@bsiu.com k.hotston@bsiu.com t.pollitt@bsiu.com d.sidley@bsiu.com vastharvest_hk@yahoo.com annie.huang@bsiu.com william.huang@bsiu.com jerman.lau@bsiu.com kwokfong.cheung@bsiu.com c.hadall@bsiu.com spencer@premierbox.com.au arun.parab@manamiagencies.com sunki.kim@bsiu.com derick.wong@sunstreamshipping.com kashief@cit-intermodal.co.za maxwell.hung@bsiu.com gpaspland@gmail.com | http://www.bsiu.com |
01635818045 | JUSTEEL LIMITED | Container Hire | TOTNES | http://www.justeelltd.co.uk | |
01639501610 | CELTIC TRAILERS LIMITED | Container Hire | NEATH | http://www.celtictrailershireneath.co.uk | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about PARSONS CONTAINERS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.