01912962999 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01912962999 |
Web site | www.sutton.eu |
Extended address | ORION BUSINESS PARK |
County | TYNE & WEAR |
Postcode | NE29 7SN |
Category | Inspecting & Testing Engineers |
Phone number 01912962999 is used by UK company SUTTON SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.
SUTTON SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01912962999.
SUTTON SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED's homepage is at www.sutton.eu.
Get contacts as VCard:
SUTTON SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is located at UNIT 8 MERCURY ORION WAY, NORTH SHIELDS, TYNE & WEAR (postcode NE29 7SN (55° 0' 32.33" N, 1° 29' 30.06" W)).
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01133227800 | SHEPHERD GILMOUR (LEEDS) LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LEEDS | amanda@shepherdgilmour.co.uk agardner@shepherdgilmour.co.uk | http://www.shepherdgilmour.co.uk |
01142553066 | ULTRASOUND SERVICES LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LUTON | ||
01142634037 | INSIGHT N.D.T. LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | info@insightndt.co.uk | http://www.insightndt.co.uk |
01142727317 | N.D.T. LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | http://www.ndt.ltd.uk | |
01142889119 | POWERTHERM CONTRACT SERVICES LTD. | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | SHEFFIELD | info@powertherm.co.uk | http://www.powerthermcontracts.co.uk |
01158221636 | C C T ELECTRICAL LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | NOTTINGHAM | http://www.cctelectrical.co.uk/ | |
01159583036 | PEL ENGINEERING LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | CLACTON-ON-SEA | ||
01162766262 | SPECTRUM METROLOGY LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LEICESTERSHIRE | ||
01163196100 | SIMTEC MATERIALS TESTING LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | SYSTON | http://www.simtec-mt.co.uk | |
01179682671 | ASHDALE ENGINEERING LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | BELFAST | contracts@ashdale-engineering.com bristoloffice@ashdale-engineering.com nottinghamoffice@ashdale-engineering.com | http://www.ashdale-engineering.com |
01179791704 | WELDING INSPECTION SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | SOMERSET | webmaster@gifford.co.uk | http://www.gifford.co.uk |
01179858740 | VEQTER LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | BRISTOL | http://www.veqter.co.uk | |
01189207030 | VELOSI EUROPE LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | READING | http://www.velosi.com | |
01189811773 | HUTCHEON EXAMINATION SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | READING | info@hesluk.com | http://www.hesluk.com |
01189968102 | REDCURRENT LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | NEWBURY | http://www.red-current.com | |
01202632200 | NUFFIELD RADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION LTD. | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | POOLE | info@nuffieldinspection.co.uk | http://www.nuffieldinspection.co.uk |
01202679771 | THOMSON TEST LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | NEWTON ABBOT | ||
01206215141 | ENGINEERING SAFETY INSPECTION SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | COLCHESTER | http://www.esis-ltd.co.uk | |
01206562368 | ANGLIA INSPECTION SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | COLCHESTER | info@aisl.biz | http://www.aisl.biz |
01207509964 | BRIDGES NDT LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | STANLEY | http://www.bridgesndt.co.uk | |
01207599260 | MIS MECHANICAL LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LEADGATE | http://www.mistesting.co.uk | |
01213269900 | SGS CORREL RAIL LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ELLESMERE PORT | http://www.sgs.com | |
01214203388 | VEHICLE EXAMINATION AGENCY LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | REDDITCH | ||
01214262005 | CELSIUS THERMOGRAPHICS LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | BIRMINGHAM | ||
01217062319 | CENTRATEQ LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | SOLIHULL | info@centrateq.com | http://www.centrateq.com |
01217646477 | MERLIN CALIBRATION SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | COVENTRY | http://www.success4business.co.uk | |
01217847498 | RHOPOINT METROLOGY LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | EAST GRINSTEAD | http://www.rhopointmetrology.co.uk | |
01223204000 | THERMOTEKNIX SYSTEMS LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | MANCHESTER | http://www.thermoteknix.com | |
01223479357 | AIR TESTING LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | GREAT CHESTERFORD | bookings@airtestingltd.co.uk | http://www.air-testing.net |
01223893994 | PLANT INTEGRITY LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | CAMBRIDGE | info@plantintegrity.com | http://www.plantintegrity.com |
01224215300 | SCHILLING ROBOTICS LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | http://www.schilling.com | |
01224230130 | M.E.T.S. (UK) LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ALTENS | ||
01224248222 | INTERNATIONAL TUBULAR SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | website@its-energyservices.com | http://www.its-energyservices.com |
01224249885 | SMITH INTERNATIONAL (NORTH SEA) LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | WEST SUSSEX | http://www.smith.com | |
01224255810 | GAS TURBINE SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LEICESTER | http://www.woodgroup.com | |
01224325534 | REC CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | DARLINGTON | ||
01224392200 | SUBSEA TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | info@subseatek.com | http://www.subseatek.com |
01224472146 | I.M.F. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | sarah-spence@hotmail.com | http://www.imftechnicalservices.co.uk |
01224650650 | TRACERCO LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | mahy.lasheen@encotrof.com tarek.neiazy@encotrof.com henry.ejiogu@aftrac.com mohamed.mekki@redachem.com robert.yong@tracerco.com benjamin.chang@tracerco.com pongchai.t@tracerco.com aldo.anthoputra@tracerco.com yong@tracerco.com chris.spenceley@tracerco.com ken.pearson@tracerco.com prashant.patil@tracerco.com sales@uniteko.co.kr young12@naver.com ralph.pierre@tracerco.com vasif.mammadov@tracerco.com yernar.abuov@tracerco.com tracerco@tracerco.com tormagnus.saevareide@tracerco.com ignace.sallets@tracerco.com bernard.grandmont@tracerco.com germany@tracerco.com giuseppe.sangalli@tracerco.com ben.dumas@tracerco.com raymond.lovie@tracerco.com rick.grayson@tracerco.com consultant@alamjad.com admin@alrifaigroup.com javed.khan@redatech.com grant.leitch@tracerco.com abujarad@spss.com.sa hamdan.saleh@tracerco.com brian.davis@tracerco.com andrew.booton@tracerco.com eric.graham@tracerco.com alex.gourney@traceco.com kelly.mclaughlin@tracerco.com josh.kochale@tracerco.com troy.votaw@tracerco.com andy.burleigh@tracerco.com paul.banks@tracerco.com james.daly@tracerco.com eduardo.santillan@tracerco.com ventas@siradiacion.com.mx glenn.hetherington@tracerco.com ben.zimmerman@tracerco.com alex.gourney@tracerco.com mike.boone@tracerco.com eduardo.santillian@tracerco.com tracerco.brasil@tracerco.com scanar@scanargentina.com | http://www.tracerco.com |
01224704419 | KERLOCH OIL TOOLS LTD | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | info@stormwebsitedesign.com | http://www.kerlochoiltools.co.uk |
01224724744 | INNOSPECTION LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | info@innospection.com checker@appius.com | http://www.innospection.com |
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01224742610 | GTO TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | WESTHILL | ||
01224758500 | OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | LONDON | general-website-contact-oii@oceaneering.com | http://www.oceaneering.com |
01224772461 | STATS GROUP LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | HELSBY | info@statsgroup.com contact@pso.no jrg@hytor.com usa@statsgroup.com canada@statsgroup.com calgary@statsgroup.com vinu.vijayan@statsgroup.com hafiz.kareem@statsgroup.com vikas.shangari@statsgroup.com nisar@anwaarmuscat.com khairy.ahmed@statsgroup.com chairman@fekwt.com martyn.greatorex@statsgroup.com gareth.campbell@statsgroup.com rayhu@oceanteam.com.cn wisnu@wilsonwalton.co.id tawatchai@paps-thailand.com renny.muslim@starbrunei.com viki@aquariuscentral.com recruitment@statsgroup.com me@statsgroup.com martyn@aits-malaysia.com dale.millward@statsgroup.com sales@statsgroup.com derek.smart@statsgroup.com | http://www.statsgroup.com/ |
01224774423 | MARINETRONIX LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | http://www.marinetronix.co.uk | |
01224780111 | PRO-SUB SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | http://www.gammachek.co.uk | |
01224789692 | INSPECTAHIRE INSTRUMENT CO. LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | http://www.inspectahire.com | ||
01224799000 | REEL LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | INVERNESS | usa@reelgroup.com | http://www.reelgroup.com |
01224853525 | SAND MONITORING SERVICES LIMITED | Inspecting & Testing Engineers | ABERDEEN | info@sand-monitoring.co.uk | http://www.sand-monitoring.co.uk |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about SUTTON SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.