01924365000 | |
Company name | TFC LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01924365000 |
Address | HALE HOUSE |
Extended address | GHYLL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE |
Postcode | TN21 8AW |
Category | Fast Food Restaurants |
Phone number 01924365000 is used by UK company TFC LIMITED.
TFC LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01924365000.
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TFC LIMITED is located at HALE HOUSE, HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX, (postcode TN21 8AW (53° 41' 0.05" N, 1° 29' 40.67" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 7 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01206210082 | TFC LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | http://www.tfcltd.com | |
01435866011 | TFC LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | sales@tfc.eu.com orders@tfc.eu.com accounts@tfc.eu.com colchester@tfc.eu.com walsall@tfc.eu.com keighley@tfc.eu.com airdrie@tfc.eu.com bochum@tfc.eu.com singen@tfc.eu.com hranice@tfc.eu.com info@miltechinternational.fr contact@circlips.com.au | http://www.tfc.eu.com |
01922749940 | TFC LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | ||
01924365000 | TFC LIMITED | Fast Food Restaurants | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | ||
02075384789 | TFC LIMITED | Takeaway Food | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | ||
02083180436 | TFC LIMITED | Supermarkets | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | info@tfcsupermarkets.com | http://www.tfcsupermarkets.com |
02088882000 | TFC LIMITED | Supermarkets | HEATHFIELD EAST SUSSEX | info@tfcsupermarkets.com | http://www.tfcsupermarkets.com |
Similar companies
TFC LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Fast Food Restaurants. There are 2864 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about TFC LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.