02078232662 | |
Company name | BARONS (UK) LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 02078232662 |
Address | MASONS YARD |
Extended address | 34 HIGH STREET |
County | LONDON |
Postcode | SW19 5BY |
Category | Financial Advisers |
Phone number 02078232662 is used by UK company BARONS (UK) LIMITED.
BARONS (UK) LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 02078232662.
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BARONS (UK) LIMITED is located at MASONS YARD, WIMBLEDON VILLAGE, LONDON (postcode SW19 5BY (51° 30' 9.14" N, 0° 9' 27.74" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 6 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01536506475 | MORTGAGE MAKEOVERS LTD | Financial Advisers | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | http://www.northamptonmortages.co.uk | |
01924207000 | KEY CONNECT LIMITED | Home, Buildings & Contents Insurance | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | ||
02078232662 | BARONS (UK) LIMITED | Financial Advisers | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | ||
02088794300 | WSM (SOLICITORS) LLP | Solicitors | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | tim.sweetland@wsmsolicitors.com | http://www.wsmsolicitors.com |
02089475179 | SENTI LIMITED | Cosmetics & Toiletries | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | orders@senti.co.uk | http://www.senti.co.uk |
08452412768 | SPIRAL CELLARS LIMITED | Builders | WIMBLEDON VILLAGE | info@spiralcellars.com | http://www.spiralcellars.com |
Similar companies
BARONS (UK) LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Financial Advisers. There are 5396 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about BARONS (UK) LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.