01256782597 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01256782597 |
info@optimus-patents.com | |
Web site | www.optimus-patents.com |
Extended address | STEVENTON |
Postcode | RG25 3AZ |
Category | Patent Attorneys |
Phone number 01256782597 is used by UK company OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED.
OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01256782597. OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to info@optimus-patents.com. OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED's homepage is at www.optimus-patents.com.
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OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED is located at PEAK HILL HOUSE, BASINGSTOKE, (postcode RG25 3AZ (51° 14' 11.18" N, 1° 13' 11.76" W)).
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OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Patent Attorneys. There are 141 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132330100 | HARRISON GODDARD FOOTE LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | hgf-aberdeen@hgf.com cwatson@hgf.com ablake@hgf.com fcampbell@hgf.com dwilliams@hgf.com lhedges@hgf.com hgf-glasgow@hgf.com gwilson@hgf.com ddrysdale@hgf.com dkeston@hgf.com skeston@hgf.com jbretherton@hgf.com fedwards@hgf.com slewis@hgf.com nmckechnie@hgf.com cmellor@hgf.com imuellejans@hgf.com docketing@hgf.com jatkinson@hgf.com rharrison@hgf.com jlumber@hgf.com mnelson@hgf.com dpotter@hgf.com psanderson@hgf.com cvaughan@hgf.com cwatkiss@hgf.com twright@hgf.com jweston@hgf.com hgf-london@hgf.com mcassie@hgf.com hchung@hgf.com mdixon@hgf.com clairehutchinson@hgf.com cirvine@hgf.com sloeffler@hgf.com gsmith@hgf.com jthurgood@hgf.com rwilliams@hgf.com hgf-manchester@hgf.com iarmstrong@hgf.com cbenson@hgf.com dcoutts@hgf.com lcurtis@hgf.com awells@hgf.com kkillough@hgf.com bmatharu@hgf.com pshah@hgf.com pbanford@hgf.com ebaezachavez@hgf-law.com hgf-sheffield@hgf.com jclarke@hgf.com hhutchinson@hgf.com mlunt@hgf.com vstainthorpe@hgf.com swhittle@hgf.com esenior@hgf.com dhufton@hgf.com ncohen@hgf.com vjennings@hgf.com andrewlee@hgf.com rjenkins@hgf.com nsanderson@hgf.com ktaylor@hgf.com juno@hgf.com rgover@hgf.com pclarke@hgf.com ccoombes@hgf.com zgoodrum@hgf.com mgreengrass@hgf.com sjackson@hgf.com | http://www.hgf.com |
01132364630 | HEPWORTH BROWNE LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | info@hepworthbrowne.com | http://www.hepworthbrowne.com |
01132452388 | URQUHART-DYKES & LORD LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | http://www.udl.co.uk | |
01132457981 | EIP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | dusseldorf@eip.com records@eip.com bath@eip.com cardiff@eip.com leeds@eip.com europe@eip.com us@eip.com tokyo@eip.com | http://www.eip.com |
01133228140 | BAILEY WALSH & CO LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | mail@bailey-walsh.com | http://www.bailey-walsh.com |
01138875129 | BAILEY WALSH & CO LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | mail@bailey-walsh.com | http://www.bailey-walsh.com |
01142499888 | FRANKS & CO LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | SHEFFIELD | franksco@franksco.com northampton@franksco.com | http://www.franksco.com |
01142733400 | WITHERS & ROGERS LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.withersrogers.com/ | |
01142743700 | HARRISON GODDARD FOOTE LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | hgf-aberdeen@hgf.com cwatson@hgf.com ablake@hgf.com fcampbell@hgf.com dwilliams@hgf.com lhedges@hgf.com hgf-glasgow@hgf.com gwilson@hgf.com ddrysdale@hgf.com dkeston@hgf.com skeston@hgf.com jbretherton@hgf.com fedwards@hgf.com slewis@hgf.com nmckechnie@hgf.com cmellor@hgf.com imuellejans@hgf.com docketing@hgf.com jatkinson@hgf.com rharrison@hgf.com jlumber@hgf.com mnelson@hgf.com dpotter@hgf.com psanderson@hgf.com cvaughan@hgf.com cwatkiss@hgf.com twright@hgf.com jweston@hgf.com hgf-london@hgf.com mcassie@hgf.com hchung@hgf.com mdixon@hgf.com clairehutchinson@hgf.com cirvine@hgf.com sloeffler@hgf.com gsmith@hgf.com jthurgood@hgf.com rwilliams@hgf.com hgf-manchester@hgf.com iarmstrong@hgf.com cbenson@hgf.com dcoutts@hgf.com lcurtis@hgf.com awells@hgf.com kkillough@hgf.com bmatharu@hgf.com pshah@hgf.com pbanford@hgf.com ebaezachavez@hgf-law.com hgf-sheffield@hgf.com jclarke@hgf.com hhutchinson@hgf.com mlunt@hgf.com vstainthorpe@hgf.com swhittle@hgf.com esenior@hgf.com dhufton@hgf.com ncohen@hgf.com vjennings@hgf.com andrewlee@hgf.com rjenkins@hgf.com nsanderson@hgf.com ktaylor@hgf.com juno@hgf.com rgover@hgf.com pclarke@hgf.com ccoombes@hgf.com zgoodrum@hgf.com mgreengrass@hgf.com sjackson@hgf.com | http://www.hgf.com |
01143210035 | SWINDELL & PEARSON LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | info@patents.co.uk | http://www.patents.co.uk | |
01159552211 | POTTER CLARKSON LLP | Patent Attorneys | NOTTINGHAM | http://www.potterclarkson.com | |
01162332626 | SERJEANTS LLP | Patent Attorneys | LEICESTER | ||
01173445085 | J D REYNOLDS & CO. LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | BRISTOL | http://www.jdreynolds.co.uk | |
01179200008 | ATHERTON KNOWLES LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | BRISTOL | mail@athertonknowles.co.uk | http://www.athertonknowles.co.uk |
01179253030 | WITHERS & ROGERS LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.withersrogers.com/ | |
01189565900 | BOULT WADE TENNANT LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.boult.com | |
01212361038 | WILSON GUNN LLP | Patent Attorneys | MANCHESTER | http://www.wilsongunn.com | |
01212882688 | IP-ACTIVE.COM LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | COVENTRY | http://www.ip-active.com | |
01214543118 | ALLEN IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | BIRMINGHAM | enquiries@allenip.com | http://www.allenip.com |
01214544962 | AVIDITY IP LTD | Patent Attorneys | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | mail@avidity-ip.com | http://www.hlbbshaw.com |
01216435881 | MARKS & CLERK LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.marks-clerk.com | |
01216616520 | FOUR OAKS PATENTS LTD | Patent Attorneys | SUTTON COLDFIELD | mail@fouroakspatents.com | http://www.fouroakspatents.com |
01223355477 | NASH MATTHEWS LLP | Patent Attorneys | CAMBRIDGE | mail@nashmatthews.co.uk | http://www.nashmatthews.co.uk |
01223360350 | REDDIE & GROSE LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | enquiries@reddie.co.uk | http://www.reddie.co.uk |
01223423617 | GILL JENNINGS & EVERY LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01223883000 | BOULT WADE TENNANT LLP | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.boult.com | |
01224258510 | HGF LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | LEEDS | hgf-aberdeen@hgf.com cwatson@hgf.com ablake@hgf.com fcampbell@hgf.com dwilliams@hgf.com lhedges@hgf.com enquiries@hgf.com docketing@hgf.com renewals@hgf.com accounts@hgf.com hr@hgf.com iarmstrong@hgf.com jatkinson@hgf.com cbenson@hgf.com mcassie@hgf.com hchung@hgf.com jclarke@hgf.com dcoutts@hgf.com lcurtis@hgf.com mdixon@hgf.com rharrison@hgf.com vstainthorpe@hgf.com mfish@hgf-law.com kkillough@hgf.com smoodie@hgf.com hgf-birmingham@hgf.com cmoore@hgf.com mmcmorrow@hgf-law.com jlessard@hgf.com rfield@hgf.com jjohnston@hgf.com tnener@hgf-law.com jpeed@hgf.com rwalton@hgf.com hgf-edinburgh@hgf.com jbretherton@hgf.com cmellor@hgf.com imuellejans@hgf.com jthomson@hgf.com hgf-glasgow@hgf.com gwilson@hgf.com ddrysdale@hgf.com dkeston@hgf.com skeston@hgf.com fedwards@hgf.com slewis@hgf.com nmckechnie@hgf.com law@hgf-law.com jlumber@hgf.com mnelson@hgf.com dpotter@hgf.com psanderson@hgf.com cvaughan@hgf.com cwatkiss@hgf.com twright@hgf.com jweston@hgf.com hgf-london@hgf.com clairehutchinson@hgf.com cirvine@hgf.com sloeffler@hgf.com gsmith@hgf.com jthurgood@hgf.com rwilliams@hgf.com hgf-manchester@hgf.com awells@hgf.com bmatharu@hgf.com pshah@hgf.com pbanford@hgf.com ebaezachavez@hgf-law.com hgf-newcastle@hgf.com rjenkins@hgf.com lbirchenough@hgf.com hgf-sheffield@hgf.com hhutchinson@hgf.com mlunt@hgf.com swhittle@hgf.com esenior@hgf.com dhufton@hgf.com ncohen@hgf.com vjennings@hgf.com andrewlee@hgf.com akrebs@hgf.com rschapira@hgf.com nsanderson@hgf.com ktaylor@hgf.com juno@hgf.com rgover@hgf.com pclarke@hgf.com ccoombes@hgf.com zgoodrum@hgf.com mgreengrass@hgf.com sjackson@hgf.com | http://www.hgf.com/aberdeen |
01224433123 | LINCOLN IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | ABERDEEN | info@lincoln-ip.com | http://www.lincoln-ip.com |
01225326402 | BROMHEAD JOHNSON LLP | Patent Attorneys | READING | mail@intellectual-property.co.uk | http://www.intellectual-property.co.uk |
01225326403 | BROMHEAD JOHNSON LLP | Patent Attorneys | READING | mail@intellectual-property.co.uk | http://www.bromhead-johnson.com/ |
01225337843 | EIP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01225420802 | HANDSOME I.P. LTD | Patent Attorneys | BATH | info@handsomeip.com | http://www.HandsomeIP.com |
01225428877 | BRYERS LLP | Patent Attorneys | post@bryerlaw.com | http://www.bryerlaw.com | |
01225431492 | EIP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01227202523 | BRIDLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | AYLESFORD | http://www.bridleip.com | |
01227712022 | BRIDLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | AYLESFORD | http://www.bridleip.com | |
01246541903 | WILSON GUNN LLP | Patent Attorneys | MANCHESTER | http://www.wilsongunn.com | |
01256638882 | AVIDITY IP LTD | Patent Attorneys | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | ||
01256782597 | OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | BASINGSTOKE | info@optimus-patents.com | http://www.optimus-patents.com |
01256782938 | OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | BASINGSTOKE | info@optimus-patents.com | http://www.optimus-patents.com |
01277896049 | CONCERTO IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | CHELMSFORD | mail@concerto-iplaw.com | http://www.concerto-iplaw.com |
01283510527 | SWINDELL & PEARSON LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | info@patents.co.uk | http://www.patents.co.uk | |
01293776880 | FRY HEATH & SPENCE LLP | Patent Attorneys | REIGATE | mail@fhs.co.uk | http://www.fhs.co.uk |
01293817155 | SWEETINBURGH & WINDSOR LTD | Patent Attorneys | CRAWLEY | http://www.sweetwindsor.com | |
01295230786 | AVIDITY IP LTD | Patent Attorneys | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | mail@avidity-ip.com | http://www.avidity-ip.com |
01305782222 | PROSPECT PATENTS LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | WEYMOUTH | ||
01329551277 | SPINNAKER IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | FAREHAM | contact@spin-ip.com | http://spin-ip.com |
01329551589 | SPINNAKER IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | FAREHAM | contact@spin-ip.com | http://spin-ip.com |
01329551838 | SPINNAKER IP LIMITED | Patent Attorneys | FAREHAM | contact@spin-ip.com | http://www.spin-ip.com |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about OPTIMUS PATENTS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.