01259212337 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01259212337 |
Town | ALLOA |
Postcode | FK10 1JG |
Category | Estate Agents |
Phone number 01259212337 is used by UK company O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED.
O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01259212337.
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O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED is located at 6 PRIMROSE STREET, ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE (postcode FK10 1JG (56° 6' 57.81" N, 3° 56' 12.70" W)).
Nearby companies
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01132521724 | AL FEAST LTD | Carpenters & Joiners | ALLOA | ||
0120873556 | AQUA CLEANING LTD | Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners | ALLOA | ||
01233699518 | GLASS WORX LIMITED | Glaziers | ALLOA | http://www.glassworks.biz | |
01234857877 | SCOTT INTERIORS LTD | Kitchen Planning & Installation | ALLOA | ||
01253405382 | ACE BUILDERS LTD | Builders | ALLOA | ||
01259210050 | INVERALLAN LIMITED | Textile Services & Supplies | ALLOA | http://www.inverallanhandknitters.uk | |
01259211432 | LITTLE STARS (STIRLING) LIMITED | Day Nurseries | ALLOA | http://www.littlestarsnurseries.co.uk | |
01259211926 | ALLOA BATHROOM CENTRE LTD | Bathroom Design & Installation | ALLOA | http://www.alloabathroomcentre.co.uk | |
01259212337 | O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED | Estate Agents | ALLOA | ||
01259212338 | CENTRAL PRODUCE LTD | Fruit & Vegetable Wholesalers | ALLOA | ||
01259212802 | M-LINE INTERNATIONAL COACHES LTD. | Coach Hire | ALLOA | http://www.m-line.co.uk | |
01259212888 | L.A. HUNTER OPTOMETRISTS LTD. | Ophthalmic Opticians | ALLOA | ||
01259213117 | MONUMENT CONTRACTS & MAINTENANCE LTD | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | ALLOA | info@monumentcontracts.com | http://www.monumentcontracts.com |
01259213711 | BUICK'S (ALLOA) LIMITED | Hardware Retailers | ALLOA | ||
01259215129 | CENTRAL REBAR LTD | Concrete Reinforcements | ALLOA | ||
01259215274 | GEOSTOKOS (ECOSSE) LIMITED | Publishers & Publications | ALLOA | books@kriging.com | http://www.kriging.com |
01259215577 | STIRLINGSHIRE VENDING (SCOTLAND) LIMITED | Vending Machine Services & Supplies | ALLOA | info@sv24-7.co.uk | http://www.sv24-7.co.uk |
01259215643 | RIVERBANK LAUNDRY LIMITED | Ironing & Laundry Services | ALLOA | ||
01259216031 | ACE BUILDERS LTD | Builders | ALLOA | ||
01259216189 | FOZSPORTS LIMITED | Car Body Repairs | ALLOA | ||
01259216387 | R & J HOPKINS LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | ALLOA | http://www.rjhopkins-electrical.co.uk | |
01259217059 | M.G. CONSTRUCTION LTD. | Pile Driving | ALLOA | info@mgcon.co.uk | http://www.mgconstruction.co.uk |
01259218830 | BOLT BASE LTD | Fixings & Fastenings | ALLOA | sales@boltbase.co.uk | http://www.boltbase.co.uk/?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell |
01259218998 | IMAGING SUPPLIES LIMITED | Computer Consumables | ALLOA | http://www.imaging-supplies.co.uk | |
01259220175 | ENERGYLINX FOR BUSINESS LIMITED | Energy Conservation Consultants | ALLOA | http://www.energylinxforbusiness.co.uk | |
01259222322 | ADVANCED SHIELDING TECHNOLOGIES LTD. | Computer Services | ALLOA | hello@rmduk.com gavin.maxwell@rmduk.com david.purvis@rmduk.com wendy.wilkins@rmduk.com scot.docherty@rmduk.com katie.devereux@rmduk.com nichola.rea@rmduk.com lyndsay.henderson@rmduk.com george.burnett@rmduk.com rona.caldwell@rmduk.com tom.green@rmduk.com karoline.fisher@rmduk.com john.scully@rmduk.com stewart.todd@rmduk.com ross.higgins@rmduk.com ross.barclay@rmduk.com chris.beattie@rmduk.com frank.mclay@rmduk.com sales@rmduk.com service@rmduk.com techsupport@rmduk.com info@rmduk.com | http://www.rmduk.com |
01259230507 | PARTY PEOPLE EVENT HIRE LTD | Weddings | ALLOA | john@partypeople-online.com info@partypeople-online.com | http://www.partypeople-online.com |
01259231473 | LAWLOR DECORATING COMPANY LIMITED | Painters & Decorators | ALLOA | info@lawlordecorators.co.uk | http://www.lawlordecorators.co.uk |
01259231528 | NORLAND JOINERY LIMITED | Builders | ALLOA | info@norlandjoinery.co.uk | http://www.norlandjoinery.co.uk |
01259231557 | OAKWOOD LOUNGE LTD | Pubs | ALLOA | http://www.theoakwoodlounge.co.uk | |
01259231638 | SAVAGE LAW PRACTICE LIMITED | Solicitors | ALLOA | ||
01259231651 | NORLAND JOINERY LIMITED | Kitchen Planning & Installation | ALLOA | info@norlandjoinery.co.uk | http://www.norlandjoinery.co.uk |
01259272158 | GREENPOWER (INTERNATIONAL) LTD. | Generators | ALLOA | enquiries@greenpowerinternational.com gordon@department-e.co.uk | http://www.greenpowerinternational.com |
01259272167 | ALBION MOBILITY LIMITED | Mobility & Access Equipment & Vehicles | ALLOA | http://www.albionmobility.co.uk | |
01259272189 | GLENGORDON SOFTWARE LIMITED | Computer Software Development | ALLOA | http://www.glengordonsoftware.co.uk | |
01259404029 | PLAY ALLOA | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | ALLOA | connect@playalloa.co.uk | http://www.playalloa.co.uk |
01259572016 | ROMAR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | ALLOA | http://www.romar-construction-services.co.uk | |
01259572097 | WEE PRINT LIMITED | Printers & Lithographers | ALLOA | contact@weeprint.co.uk | http://www.weeprint.co.uk |
01259720044 | SCOTTISH AUTISM | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | ALLOA | research@scottishautism.org cpi@scottishautism.org autism@scottishautism.org respite@scottishautism.org fundraising@scottishautism.org info@scottishautism.org central@scottishautism.org fife@scottishautism.org lothian@scottishautism.org ridgepark@scottishautism.org clannalba@autism-in-scotland.org.uk clannalba@scottishautism.org newstruan@scottishautism.org southwest@scottishautism.org westofscotland@scottishautism.org david.harkins@scottishautism.org recruitment@scottishautism.org bill@billshaw.uk.com autism.argyll@me.com info@autismforthvalley.co.uk autism.network@strath.ac.uk baagsmail@yahoo.co.uk info@enquire.org.uk admin.gas@classmail.co.uk tsdizzy@hotmail.com info@hi-hope.org keeno.1@blueyonder.co.uk office@lothianautistic.org info@pasda.org.uk ann@lorntyglen.org.uk info@project-ability.co.uk jillbelladmin@reachautismgroup.org.uk saas.ayr@gmail.com strathclyde@autisticsociety.fsnet.co.uk | http://www.autism-in-scotland.org.uk |
01259720101 | CETERIS (SCOTLAND) LIMITED | Conference Facilities & Services | ALLOA | mail@ceteris.co.uk property@ceteris.co.uk aogilvie@ceteris.co.uk info@bgateway.com businessgateway@ceteris.co.uk | http://www.ceteris.co.uk |
01259720444 | MIKE MULRANEY INVESTMENTS LIMITED | Property Development | ALLOA | info@geosonicdrilling.co.uk info@cofordrilling.com info@waspleisure.co.uk info@waspservices.com info@indodrill.com info@murdochsmith.co.uk office@orrbfm.co.uk admin@mulraney.com | http://www.mulraney.com |
01259720716 | RIBBON HOMES LTD | Builders | ALLOA | ||
01259720721 | BIO-KLEEN LIMITED | Pest & Vermin Control Services | ALLOA | http://www.biokleen.co.uk | |
01259721454 | CETERIS (SCOTLAND) LIMITED | Business Centres | ALLOA | mail@ceteris.co.uk property@ceteris.co.uk aogilvie@ceteris.co.uk info@bgateway.com businessgateway@ceteris.co.uk | http://www.ceteris.co.uk |
01259721985 | G.J. NIMMO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | ALLOA | office@gjnimmo.co.uk | http://www.gjnimmo.co.uk |
01259722237 | SG PRO CLEANING LIMITED | Commercial Cleaning | ALLOA | service@sg-procleaning.com | http://www.sg-procleaning.com |
01259722689 | ALLOA BEDROOM CENTRE LIMITED | Beds & Bedding | ALLOA | ||
01259722896 | HAMILTON & BRYDIE LIMITED | Builders' Merchants | ALLOA | ||
01259722930 | ARMSTRONG PRINTING (ALLOA) LIMITED | Printers & Lithographers | ALLOA | info@armstrongprinting.co.uk | http://www.armstrongprinting.co.uk |
01259723827 | THOMSON PRINTERS LIMITED | Printers & Lithographers | ALLOA | http://www.thomsonprinters.co.uk | |
... further results |
Similar companies
O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Estate Agents. There are 6948 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132014040 | EMSLEYS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.emsleysestateagents.co.uk | |
01132034939 | FINE & COUNTRY LIMITED | Estate Agents | usa@fineandcountry.com admin@fineandcountry.com eastsussex@fineandcountry.com usk@parrysproperty.co.uk | http://www.fineandcountry.com | |
01132059400 | BARRINGTON & BLAKE ESTATES LIMITED | Estate Agents | CLECKHEATON | rothwell@barringtonandblake.co.uk | http://www.barringtonandblake.co.uk |
01132222121 | PROPERTY ONLINE LTD | Estate Agents | TENTERDEN | ||
01132301777 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132304330 | DACRE, SON & HARTLEY LIMITED | Estate Agents | WEST YORKSHIRE | http://www.dacres.co.uk | |
01132326300 | HERITAGE PROPERTY SERVICES LIMITED | Estate Agents | WEYBRIDGE | enquiries@heritage24.co.uk | http://www.heritage24.co.uk |
01132370211 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132370987 | ENFIELDS LIMITED | Estate Agents | HAMPSHIRE | http://www.enfields.co.uk | |
01132401927 | ASKHAM LTD | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.askestateagents.com/contact.php | |
01132433142 | SPACE PROPERTY LIMITED | Estate Agents | LONDON | enquiries@spaceproperty.co.uk | http://www.spaceproperty.co.uk |
01132445111 | HUNTERS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | EASTBOURNE | http://www.huntersnet.co.uk | |
01132492666 | GREENACRE LIMITED | Estate Agents | CHIPPENHAM | http://www.greenacreestateagents.com | |
01132524222 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132538573 | ONWARDS & UPWARDS PROPERTY LTD | Estate Agents | LEEDS | info@onandup.co.uk | http://www.onwardsandupwards.co.uk |
01132555843 | JUST HOUSES LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | info@just-houses.co.uk | http://www.just-houses.co.uk |
01132560800 | DN ESTATES LTD | Estate Agents | GLASGOW | http://www.dnestates.com | |
01132582657 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132606644 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132609111 | STONEACRE PROPERTIES LTD | Estate Agents | ST. IVES | chapelallerton@stoneacreproperties.co.uk george@boneacreproperties.co.uk opportunities@stoneacreproperties.co.uk whitkirk@stoneacreproperties.co.uk | http://www.stoneacreproperties.co.uk |
01132613000 | CLEAR PROPERTIES LTD | Estate Agents | LONDON | http://www.clearproperties.co.uk | |
01132621794 | PROPERTY PARROT LTD | Estate Agents | LONDON | ||
01132667385 | LINLEY & SIMPSON LIMITED | Estate Agents | HARROGATE | info@linleysimpson.co.uk accounts@linleyandsimpson.co.uk nicolas@linleyandsimpson.co.uk maintenance@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.chapelallerton@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.harrogate@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.horsforth@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.ilkley@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.city@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.ripon@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.roundhay@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.saltaire@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.wakefield@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.wetherby@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.york@linleyandsimpson.co.uk chapelallerton@linleyandsimpson.co.uk harrogate@linleyandsimpson.co.uk horsforth@linleyandsimpson.co.uk ilkley@linleyandsimpson.co.uk city@linleyandsimpson.co.uk ripon@linleyandsimpson.co.uk roundhay@linleyandsimpson.co.uk saltaire@linleyandsimpson.co.uk wakefield@linleyandsimpson.co.uk wetherby@linleyandsimpson.co.uk york@linleyandsimpson.co.uk leeds@linleyandsimpson.co.uk nick@linleyandsimpson.co.uk will@linleyandsimpson.co.uk | http://www.linleyandsimpson.co.uk |
01132682100 | LINLEY & SIMPSON LIMITED | Estate Agents | HARROGATE | info@linleysimpson.co.uk accounts@linleyandsimpson.co.uk nicolas@linleyandsimpson.co.uk maintenance@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.chapelallerton@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.harrogate@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.horsforth@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.ilkley@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.city@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.ripon@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.roundhay@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.saltaire@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.wakefield@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.wetherby@linleyandsimpson.co.uk sales.york@linleyandsimpson.co.uk chapelallerton@linleyandsimpson.co.uk harrogate@linleyandsimpson.co.uk horsforth@linleyandsimpson.co.uk ilkley@linleyandsimpson.co.uk city@linleyandsimpson.co.uk ripon@linleyandsimpson.co.uk roundhay@linleyandsimpson.co.uk saltaire@linleyandsimpson.co.uk wakefield@linleyandsimpson.co.uk wetherby@linleyandsimpson.co.uk york@linleyandsimpson.co.uk leeds@linleyandsimpson.co.uk nick@linleyandsimpson.co.uk will@linleyandsimpson.co.uk | http://www.linleyandsimpson.co.uk |
01132743488 | SPRINGWELL (BURLEY) LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | info@springwelleasylet.co.uk hpinfo@springwelleasylet.co.uk burleyinfo@springwelleasylet.co.uk | http://www.springwelleasylet.co.uk |
01132746746 | PICKERINGS LIMITED | Estate Agents | STOCKTON-ON-TEES | http://www.pickeringhomes.com | |
01132747007 | WALKER SMALE LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | ilkley@walker-smale.co.uk otley@walker-smale.co.uk northleeds@walker-smale.co.uk leeds@walker-smale.co.uk | http://www.walker-smale.co.uk |
01132748646 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132783940 | BLACKSTONE ESTATES LIMITED | Estate Agents | SWANLEY | http://www.blackstoneestates.co.uk | |
01132797955 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132819001 | ACORN ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA | horsforth@acorn-leeds.co.uk yeadon@acorn-leeds.co.uk | http://www.acorn-leeds.co.uk |
01132819181 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01132840120 | EMSLEYS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.emsleysestateagents.co.uk | |
01132843138 | DACRE, SON & HARTLEY LIMITED | Estate Agents | WEST YORKSHIRE | http://www.dacres.co.uk | |
01132864000 | EMSLEYS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.emsleysestateagents.co.uk | |
01132878790 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | ||
01132888666 | ALAN COOKE ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | enquiries@alancooke.co.uk | http://www.alancooke.co.uk |
01133223989 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01133237720 | HUNTERS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | EASTBOURNE | ||
01133660203 | PROPERTY RESULT LTD | Estate Agents | LONDON | http://www.propertyresult.co.uk | |
01133663155 | ARN CAPITAL LTD | Estate Agents | LEEDS | ||
01133980098 | MORGANS LTD | Estate Agents | AVON | jobs@cityliving.co.uk | http://www.cityliving.co.uk |
01134406803 | LIVING LETS LTD | Estate Agents | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | http://www.livingletsproperties.co.uk | |
01138158181 | HOLIHOMES LTD | Estate Agents | BRIDLINGTON | holidays@holihomes.eu | http://www.holihomes.eu |
01138875516 | MANNING STAINTON LIMITED | Estate Agents | LEEDS | http://www.manningstainton.co.uk | |
01138877259 | HAUS LIMITED | Estate Agents | CANTERBURY | info@haus-properties.com | http://www.Haus-properties.com |
01138877600 | HUNTERS ESTATE AGENTS LIMITED | Estate Agents | EASTBOURNE | dewsbury@hunters.com shefford@country-properties.co.uk luton@country-properties.co.uk mablethorpe@hunters.com maidavale@hunters.com malton@hunters.com manchesteroffice@hunters.com marylebone@hunters.com melbourn@country-properties.co.uk teesside@hunters.com moreton@hunters.com newcross@hunters.com northleeds@hunters.com northshields@hunters.com northfields@hunters.com norwich@hunters.com oldham@hunters.com otley@hunters.com oxford@hunters.com peckham@hunters.com plaistow@hunters.com pocklington@hunters.com poringland@hunters.com pudsey@hunters.com retfordsales@hunters.com rotherhamnorth@hunters.com royston@country-properties.co.uk runcorn@hunters.com saddleworth@hunters.com scarborough@hunters.com scunthorpe@hunters.com selby@hunters.com chapeltown@hunters.com sheffieldcrookes@hunters.com hillsborough@hunters.com sheffield@hunters.com sheffieldstocksbridge@hunters.com sheffieldwoodseats@hunters.com shipley@hunters.com skegness@hunters.com skipton@hunters.com slough@hunters.com solihull@huntersgroup.co.uk southampton@hunters.com spilsby@hunters.com stleonardsonsea@hunters.com sthelens@hunters.com stalybridge2@hunters.com stansteadabbotts@hunters.com stevenage@country-properties.co.uk stokenewington@hunters.com stoke@hunters.com stoneygate@hunters.com stotfold@country-properties.co.uk stourbridge@hunters.com sunderland@hunters.com surreyquays@hunters.com sutton@huntersgroup.co.uk suttononsea@hunters.com sydenham@hunters.com tamworth@huntersgroup.co.uk tenterden@hunters.com tring@hunters.com warrington@hunters.com welling@hunters.com welwyn@country-properties.co.uk welwyngc@country-properties.co.uk dulwich@hunters.com westhampstead@hunters.com wetherby@hunters.com widnes@hunters.com wigston@hunters.com willesdengreen@hunters.com wokingham@hunters.com woodhallspa@hunters.com worcesterpark@hunters.com worsley@hunters.com yeadon@hunters.com york@hunters.com hounslow@hunters.com hillingdon@hunters.com hayes@hunters.com harrowonthehill@hunters.com harrow@hunters.com hackney@hunters.com foresthill@hunters.com ealing@hunters.com chadwell.heath@hunters.com catford@hunters.com carshalton@hunters.com camberwell@hunters.com brentford@hunters.com bow@hunters.com blackfen@hunters.com bexleyheath@hunters.com abbeywood@hunters.com narborough@hunters.com leedslettings@hunters.com leedssales@hunters.com maryam.bham@hunters.com katrina.jones@hunters.com rohan.corriette@hunters.com natalie.russell@hunters.com lesley.harrison@hunters.com kate.lewandowska@hunters.com rosie.oconnell@hunters.com lettingsaccounts@hunters.com maintenance@huntersnet.co.uk pav.flora@hunters.com horsforth@hunters.com lettingsaccounts@huntersnet.co.uk ian.dunlop@hunters.com paul.atkinson@hunters.com maintenance@hunters.com claudette.paul@huntersnet.co.uk claudette.paul@hunters.com mark.pedley@huntersnet.co.uk mark.pedley@hunters.com | http://www.hunters.com/offices/dewsbury |
01142230750 | BLUNDELLS LIMITED | Estate Agents | MAIDSTONE | http://www.blundells.com | |
01142316055 | SAXTON MEE LIMITED | Estate Agents | SHEFFIELD | bannercross@saxtonmee.co.uk hathersage@saxtonmee.co.uk crookes@saxtonmee.co.uk dronfield@saxtonmee.co.uk bakewell@saxtonmee.co.uk hillsborough@saxtonmee.co.uk matlock@saxtonmee.co.uk stocksbridge@saxtonmee.co.uk | http://www.saxtonmee.co.uk |
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Further info
Further details about O'MALLEY PROPERTY LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.