01283537280 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01283537280 |
Web site | www.bacandoconnor.co.uk |
Address | 7 ST JOHN STREET |
Postcode | NG18 1QH |
Category | Addiction Rehabilitation |
Phone number 01283537280 is used by UK company THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED.
THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01283537280.
THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED's homepage is at www.bacandoconnor.co.uk.
Get contacts as VCard:
THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED is located at 7 ST JOHN STREET, MANSFIELD, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE (postcode NG18 1QH (52° 48' 14.34" N, 1° 38' 1.16" W)).
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Similar companies
THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Addiction Rehabilitation. There are 150 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132470153 | SPACIOUS PLACES | Addiction Rehabilitation | LEEDS | communications@spaciousplaces.org.uk | http://www.spaciousplaces.org.uk |
01159309442 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01179299100 | ST JAMES PRIORY PROJECT | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRISTOL | mariaquinn@hotmail.co.uk sandra.manley@icloud.com sandra.manley91@icloud.com info@caferefectoire.co.uk john.jotcham@stjamespriory.org.uk john.jotcham@stjamesprioryproject.org.uk susan@stjamesprioryproject.org.uk jim@stjamesprioryproject.org.uk john@stjamesprioryproject.org.uk julian@stjamesprioryproject.org.uk susan.jotcham@stjamespriory.org.uk jim.banaghan@stjamespriory.org.uk julian.wallis@stjamespriory.org.uk mariaquinn@hotmail.co.ukor | http://www.stjamesprioryproject.org.uk |
01179300282 | ADDICTION RECOVERY AGENCY LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRISTOL | info@addictionrecovery.org.uk | http://www.addictionrecovery.org.uk |
01179568873 | COMPASS PROJECT 2012 CIC | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRISTOL | info@compassprojectbristol.org.uk | http://www.compassprojectbristol.org.uk |
01179603326 | THE JUNCTION PROJECT LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | SIDCUP | info@thejunctionproject.org.uk | http://www.thejunctionproject.org.uk |
01179876000 | BRISTOL DRUGS PROJECT LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRISTOL | info@bdp.org.uk | http://www.bdp.org.uk |
01205319920 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01223241879 | THE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | PADSTOW | ||
01223723020 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01227813000 | TRIAGE HEALTHCARE LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | MAIDSTONE | freeadvice@dryoutnow.com | http://www.dryoutnow.com |
01228524450 | CUMBRIA GATEWAY LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | CARLISLE | http://www.cumbriagateway.co.uk | |
01234270123 | HEALTHLINK LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | BINGLEY | ||
01234332370 | SHARED CARE LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | SHEFFIELD | http://www.bedscc.gov.uk | |
01234352220 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01244314320 | TURNING POINT | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | http://www.turningpoint.co.uk | |
01244316140 | TURNING POINT | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | http://www.turningpoint.co.uk | |
01254236411 | PATHWAYS NORTH WEST LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | PADIHAM | http://www.pathwaysnorthwest.co.uk | |
01254692244 | TOTALLY WICKED GROUP LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BLACKBURN | http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk | |
01255223311 | CAREUK LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | ST. ALBANS | http://www.careuk.com | |
01255434186 | OPEN ROAD VISIONS | Addiction Rehabilitation | COLCHESTER | http://www.openroad.org.uk | |
01268531435 | OPEN ROAD VISIONS | Addiction Rehabilitation | COLCHESTER | http://www.openroad.org.uk | |
01278795236 | SOMEWHERE HOUSE LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BURNHAM-ON-SEA | info@somewherehouse.com | http://www.somewherehouse.com |
01279425989 | ESSEX STARS LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | HOCKLEY | ||
01283537280 | THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | MANSFIELD | http://www.bacandoconnor.co.uk | |
01283741053 | ONE RECOVERY LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | KILMARNOCK | http://www.adsolutions.org.uk | |
01284766554 | TURNING POINT | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | http://www.turnng-point.co.uk | |
01293657015 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01296749013 | HOME COUNTIES THERAPEUTIC CONSULTANCY LTD. | Addiction Rehabilitation | NR. AYLESBURY | http://www.homecountiesconsultancy.co.uk | |
01305779084 | CARLTON HOUSE LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRISTOL | ||
01305779706 | CADAS LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BRIGG | complaints@dhuft.nhs.uk pals@dhuft.nhs.uk communications@dhuft.nhs.uk membership@dhuft.nhs.uk | http://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk |
01305839524 | P.A.S. LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | BIRMINGHAM | http://www.pasltd.co.uk | |
01314543125 | BETHANY CHRISTIAN CENTRE | Addiction Rehabilitation | HOUGHTON LE SPRING | info@bethanychristiantrust.com | http://www.bethanychristiantrust.com |
01315547516 | TURNING POINT SCOTLAND | Addiction Rehabilitation | GLASGOW | http://www.turningpointscotland.com | |
01322278728 | ELM COURT LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | SOUTHAMPTON | jane.burr@dvh.nhs.uk glyn.oakley@dvh.nhs.uk sonja.stevens@vincipark.co.uk mark.dunnett@dvh.nhs.uk generalenquiries@dvh.nhs.uk dgn-tr.fundraising@nhs.net gemma.knights@nhs.net england.fiveyearview@nhs.net recruitment@dvh.nhs.uk generalenquirieis@dvh.nhs.uk dgn-tr.dvhcarparking@nhs.net librarydvh@dvh.nhs.uk staffbankproject@dvh.nhs.uk dgn-tr.pals@nhs.net qmh-pals@oxleas.nhs.uk sue.daniels@dvh.nhs.uk dgn-tr.complaints-dvh@nhs.net hastings.office@seap.org.uk phso.enquiries@ombudsman.gsi.gov.uk sarah.fenton2@nhs.net helen.filmer@nhs.net | http://www.dvh.nhs.uk |
01329823313 | TWO SAINTS LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | PORTSMOUTH | twosaints@twosaints.org.uk | http://www.twosaints.org.uk |
01344312360 | NEW HOPE | Addiction Rehabilitation | customer.services@bracknell-forest.gov.uk economic.development@bracknell-forest.gov.uk development@bracknell-forest.gov.uk coral.reef@bracknell-forest.gov.uk | http://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk | |
01373475560 | TURNING POINT | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | webeditor@turning-point.co.uk info@turning-point.co.uk press@turning-point.co.uk admin@collectivevoice.org.uk info@therecoverygroupuk.org info@smart-uk.com info@skillsconsortium.org.uk procurementhelpdesk@turning-point.co.uk spnt.healthinmind@nhs.net connlaura.conn@turning-point.co.uk | http://www.turning-point.co.uk |
01384241292 | GORDON MOODY ASSOCIATION | Addiction Rehabilitation | DUDLEY | http://www.gordonmoody.org.uk | |
01405608210 | COMPASS LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | SWANSCOMBE | recruitment@compass-uk.org info@compass-uk.org | http://www.compass-uk.org |
01413367272 | SECOND CHANCE PROJECT SCOTLAND | Addiction Rehabilitation | GLASGOW | http://www.secondchanceproject.co.uk | |
01413547640 | ARCHANGEL HOME DETOX LTD | Addiction Rehabilitation | HAMILTON | http://www.archangelhomedetox.co.uk | |
01414251800 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01415583230 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01422383063 | THE BASEMENT RECOVERY PROJECT | Addiction Rehabilitation | HALIFAX | http://www.thebasementproject.org.uk/ | |
01442240579 | TURNING POINT | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | webeditor@turning-point.co.uk info@turning-point.co.uk press@turning-point.co.uk admin@collectivevoice.org.uk info@therecoverygroupuk.org info@smart-uk.com info@skillsconsortium.org.uk procurementhelpdesk@turning-point.co.uk spnt.healthinmind@nhs.net connlaura.conn@turning-point.co.uk | http://www.turning-point.co.uk |
01442275880 | DRUGLINK | Addiction Rehabilitation | HEMEL HEMPSTEAD | focus@druglink.ltd.uk | http://www.druglink.co.uk |
01444453061 | ADDACTION LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | LONDON | events@addaction.org.uk l.tootell@addaction.org.uk s.black@addaction.org.uk fundraising@addaction.org.uk | http://www.addaction.org.uk |
01453885633 | THE NELSON TRUST | Addiction Rehabilitation | STROUD | http://www.nelsontrust.com | |
01462851414 | THE HAYNES CLINIC LIMITED | Addiction Rehabilitation | SHEFFORD | http://www.thehaynesclinic.com | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about THE BURTON ADDICTION CENTRE LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.