01529415111 | |
Company name | [Consulting Engineers
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/07329822-MARTIN-OSBORNE-LTD MARTIN OSBORNE LTD] |
Navigation and Streetview | 4RG°+53.035567° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01529415111 |
Web site | www.mo-designservices.com |
Address | 12,LOWER |
Extended address | ROAD |
Town | BRATTON |
County | WESTBURY |
Category | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood |
Phone number 01529415111 is used by UK company MARTIN OSBORNE LTD.
MARTIN OSBORNE LTD can be contacted by calling to 01529415111.
MARTIN OSBORNE LTD's homepage is at www.mo-designservices.com.
Get contacts as VCard:
MARTIN OSBORNE LTD is located at 12,LOWER, BRATTON, WESTBURY (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: BA13 4RG°, 53.035567°.The following coordinate was not recognized: BA13 4RG°, 53.035567°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 2 companies nearby:
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0125453955 | HOLDEX (PLYWOOD) LIMITED | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | |||
01529415111 | MARTIN OSBORNE LTD | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | BRATTON | http://www.mo-designservices.com | |
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01912575099 | PERCY A.HUDSON LIMITED | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | NORTH SHIELDS | http://www.percyahudson.co.uk | |
01924277091 | MARTIN OSBORNE LTD | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | BRATTON | ||
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02392004080 | J F GOODWILLIE LIMITED | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | http://www.goodwillies.co.uk | ||
02392246470 | J F GOODWILLIE LIMITED | 16100 - Sawmilling and planing of wood | http://www.goodwillies.co.uk |
Further info
Further details about [Consulting Engineers https://scoriff.co.uk/company/07329822-MARTIN-OSBORNE-LTD MARTIN OSBORNE LTD], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.