01603426146 | |
Company name | DENNIS LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01603426146 |
Web site | norwichpaintingservices.co.uk |
Address | 13 YORKERSGATE |
Extended address | MALTON |
Postcode | YO17 7AA |
Category | Painters & Decorators |
Phone number 01603426146 is used by UK company DENNIS LIMITED.
DENNIS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01603426146.
DENNIS LIMITED's homepage is at norwichpaintingservices.co.uk.
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DENNIS LIMITED is located at 13 YORKERSGATE, N YORKSHIRE, (postcode YO17 7AA (52° 39' 54.60" N, 1° 17' 19.64" E)).
Nearby companies
There are 6 companies nearby:
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01162321273 | DENNIS LIMITED | Commercial Cleaning | N YORKSHIRE | ||
01325367770 | QUALITY CLEANING SERVICES (NORTHERN) LIMITED | Commercial Cleaning | N YORKSHIRE | http://www.qcs.me.uk | |
01603426146 | DENNIS LIMITED | Painters & Decorators | N YORKSHIRE | http://norwichpaintingservices.co.uk | |
01723366682 | BJORN CLOGS LIMITED | Shoe Shops | N YORKSHIRE | http://www.bjornclogs.co.uk | |
01723584080 | NORTH SEA WINCHES LIMITED | Lifting Gear | N YORKSHIRE | http://www.nswinches.co.uk | |
01756795444 | AIRE VALLEY WORKSHOP LIMITED | Garage Services | N YORKSHIRE | http://www.volkswageninskipton.co.uk |
Similar companies
DENNIS LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Painters & Decorators. There are 4236 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about DENNIS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.