01704892364 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01704892364 |
Address | 3 SQUARE LANE |
Extended address | BURSCOUGH |
Postcode | L40 7RG |
Category | Adhesives & Glues |
Phone number 01704892364 is used by UK company UK EPOXY RESINS LIMITED.
UK EPOXY RESINS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01704892364.
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UK EPOXY RESINS LIMITED is located at 3 SQUARE LANE, ORMSKIRK, LANCASHIRE (postcode L40 7RG (53° 35' 35.04" N, 2° 50' 38.11" W)).
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Similar companies
UK EPOXY RESINS LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Adhesives & Glues. There are 103 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01142421030 | SUPAFIX LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | CATERHAM ON THE HILL | http://www.supa-fix.com | |
01142439515 | TRADE GRADE PRODUCTS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | THREE LEGGED CROSS WIMBORNE | sales@thegluepeople.co.uk | http://www.thegluepeople.co.uk |
01159333321 | WAYSIDE ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | NOTTINGHAM | http://www.waysideadhesives.com/index.php | |
01162894655 | STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LEICESTER | enquiries@structuraladhesives.co.uk | http://www.structuraladhesives.co.uk |
01202632996 | INDUSTRIAL LINKS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | POOLE | http://www.industrial-links.com | |
01202820177 | TRADE GRADE PRODUCTS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | THREE LEGGED CROSS WIMBORNE | sales@thegluepeople.co.uk | http://www.thegluepeople.co.uk |
01204573736 | ITAC LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | MANCHESTER | paul.armitt@itac.uk.com | http://www.itacadhesives.co.uk |
01204668282 | ALDCROFT ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BOLTON | ||
01204707699 | ADHESIVE SUPPLIES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | MANCHESTER | ||
01215086970 | MAPEI (UK) LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | HALESOWEN | http://www.mapei.com | |
01226381571 | DELTA ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BARNSLEY | http://www.delta-adhesives.co.uk | |
01226771600 | SIROFLEX LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BARNSLEY | http://www.siroflex.co.uk | |
01257241319 | GORILLA GLUE EUROPE LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | CHORLEY | http://www.gorillaglue.com | |
01264358185 | SEALOCK LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | ANDOVER | info@sealock.co.uk | http://www.sealock.co.uk |
01268290610 | PAFRA ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LONDON | enquiries@pafra.com sales@pafra.com technical@pafra.com | http://www.pafra.com |
01268540774 | ENTERPRISE ADHESIVES & CHEMICALS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BASILDON | ||
01268885800 | POWER ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BASILDON | sales@poweradhesives.com l.stegall@poweradhesives.com p.bernsen@poweradhesives.com | http://www.poweradhesives.com |
01270528069 | CHEMSURE ADHESIVES LTD | Adhesives & Glues | TARPORLEY | sales@chemsureadhesives.co.uk info@chemsureadhesives.co.uk | http://www.chemsureadhesives.co.uk |
01274466666 | FANTAS-TAK LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | ECCLESHILL | info@fantastak.co.uk info@fantastak.com jamesstocker@fantastak.com | http://www.fantastak.com |
01277810480 | BRITANNIA ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BRENTWOOD | sales@britannia-adhesives.co.uk | http://www.britannia-adhesives.co.uk |
01285712755 | RESINTECH LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | FAIRFORD | info@resintech.co.uk | http://www.resintech.co.uk |
01296663931 | PERFORMANCE ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | TRING | ||
01299269269 | BONDLOC (UK) LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BEWDLEY | sales@bondloc.co.uk | http://www.bondloc.co.uk |
01322224726 | AMI-CON SUPPLIES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | DARTFORD | sales@ami-con.co.uk accounts@ami-con.co.uk technical@ami-con.co.uk info@ami-con.co.uk quality@ami-con.co.uk | http://www.ami-con.co.uk |
01324679420 | CC SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | MANCHESTER | http://www.ccsolutionsuk.com | |
01352732007 | SCITECH ADHESIVE SYSTEMS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | FLINT | info@scitech-adhesives.co.uk | http://www.scitech-adhesives.co.uk |
01352757657 | TS RESINS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | MOLD | dynea@dynea.com dyneahungary@dynea.com tarje.braaten@dynea.com lars.axelsen@dynea.com svein.brokke@dynea.com mats.johansson@dynea.com attila.ludanyi@dynea.com jo.minken@dynea.com tore.nystuen@dynea.com ann.sommervold@dynea.com kristin.grostad@dynea.com erik.aasen@dynea.com martin.scheikl@dynea.com john.sutcliffe@dynea.com franz.windisch@dynea.com geir.ove.mannsverk@dynea.com martin.emmert@dynea.com peter.simlinger@dynea.com steinar.skogholt@dynea.com stefanie.wieland@dynea.com gernot.standfest@dynea.com bjoern.vidar.aassveen@dynea.com per.olav.sandbakken@dynea.com janusz.mroz@dynea.com anna.dziel@dynea.com hajrudin.hadziefendic@dynea.com gunnar.andersen@dynea.com morten.nygren@dynea.com jenny.zhu@dynea.com rory.morrish@dynea.com herdis.sannes@dynea.com viggo.buer@dynea.com naj@dynea.com oddvar.ringstad@dynea.com marianne.tveter@dynea.com liv.marthe.follesdal@dynea.com | http://www.dynea.com |
01355231122 | ELLSWORTH ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | EAST KILBRIDE | http://www.ellsworthadhesives.co.uk | |
01355577222 | GLUE DOTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | WELLINGBOROUGH | http://www.gluedotseurope.com | |
01440766975 | LYNVALE LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | COLCHESTER | http://www.lynvale.co.uk | |
01442244205 | TRULOC LTD. | Adhesives & Glues | HEMEL HEMPSTEAD | web_contact_addr@truloc.co.uk mark@truloc.co.uk sales@truloc.co.uk | http://www.truloc.co.uk |
01444831459 | SYLMASTA LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | HOVE | http://www.sylmasta.com | |
01446735102 | CYBERBOND UK LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BARRY | http://www.cyberbond.uk.com | |
01455559889 | WINBOND INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LUTTERWORTH | http://www.winbond-int.com | |
01473622265 | STELMAX LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | IPSWICH | ||
01480869220 | THE ADHESIVE LAUNDRY LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | KIMBOLTON | http://www.adhesivelaundry.co.uk | |
01482655001 | BONDLINE INDUSTRIES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | HULL | info@bondlineindustries.co.uk | http://www.bondlineindustries.co.uk |
01505502796 | STRATHBOND LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | PAISLEY | ||
01509815550 | BONDRITE ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LOUGHBOROUGH | http://www.bondrite.co.uk | |
01525381111 | DIRECT ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LEIGHTON BUZZARD | http://www.directadhesivesglueguns.co.uk | |
01527578000 | KERAKOLL U.K. LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | BROMSGROVE | http://www.kerakoll.com | |
01530231788 | PSA SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | HERTS | http://www.psasolutions.uk.com | |
01536264222 | CARTELL UK LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | CORBY | mail@cartell-uk.com | http://www.cartell-uk.com |
01536312990 | SULZER CHEMTECH (UK) LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | WEST YORKSHIRE | http://www.sulzerchemtech.co.uk | |
01536402600 | CHEMENCE LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | LONDON | author-wsagoe@chemence.com info@chemence.com info@chemence-us.com info@chemencegraphics.com | http://www.chemence.com |
01590675577 | EXCEL ADHESIVES LTD | Adhesives & Glues | LYMINGTON | ||
01604648484 | EXCEL | Adhesives & Glues | http://www.excel.com | ||
01606543000 | HENKEL LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | HEMEL HEMPSTEAD | investor.relations@henkel.com global.diversity@henkel.com sustainability@henkel.com uwe.bergmann@henkel.com mareike.klein@henkel.com ute.krupp@henkel.com birgit.lindenau@henkel.com kirsten.sanchez@henkel.com nadine.frey@henkel.com heiko-herbert.held@henkel.com dorothea.clemens@henkel.com stefanie.fella@henkel.com press@henkel.com nicola.surholt@henkel.com sylvia.frlic@henkel.com cynthia.rios@henkel.com wilson.solano@henkel.com kurumsal.iletisim@henkel.com hattan.alghalayini@henkel.com elisenda.ballester@henkel.com christine.cherifi@henkel.com louise.cheung@henkel.com maud.collee@henkel.com fabio.mincarelli@henkel.com yves.gautier@henkel.com cecilia.deguarinoni@henkel.com lidija.ilic@henkel.com cristina.jimenez@henkel.com sandhya.kedlaya@henkel.com michelle.kim@henkel.com takeshi.kuroki@henkel.com natalie.lorencova@henkel.com ignacio.sabino@henkel.com msk.corpocomm@henkel.com lianna.papoutsi@henkel.com heba.rabie@henkel.com jelena.sarenac@henkel.com carole.scott@henkel.com corporate.communicationsaustria@henkel.com dorota.strosznajder@henkel.com maggie.tan@henkel.com vitalina.klepka@henkel.com natalie.violi@henkel.com | http://www.henkel.com |
01613431063 | AZTEC ADHESIVES LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | CHESHIRE | ||
01616336328 | KENYON GROUP LIMITED | Adhesives & Glues | OLDHAM | http://www.gluegunsdirect.com | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about UK EPOXY RESINS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.