01773530674 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01773530674 |
office@phughes.co.uk | |
Web site | www.phughes.co.uk |
Address | 21 MAIN ROAD |
Extended address | UNDERWOOD |
Town | NOTTS |
Postcode | NG16 5GP |
Category | Civil Engineers |
Phone number 01773530674 is used by UK company P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED.
P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01773530674. P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to office@phughes.co.uk. P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED's homepage is at www.phughes.co.uk.
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P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED is located at 21 MAIN ROAD, NOTTS, (postcode NG16 5GP (53° 2' 57.95" N, 1° 17' 49.41" W)).
Nearby companies
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01142548999 | HOPWELLS LTD | Frozen Food | NOTTS | http://www.hopwells.com | |
01158492271 | CLEARLY STATED LTD | Writers | NOTTS | http://www.clearly-stated.co.uk | |
01159255100 | W.WESTERMAN LIMITED | Property Development | NOTTS | http://www.westermanhomes.co.uk | |
01159291101 | HOPWELLS LTD | Frozen Food | NOTTS | http://www.hopwells.com | |
01159322425 | AWSWORTH MOTOR CO. LIMITED | Garage Services | NOTTS | awsworth_motors@unicombox.co.uk | http://www.awsworthmotor.yellsites.co.uk |
01159322653 | SUMPTON (ILKESTON) LTD | Ophthalmic Opticians | NOTTS | ||
01159492185 | BOOTS CHARITABLE TRUST | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | NOTTS | http://www.boots-uk.com | |
01159554766 | BLINDFOLDED LTD | Blinds & Awnings | NOTTS | info@blindfolded.co.uk | http://www.blindfolded.co.uk |
01159786056 | NOTTINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL | Independent Schools & Colleges | NOTTS | admissions@nottinghamhigh.co.uk finance@nottinghamhigh.co.uk info@nottinghamhigh.co.uk juniorinfo@nottinghamhigh.co.uk lovellinfo@nottinghamhigh.co.uk epworth.ie@nottinghamhigh.co.uk winch.ra@nottinghamhigh.co.uk winter.cp@nottinghamhigh.co.uk newton.ka@nottinghamhigh.co.uk chairman@nottinghamhigh.co.uk fear.kd@nottinghamhigh.co.uk spedding.ip@nottinghamhigh.co.uk dennis.nr@nottinghamhigh.co.uk heath.k@nottinghamhigh.co.uk peacock.sc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk gritti.l@nottinghamhigh.co.uk robinson.wm@nottinghamhigh.co.uk bruce.ca@nottinghamhigh.co.uk ramsey.si@nottinghamhigh.co.uk hainsworth.gl@nottinghamhigh.co.uk kirbyshire.mj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk radford.s@nottinghamhigh.co.uk riley.gc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk day.jv@nottinghamhigh.co.uk duckett.am@nottinghamhigh.co.uk poole.jc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk hulme.rn@nottinghamhigh.co.uk willsher.n@nottinghamhigh.co.uk saperia.mi@nottinghamhigh.co.uk adshead.ic@nottinghamhigh.co.uk matthews.he@nottinghamhigh.co.uk linton.ke@nottinghamhigh.co.uk costante.km@nottinghamhigh.co.uk wood.hb@nottinghamhigh.co.uk grant.rcs@nottinghamhigh.co.uk harrison.bj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk packer.jc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk gray.pb@nottinghamhigh.co.uk thomas.db@nottinghamhigh.co.uk thorpe.if@nottinghamhigh.co.uk webster.cv@nottinghamhigh.co.uk rogers.li@nottinghamhigh.co.uk cramp.pj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk woolliscroft.l@nottinghamhigh.co.uk wicks.vj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk hiebert.saw@nottinghamhigh.co.uk burton.bp@nottinghamhigh.co.uk smith.ml@nottinghamhigh.co.uk neale.mj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk pearson.r@nottinghamhigh.co.uk wheeler.re@nottinghamhigh.co.uk brown.nc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk lemon.arg@nottinghamhigh.co.uk sedgewick.cp@nottinghamhigh.co.uk kelsey.ra@nottinghamhigh.co.uk rich.kv@nottinghamhigh.co.uk williams.sl@nottinghamhigh.co.uk stratford.mj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk turner.kj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk glarvey.me@nottinghamhigh.co.uk 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20leese.k@nottinghamhigh.co.uk leese.k@nottinghamhigh.co.uk lole.t@nottinghamhigh.co.uk sillitoe.m@nottinghamhigh.co.uk snowdon.jj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk toon.c@nottinghamhigh.co.uk smith.md@nottinghamhigh.co.uk mcandrew.gk@nottinghamhigh.co.uk baker.m@nottinghamhigh.co.uk allison.pa@nottinghamhigh.co.uk farman.cs@nottinghamhigh.co.uk cowley.i@nottinghamhigh.co.uk payne.s@nottinghamhigh.co.uk smith.pj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk whitehead.sd@nottinghamhigh.co.uk robson.ag@nottinghamhigh.co.uk hayton.eb@nottinghamhigh.co.uk martin.cj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk mellows.re@nottinghamhigh.co.uk kersey.rm@nottinghamhigh.co.uk ford.t@nottinghamhigh.co.uk nicolson.es@nottinghamhigh.co.uk green.ml@nottinghamhigh.co.uk cooper.ga@nottinghamhigh.co.uk reception@nottinghamhigh.co.uk dunwell.p@nottinghamhigh.co.uk scott.cp@nottinghamhigh.co.uk spray.kl@nottinghamhigh.co.uk nicholls.b@nottinghamhigh.co.uk hinds.k@nottinghamhigh.co.uk beckford.sv@nottinghamhigh.co.uk taylor.ac@nottinghamhigh.co.uk 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bradbury.tm@nottinghamhigh.co.uk clarke.a@nottinghamhigh.co.uk faulkner.jp@nottinghamhigh.co.uk gleadell.ea@nottinghamhigh.co.uk jones.cm@nottinghamhigh.co.uk robinson.je@nottinghamhigh.co.uk riley.f@nottinghamhigh.co.uk george.kb@nottinghamhigh.co.uk cartwright.mj@nottinghamhigh.co.uk marson.be@nottinghamhigh.co.uk martin.c@nottinghamhigh.co.uk schoolbus@nottinghamhigh.co.uk music@nottinghamhigh.co.uk | http://www.nottinghamhigh.co.uk |
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01623556847 | BROWNLEE FABRICATIONS LIMITED | Steel Fabrications | NOTTS | enquiries@argmansfield.co.uk | http://www.argmansfield.co.uk/ |
01623557000 | COLIN WALKER JOINERY LIMITED | Woodworkers & Wood Turners | NOTTS | ||
01623557817 | DALESTORTH GARDEN CENTRE LIMITED | Turf & Soil Supplies | NOTTS | http://www.dalestorth.co.uk | |
01623558093 | PAPER ELEMENTS LTD | Paper & Board | NOTTS | http://www.paper-elements.co.uk | |
01623621522 | MER ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS LIMITED | Electric Motors | NOTTS | http://www.merelectrical.co.uk | |
01623624725 | EYRES OF WORKSOP LIMITED | Furniture Shops | NOTTS | http://www.eyresfurniture.co.uk | |
01623643018 | SALUTES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH LTD | Occupational Health | NOTTS | ||
01623654999 | COCKELL ELECTRICAL LTD | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | NOTTS | http://www.cockell-electrical.co.uk | |
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01623792239 | ROBERT THOMAS FARMS LTD | Farmers | NOTTS | office@haywoodoaks.com | http://www.haywoodoaks.com |
01623792556 | CAMPFIELD FARMS LIMITED | Farmers | NOTTS | ||
01623795791 | FUTURA ROOF LTD | Roofing Services | NOTTS | enquiries@futuraroof.co.uk | http://www.futuraroof.com |
01623821590 | UPBEAT DESIGN LIMITED | Web Design & Development | NOTTS | hello@upbeatdesign.co.uk | http://www.upbeatdesign.co.uk |
01623823068 | SHARPLINE DECORATORS LIMITED | Painters & Decorators | NOTTS | http://www.sharplinedecorators.com | |
01623835004 | ECLECTIC SECURITY LIMITED | Security Services & Equipment | NOTTS | http://www.eclecticsecurity.co.uk | |
01623882244 | J. BEELEY COLLINGHAM & SONS LIMITED | Clay Pigeon Shoots & Rifle Ranges | NOTTS | info@cockettfarm.com | http://www.cockettfarm.com |
01623883084 | FOSTER PRINT & PACKAGING LTD | Advertising & Graphic Designers | NOTTS | http://www.onlinefoster.com | |
01636610556 | BEAUMOND HOUSE COMMUNITY HOSPICE | Hospices | NOTTS | info@beaumondhouse.co.uk | http://www.beaumondhouse.co.uk |
01636672711 | HOVAL LIMITED | Industrial Heating | NOTTS | 20boilersales@hoval.co.uk | http://www.hoval.co.uk |
01636676483 | ABACHEM ENGINEERING LIMITED | Building Services Engineering | NOTTS | info@abachemeng.com | http://www.abachemeng.com |
01636676794 | KOPPEN & LETHEM LIMITED | Hydraulic Engineers | NOTTS | http://www.koppen-lethem.co.uk | |
01636700172 | NEWGATE (NEWARK) LIMITED | Gates & Railings | NOTTS | websales@newgate.uk.com service@newgate.uk.com | http://www.newgate.uk.com |
01636702961 | G.M.S. MARKETING LIMITED | Catering - Food & Drink Supplies | NOTTS | ||
... further results |
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P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Civil Engineers. There are 1473 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about P. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.