01878700910 | |
Company name | COTHROM |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01878700910 |
enquiries@cothrom.net, helen.mackinnon@cothrom.net | |
Web site | www.cothrom.net |
Address | COTHROM LTD |
Extended address | ORMICLATE |
Postcode | HS8 5SB |
Category | Training Services |
Phone number 01878700910 is used by UK company COTHROM.
COTHROM can be contacted by calling to 01878700910. COTHROM can be contacted by sending an e-mail to enquiries@cothrom.net, helen.mackinnon@cothrom.net. COTHROM's homepage is at www.cothrom.net.
Get contacts as VCard:
COTHROM is located at COTHROM LTD, SOUTH UIST, WESTERN ISLES (postcode HS8 5SB (57° 15' 30.10" N, 7° 23' 33.87" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 8 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01870620224 | SOUTH UIST ESTATES LIMITED | Holiday Accommodation & Parks | SOUTH UIST | http://www.grogarrylodge.com | |
01878700101 | STORAS UIBHIST LIMITED | Business Centres | SOUTH UIST | jennifer.macleod@storasuibhist.com | http://www.storasuibhist.com |
01878700155 | LOCHBOISDALE AMENITY TRUST LIMITED | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | SOUTH UIST | karen@lochboisdale.com | http://www.lochboisdale.com |
01878700278 | MACAULAY ASKERNISH LTD. | Quarries | SOUTH UIST | http://www.askernishquarry.com | |
01878700357 | AUTOTEC UIST LIMITED | Self Drive Car Hire | SOUTH UIST | info@autotecuist.co.uk | http://www.autotecuist.co.uk |
01878700717 | WEST COAST ENERGEE (SCOTLAND) LTD | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | SOUTH UIST | http://www.energee.co.uk | |
01878700910 | COTHROM | Training Services | SOUTH UIST | enquiries@cothrom.net helen.mackinnon@cothrom.net | http://www.cothrom.net |
01878720246 | AM POLITICIAN LTD | Pubs | SOUTH UIST |
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COTHROM operates mainly in the business of Training Services. There are 4011 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about COTHROM, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.