01952930123 | |
Company name | [https://scoriff.co.uk/company/OC325516-WYNNE-JONES
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01952930123 |
Address | ESSEX PLACE |
Extended address | 22 RODNEY ROAD |
Postcode | GL50 1JJ |
Category | Trademark Attorneys |
Phone number 01952930123 is used by UK company WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP.
WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP can be contacted by calling to 01952930123.
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WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP is located at ESSEX PLACE, CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTERSHIRE (postcode GL50 1JJ (52° 41' 0.59" N, 2° 25' 35.55" W)).
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[https://scoriff.co.uk/company/OC325516-WYNNE-JONES -LAINE-&-JAMES-LLP WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP] operates mainly in the business of Trademark Attorneys. There are 54 other companies with the same activity:
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01132465353 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
01133224345 | BAILEY WALSH & CO LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LEEDS | mail@bailey-walsh.com | http://www.bailey-walsh.com |
01142700611 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
01179292717 | SANDIFORD TENNANT LLP | Trademark Attorneys | BRISTOL | http://www.sandifordtennant.co.uk | |
01179451234 | MEWBURN ELLIS LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01202906729 | ALEXANDER RAMAGE ASSOCIATES LLP | Trademark Attorneys | SIDCUP | ||
01214560000 | BARKER BRETTELL LLP | Trademark Attorneys | BIRMINGHAM | ||
01216444960 | HARRISON GODDARD FOOTE LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LEEDS | hgf-aberdeen@hgf.com cwatson@hgf.com ablake@hgf.com fcampbell@hgf.com dwilliams@hgf.com lhedges@hgf.com hgf-glasgow@hgf.com gwilson@hgf.com ddrysdale@hgf.com dkeston@hgf.com skeston@hgf.com jbretherton@hgf.com fedwards@hgf.com slewis@hgf.com nmckechnie@hgf.com cmellor@hgf.com imuellejans@hgf.com docketing@hgf.com jatkinson@hgf.com rharrison@hgf.com jlumber@hgf.com mnelson@hgf.com dpotter@hgf.com psanderson@hgf.com cvaughan@hgf.com cwatkiss@hgf.com twright@hgf.com jweston@hgf.com hgf-london@hgf.com mcassie@hgf.com hchung@hgf.com mdixon@hgf.com clairehutchinson@hgf.com cirvine@hgf.com sloeffler@hgf.com gsmith@hgf.com jthurgood@hgf.com rwilliams@hgf.com hgf-manchester@hgf.com iarmstrong@hgf.com cbenson@hgf.com dcoutts@hgf.com lcurtis@hgf.com awells@hgf.com kkillough@hgf.com bmatharu@hgf.com pshah@hgf.com pbanford@hgf.com ebaezachavez@hgf-law.com hgf-sheffield@hgf.com jclarke@hgf.com hhutchinson@hgf.com mlunt@hgf.com vstainthorpe@hgf.com swhittle@hgf.com esenior@hgf.com dhufton@hgf.com ncohen@hgf.com vjennings@hgf.com andrewlee@hgf.com rjenkins@hgf.com nsanderson@hgf.com ktaylor@hgf.com juno@hgf.com rgover@hgf.com pclarke@hgf.com ccoombes@hgf.com zgoodrum@hgf.com mgreengrass@hgf.com sjackson@hgf.com | http://www.hgf.com |
01223411355 | BARKER BRETTELL LLP | Trademark Attorneys | BIRMINGHAM | ||
01223420383 | MEWBURN ELLIS LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01223435240 | STOBBS (IP) LTD | Trademark Attorneys | CAMBRIDGE | http://www.stobbsip.com | |
01242691801 | ALBRIGHT IP LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | CHELTENHAM | http://www.albright-ip.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
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01278453333 | ROGER MOORE & ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | BRIDGWATER | info@rgma.lega | http://www.rgma.co.uk |
01282412506 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
01315351122 | ANCIENT HUME LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | MIDLOTHIAN | email@ancienthume.co.uk | http://www.ancienthume.com |
01323417711 | CHRISTIAN COPYRIGHT LICENSING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | EASTBOURNE | http://www.ccli.co.uk | |
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01422330110 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
01423538448 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
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01483560543 | CHANCERY TRADE MARKS LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | SURREY | http://www.chancery.co.uk | |
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01618359655 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
01633258792 | TENNANT IP LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | NEWPORT | ||
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01793441445 | PHILLIPS & LEIGH LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01865305100 | DEHNS LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | ||
01892525273 | NLA MEDIA ACCESS LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | TUNBRIDGE WELLS | http://www.nla.co.uk | |
01904476388 | BRANDED LIMITED | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | info@trade-mark.co.uk | http://www.trade-mark.co.uk |
01913017191 | APPLEYARD LEES LTD | Trademark Attorneys | WEST YORKSHIRE | hr.department@appleyardlees.com | http://www.appleyardlees.com |
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01952930123 | WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP | Trademark Attorneys | CHELTENHAM | ||
02034795740 | BECK GREENER LLP | Trademark Attorneys | LONDON | http://www.beckgreener.co.uk | |
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... further results |
Further info
Further details about [https://scoriff.co.uk/company/OC325516-WYNNE-JONES -LAINE-&-JAMES-LLP WYNNE-JONES, LAINE & JAMES LLP], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.