02088522811 | |
Company name | OLIVE CARS LTD |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 02088522811 |
Address | 68 LAVENDER VALE |
Postcode | SM6 9QT |
Category | Mini Cabs |
Phone number 02088522811 is used by UK company OLIVE CARS LTD.
OLIVE CARS LTD can be contacted by calling to 02088522811.
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OLIVE CARS LTD is located at 68 LAVENDER VALE, WALLINGTON, (postcode SM6 9QT (51° 33' 3.01" N, 0° 3' 45.09" W)).
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OLIVE CARS LTD operates mainly in the business of Mini Cabs. There are 8 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01895825500 | ALPHA CARS LIMITED | Mini Cabs | LONDON | ||
02031511234 | HML CIRCUIT LIMITED | Mini Cabs | BIRMINGHAM | bookings@hmlcircuit.com info@hmlcircuit.com drivers@hmlcircuit.com | http://www.hmlcircuit.com |
02033758725 | RADIO CARS LTD | Mini Cabs | ESSEX | http://www.radiocarsltd.co.uk?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | |
02034792795 | COMET CARS LIMITED | Mini Cabs | SHREWSBURY | ||
02037612886 | THE KEEN GROUP LTD | Mini Cabs | LONDON | http://www.thekeengroup.co.uk | |
02084718000 | ALPINE CARS LIMITED | Mini Cabs | COLWYN BAY | ||
02088033407 | MARKET CAR SERVICE LIMITED | Mini Cabs | COCKFOSTERS | enquiries@marketcarservice.net | http://www.marketcarservice.co.uk |
02088522811 | OLIVE CARS LTD | Mini Cabs | WALLINGTON |
Further info
Further details about OLIVE CARS LTD, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.