07845526785 | |
Company name | [Charitable & Voluntary Organisations
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/02793049-HEALTHWISE-LIMITED HEALTHWISE LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 4RD°+55.085206° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 07845526785 |
Address | UNIT 6 |
Extended address | CASTLE COURT |
County | DUDLEY |
Category | 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers |
Phone number 07845526785 is used by UK company HEALTHWISE LIMITED.
HEALTHWISE LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 07845526785.
Get contacts as VCard:
HEALTHWISE LIMITED is located at UNIT 6, CASTLEGATE WAY, DUDLEY (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: DY1 4RD°, 55.085206°.The following coordinate was not recognized: DY1 4RD°, 55.085206°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 5 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01384456345 | HEALTHWISE LIMITED | 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers | CASTLEGATE WAY | sales@healthwisegroup.co.uk | http://www.healthwiseltd.co.uk |
01548857707 | HEALTHWISE LIMITED | 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers | CASTLEGATE WAY | ||
02072780788 | HEALTHWISE LIMITED | 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers | CASTLEGATE WAY | ||
07785906908 | INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LIMITED | 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management | CASTLEGATE WAY | http://www.integrated-management.co.uk | |
07845526785 | HEALTHWISE LIMITED | 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers | CASTLEGATE WAY |
Similar companies
[Charitable & Voluntary Organisations https://scoriff.co.uk/company/02793049-HEALTHWISE-LIMITED HEALTHWISE LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 66220 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers. There are 41 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Charitable & Voluntary Organisations https://scoriff.co.uk/company/02793049-HEALTHWISE-LIMITED HEALTHWISE LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.