07932566286 | |
Company name | C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 07932566286 |
Address | 32 SHIP LANE |
Town | AVELEY |
County | ESSEX |
Postcode | RM15 4HB |
Category | Groundwork Contractors |
Phone number 07932566286 is used by UK company C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD.
C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD can be contacted by calling to 07932566286.
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C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD is located at 32 SHIP LANE, AVELEY, ESSEX (postcode RM15 4HB (53° 48' 48.64" N, 1° 34' 45.18" W)).
Nearby companies
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01245425906 | PRESTIGE PLASTIC PRODUCTS LIMITED | Plastic Mouldings | AVELEY | http://www.prestigeplasticproducts.co.uk | |
01506238480 | CITYXPLORA LIMITED | 49390 - Other passenger land transport | AVELEY | http://www.cityxplora.com | |
01708207011 | A & E ASBESTOS LIMITED | Asbestos Removal | AVELEY | sales@aandeasbestos.co.uk | http://www.aandeasbestos.co.uk/ |
01708680625 | A & E ASBESTOS LIMITED | Asbestos Services | AVELEY | sales@aandeasbestos.co.uk | http://www.aandeasbestos.co.uk/ |
01708850502 | CHAFFORD FORK TRUCKS LIMITED | Plant & Machinery Hire | AVELEY | http://www.chaffordforktrucks.co.uk | |
01708860111 | D & S SHEET METAL LIMITED | Insulation Materials | AVELEY | http://www.dandsuk.com | |
01708863773 | RYKEL VAN HIRE LIMITED | Van & Truck Hire | AVELEY | http://www.rykelgroup.com | |
01708891711 | SECURITY DOOR SYSTEMS LIMITED | Industrial Door Manufacturers | AVELEY | http://www.sds.co.uk | |
07932566286 | C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD | Groundwork Contractors | AVELEY |
Similar companies
C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD operates mainly in the business of Groundwork Contractors. There are 1303 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about C&G CONSTRUCTION LTD, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.