LE19 1WH
LE19 1WH is associated with the following location:
Companies:town | Companies:county | Has coordinates | |
01162630044 | LEICESTER | 52° 36' 31.69" N, 1° 11' 41.00" W | |
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Nearby companies
There are 6 companies registered with this postal code:
Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone | |
01162630044 | PARAMOUNT KNITWEAR (LEICESTER) LIMITED | Knitwear | LEICESTER | sales@paramountknitwear.com | http://www.paramountknitwear.com | 01162630044 |
01162815300 | BRITANNIA LABELS LIMITED | Label Printers | LEICESTER | http://www.britannialabels.com | 01162815300 | |
01162893355 | CLIFTON PACKAGING GROUP LIMITED | Packaging Machinery | LEICESTER | http://www.cliftonpackaging.co.uk | 01162893355 | |
01509815551 | K K INSTALLATIONS (LEICESTER) LIMITED | Shop Fitting Manufacturers | LEICESTER | info@kkinstallations.com | http://www.kkinstallations.com | 01509815551 |
01513241913 | ANAND INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Warehouses | LEICESTER | http://www.anandinternationalltd.co.uk | 01513241913 | |
01530277816 | TOMRA SORTING LIMITED | Recycling | LEICESTER | http://www.titech.com | 01530277816 |
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