| Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone |
01216436644 | ORBIT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LIMITED | Property Management | MAYFAIR | info@orbitproperty.com | http://www.orbitproperty.com | 01216436644 |
01236820638 | IDEAL HOME LIMITED | Hardware Retailers | MAYFAIR | | | 01236820638 |
01259781569 | GLENDEVON COUNTRY PARK LTD | Holiday Accommodation & Parks | MAYFAIR | | | 01259781569 |
01273835344 | CAFE MURANO LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | MAYFAIR | | | 01273835344 |
01277237700 | TONER INC LIMITED | Printers' Supplies | MAYFAIR | rebox@toner-inc.co.uk | http://www.toner-inc.co.uk | 01277237700 |
01452862007 | ENERGY PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | Project Management Services | MAYFAIR | | http://www.epdgroup.com | 01452862007 |
01928232155 | ONE CLICK UMBRELLA LTD | 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management | MAYFAIR | info@oneclickumbrella.com enquiries@oneclickgroupuk.com | http://www.oneclickumbrella.com | 01928232155 |
02033715559 | CAFE MURANO LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | MAYFAIR | reception@cafemurano.co.uk coventgarden@cafemurano.co.uk | http://www.cafemurano.co.uk | 02033715559 |
02034174945 | LONDON INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | MAYFAIR | antonia@lims.ac.uk office@lims.ac.uk | http://www.lims.ac.uk | 02034174945 |
02035761001 | ETON CLARKE LTD | 78109 - Other activities of employment placement agencies | MAYFAIR | | | 02035761001 |
02035813298 | SS COMMUNICATION LIMITED | Electronic Systems & Suppliers | MAYFAIR | | | 02035813298 |
02037432230 | JOHN VARVATOS UK LIMITED | Men's Clothes Shops | MAYFAIR | customercare@johnvarvatos.com londonstudioservices@johnvarvatos.com lastudioservices@johnvarvatos.com nystudioservices@johnvarvatos.com torontostudioservices@johnvarvatos.com | http://www.johnvarvatos.com | 02037432230 |
02071180277 | GRID & DISTRIBUTION PROFESSIONALS LTD | -0.146599 | MAYFAIR | | http://www.gdprofessionals.co.uk | 02071180277 |
02072403654 | CAFE MURANO LIMITED | Italian Restaurants | MAYFAIR | reception@cafemurano.co.uk coventgarden@cafemurano.co.uk | http://www.cafemurano.co.uk | 02072403654 |
02073552988 | WOODSTOCK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED | Company Formation | MAYFAIR | | | 02073552988 |
02073888803 | THIS IS FURNITURE LIMITED | Furniture - Retail | MAYFAIR | | | 02073888803 |
02073993100 | JEFFCOTE DONNISON LLP | Tax Advisers | MAYFAIR | info@jeffcote.co.uk | http://www.jeffcotedonnison.co.uk | 02073993100 |
02074082222 | CYRIL LEONARD LTD | Surveyors & Valuers | MAYFAIR | | http://www.cyrilleonard.co.uk | 02074082222 |
02074912511 | LONDON METALS & COMMODITIES LIMITED | Metals | MAYFAIR | | | 02074912511 |
02074934373 | B.SPOKE AGENCY LTD | Public Relations Consultants | MAYFAIR | | http://www.b-spokeagency.com | 02074934373 |
02076215600 | OXBURGH PARTNERS LLP | Legal Services | MAYFAIR | | | 02076215600 |
02076298181 | REGIS GROUP PLC | Property Management | MAYFAIR | | | 02076298181 |
02077027448 | CANDY CLOTHING LTD | Ladies Clothes Shops | MAYFAIR | khuram@candyclothing.co.uk | http://www.candyclothing.co.uk | 02077027448 |
02077303313 | BELGRAVIA MEWS HOTEL LIMITED | Hotels & Inns | MAYFAIR | | http://www.belgraviamewshotel.com | 02077303313 |
02077588080 | ORBIT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LIMITED | Property Management | MAYFAIR | | | 02077588080 |
02077887788 | W1 OFFICE LIMITED | Mailboxes & Address Agents | MAYFAIR | | http://www.w1office.com | 02077887788 |
02079890110 | THE YACHT CONCIERGE LTD | Yacht Charterers | MAYFAIR | membership@theyachtconcierge.com | http://www.theyachtconcierge.com | 02079890110 |
02085778519 | PLAN B CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Computer Security | MAYFAIR | | | 02085778519 |
03303350400 | GENIUS MONEY LIMITED | Payroll Services | MAYFAIR | | http://www.geniusmoney.co.uk | 03303350400 |
07521002541 | TRINITYARIES LTD | Model Shops | MAYFAIR | | http://www.trinityaries.com | 07521002541 |
08452606780 | PROPERTY BRIEF LTD. | Property Development | MAYFAIR | | http://www.propertybrief.com | 08452606780 |
08457452020 | TONER INC LIMITED | Printers' Supplies | MAYFAIR | rebox@toner-inc.co.uk | http://www.toner-inc-online.co.uk | 08457452020 |
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