| Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone |
01212368357 | WINDSOR FELLOWSHIP | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.windsorfellowship.org | 01212368357 |
01314774534 | ACCESS BUSINESS SERVICES LTD | Bookkeeping Services | | | http://www.access-partnership.co.uk | 01314774534 |
01709700900 | JOHN POWELL TRAVEL LIMITED | Coach Hire | LONDON | | | 01709700900 |
01709912602 | JOHN POWELL TRAVEL LIMITED | Coach Hire | LONDON | | | 01709912602 |
01725517670 | THORNE BUILDING ASSOCIATES LTD | Fireplaces | LONDON | | http://www.thornebuildingassociates.co.uk | 01725517670 |
02037007185 | ANGELUS FOUNDATION | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.angelusfoundation.org.uk | 02037007185 |
02072478891 | SPECIAL OLYMPICS GREAT BRITAIN | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.sogb.org.uk | 02072478891 |
02072508054 | WHOLE EDUCATION LTD | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.wholeeducation.org | 02072508054 |
02072508271 | SARCOMA UK | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | supportline@sarcoma.org.uk info@sarcoma.org.uk katie.haywood@sarcoma.org.uk info@sarcoma.org.uktw | http://www.sarcoma.org.uk | 02072508271 |
02072508280 | INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PATIENTS' ORGANIZATIONS | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.patientsorganizations.org | 02072508280 |
02072508374 | THE BRITISH YOUTH COUNCIL | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | info@byc.org.uk | http://www.byc.org.uk | 02072508374 |
02072947331 | ORBITSOUND LIMITED | Sound Equipment Systems | LONDON | | http://www.orbitsound.com | 02072947331 |
02075660060 | YES ENGINEERING LTD | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | | http://www.yeseng.co.uk | 02075660060 |
02076965569 | SPECIAL OLYMPICS GREAT BRITAIN | Disability Information & Services | LONDON | | http://www.specialolympicsgb.org | 02076965569 |
02077217508 | INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PATIENTS' ORGANIZATIONS | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.patientsorganizations.org | 02077217508 |
02077499360 | HEADLINERS (UK) | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.headliners.org | 02077499360 |
02078123770 | THE CLORE SOCIAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | info@cloresocialleadership.org.uk | http://www.cloresocialleadership.org.uk | 02078123770 |
02079227808 | AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN DIVERSITY | Educational Services | LONDON | | http://www.acdiversity.org | 02079227808 |
02079249911 | LAMBETH & SOUTHWARK COMMUNITY TRANSPORT | Community Transport | LONDON | | http://www.lascot.com | 02079249911 |
02085569955 | ACTION DUCHENNE LIMITED | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | | http://www.actionduchenne.org | 02085569955 |
02085631995 | MUSLIM INSTITUTE TRUST LIMITED | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | LONDON | samia@musliminstitute.org | http://www.musliminstitute.org | 02085631995 |
02089856843 | NETUXO LIMITED | Web Design & Development | LONDON | office@netuxo.co.uk | http://www.netuxo.co.uk | 02089856843 |
07718126942 | OFIXU LIMITED | Advertising & Graphic Designers | LONDON | | http://ofixu.com/?utm source=yell&utm medium=referral&utm campaign=yell | 07718126942 |
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