RG41 2GY
RG41 2GY is associated with the following location:
Companies:town | Companies:county | Has coordinates | |
01162775739 | WOKINGHAM | BERKSHIRE | 52° 35' 17.05" N, 1° 9' 39.03" W |
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Nearby companies
There are 24 companies registered with this postal code:
Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone | |
01162775739 | DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED | Telecommunication Services | WOKINGHAM | http://www.digital-communications.co.uk | 01162775739 | |
01189186822 | NOUVEAU SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Computer Services | WOKINGHAM | http://www.nouveau.co.uk | 01189186822 | |
01189305522 | TRANSEPT CONSULTING LIMITED | Transport Consultants | WOKINGHAM | http://www.transept.co.uk | 01189305522 | |
01189364800 | ACORAH SOFTWARE PRODUCTS LIMITED | Computer Software Development | WOKINGHAM | http://www.taxcalc.com | 01189364800 | |
01189777100 | ITEC INTELLIGENT SERVICES LIMITED | Telecommunication Services | WOKINGHAM | enquiries@itec-is.com | http://www.itec-is.com | 01189777100 |
01278457730 | CASTLE CLINIC LIMITED | Osteopaths | WOKINGHAM | http://www.castleclinicbw.co.uk | 01278457730 | |
01279828930 | BARENREITER LIMITED | Publishers & Publications | WOKINGHAM | http://www.baerenreiter.com | 01279828930 | |
01304202352 | CASTLE CLINIC LIMITED | Osteopaths | WOKINGHAM | 01304202352 | ||
01344312100 | INFINITT UK LTD | Digital Imaging | WOKINGHAM | jhkim@infinitt.com dreed@infinitt.com overseas@infinitt.com sales@infinittna.com sales@infinitt.co.jp itw-info@infinitt.com info@infinittchina.com iseasales@infinitt.com iidnsales@infinitt.com ieusales@infinitt.com iuksales@infinitt.com imeasales@infinitt.com contato@infinittbr.com michael.daronche@medspazio.com ebruyilmaz@kurt.com.tr m_raeesi@shimaparto.com wael_fanous@caretek.com.lb pierre@continuum.za.com hesham@manzoma.com adel@sbs-me.com info@safwantrading.com info@medspazio.com | http://www.infinitt.com | 01344312100 |
01344393300 | BRITPAVE | Trade Associations | WOKINGHAM | info@britpave.org.uk josullivan@bamcontractors.ie john.brooks@thebenniegroup.co.uk stefan.stansfield@combinedssl.co.uk steve.dunn@geofirma.co.uk iyoung@rjtexcavations.co.uk info@trstabilisation.co.uk adrianerwee@norder.co.uk rcarroll@ukqaa.co.uk | http://www.britpave.org.uk | 01344393300 |
01344668400 | TABAQ TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | Computer Software Development | WOKINGHAM | http://www.tabaq.com | 01344668400 | |
01344872111 | ROWNEY SHARMAN PROJECT CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Project Management Services | WOKINGHAM | http://www.rowneysharman.com | 01344872111 | |
01457867246 | PLD LIMITED | Advertising & Graphic Designers | WOKINGHAM | http://www.philipleedesign.co.uk | 01457867246 | |
01773811372 | DAVID BARNETT LIMITED | Commercial Artists | WOKINGHAM | 01773811372 | ||
01924235551 | DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED | Mobile Phones & Accessories | WOKINGHAM | 01924235551 | ||
02085460150 | GRAND CENTRAL CREATIVE LLP | Marketing & Advertising Consultants | WOKINGHAM | http://www.grandc.co.uk | 02085460150 | |
02085499212 | GRAND CENTRAL CREATIVE LLP | Marketing & Advertising Consultants | WOKINGHAM | http://www.grandc.co.uk | 02085499212 | |
02088963399 | DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED | Cctv Installers | WOKINGHAM | 02088963399 | ||
02476459067 | CASTLE CLINIC LIMITED | Physiotherapists | WOKINGHAM | enquiries@castleclinic-coventry.co.uk | http://castleclinic-coventry.co.uk | 02476459067 |
02476945331 | CASTLE CLINIC LIMITED | Physiotherapists | WOKINGHAM | 02476945331 | ||
02476945332 | CASTLE CLINIC LIMITED | Complementary Therapies | WOKINGHAM | 02476945332 | ||
03455190883 | TAXCALC LIMITED | Computer Software Development | WOKINGHAM | sales@taxcalc.com | http://www.taxcalc.com | 03455190883 |
07901782015 | BRITPAVE | Paving & Driveways | WOKINGHAM | 07901782015 | ||
07956399706 | LILYCO GRAPHICS LIMITED | Advertising & Graphic Designers | WOKINGHAM | studio@lilycographics.co.uk | http://www.lilycographics.co.uk | 07956399706 |
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