S9 5DQ
S9 5DQ is associated with the following location:
Companies:town | Companies:county | Has coordinates | |
01142440771 | SHEFFIELD | 53° 23' 52.43" N, 1° 25' 4.71" W | |
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Nearby companies
There are 4 companies registered with this postal code:
Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone | |
01142440771 | IRONBRIDGE ENGINEERING LIMITED | Precision Engineers | SHEFFIELD | 01142440771 | ||
01142448050 | R.S. BRUCE LIMITED | Metal Restoration & Maintenance | mail@rsbruce.com | http://www.rsbruce.com | 01142448050 | |
01143212894 | B.P. DEMPSEY LIMITED | Industrial Heating | SOUTH YORKSHIRE | sim@bpdempsey.com | http://www.bpdempseyindustrialheating.co.uk | 01143212894 |
01223872933 | AIRPROTEKT LIMITED | Pollution Control | SHEFFIELD | enquiries@airprotekt.co.uk | http://www.airprotekt.co.uk | 01223872933 |
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