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Postcodes in town

Businesses in SOUTH DEVON have the following postal codes:

Nearby companies

There are 5 companies registered in this town:

 Companies:company nameCompanies:categoryCompanies:townCompanies:emailCompanies:homepageCompanies:phone
01548853377JADES COMPONENTS LIMITEDElectronic Systems & SuppliersSOUTH DEVON
01626369551S & P AUTO SERVICES LIMITEDGarage ServicesSOUTH DEVON01626369551
01752881717KIRBY DEVON LIMITEDElectronic EngineersSOUTH DEVONsales@kirbydevon.comhttp://www.kirbydevon.com01752881717
01803402249M.H.R. SERVICES LIMITEDCentral Heating ServicesSOUTH
02380601477MILL COURT LIMITEDSheltered AccommodationSOUTH DEVON02380601477

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