Postcodes in town
Businesses in WYNYARD have the following postal codes:
Nearby companies
There are 6 companies registered in this town:
Companies:company name | Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone | |
01207591540 | CONSETT ALE WORKS LIMITED | 11050 - Manufacture of beer | WYNYARD | 01207591540 | ||
01429264713 | FURZE LABORATORY LIMITED | Dental Technicians | WYNYARD | 01429264713 | ||
01740645579 | SCAN-2-FIT LIMITED | Clinics | WYNYARD | http://www.scan-2-fit.co.uk | 01740645579 | |
01913783976 | THE INTEGRATION TRUST LIMITED | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | WYNYARD | 01913783976 | ||
07764831911 | KDM PARTNERSHIP LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | WYNYARD | shaunheap@kdmpartnership.com | http://www.kdmpartnership.com | 07764831911 |
08447451111 | UNITEL DIRECT LIMITED | Web Design & Development | WYNYARD | customerservices@uniteldirect.co.uk sales@uniteldirect.co.uk | http://www.uniteldirect.co.uk/ | 08447451111 |
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