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Company name [Quantity Surveyors

https://scoriff.co.uk/company/01976259-WT-HILLS-LIMITED W.T. HILLS LIMITED]

Navigation and Streetview 9RY°+52.084215° Google Maps
Contact phone 01908634900
Web site
Extended address OLD IDE LANE
Town IDE
Postcode [[|]]
Category 74902 - Quantity surveying activities


Phone number 01908634900 is used by UK company W.T. HILLS LIMITED.


W.T. HILLS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01908634900.

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W.T. HILLS LIMITED is located at POLE HOUSE, IDE, EXETER (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: EX2 9RY°, 52.084215°.The following coordinate was not recognized: EX2 9RY°, 52.084215°.)).

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Nearby companies

There are 1 companies nearby:

Phone numberCompanyBusiness categoryLocationE-mailCompany homepage
01908634900W.T. HILLS LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesIDE

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01604770633ANSTEY & ASSOCIATES LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesNORTHAMPTON
01858575338GRAHAM CLARKSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesSOUTH KILWORTHgraham@grahamclarkson.co.ukhttp://www.grahamclarksonassociates.co.uk
01908634900W.T. HILLS LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesIDE
01926887070GLYN JONES SURVEYS LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesCOVENTRYhttp://www.glynjonessurveys.co.uk
01943468922CAIRN WHARF CONSULTANCY LIMITED74902 - Quantity surveying activitiesOTLEYcw@cairnwharf.comhttp://www.cairnwharf.com
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Further info

Further details about [Quantity Surveyors https://scoriff.co.uk/company/01976259-WT-HILLS-LIMITED W.T. HILLS LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.