| Companies:category | Companies:town | Companies:email | Companies:homepage | Companies:phone |
01142448335 | Grinding & Sharpening | SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR | info@precision-grinding.co.uk | http://www.precision-grinding.co.uk | 01142448335 |
01212883244 | Baby Products & Services | STRATFORD UPON AVON | contact@dorothyandtheodore.com | http://www.dorothyandtheodore.com | 01212883244 |
01261812021 | Hairdressers | RUGBY | | | 01261812021 |
01264354108 | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | BEDWORTH | | | 01264354108 |
01274640102 | 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate | WARWICK | info@eurodash.co.uk robnlinda5455@sky.com | http://www.eurodash.co.uk | 01274640102 |
01415726014 | Hotels & Inns | ALCESTER | | http://www.aboardhotels.co.uk | 01415726014 |
01422371905 | Hairdressers | RUGBY | | | 01422371905 |
01423875754 | Landscapers | SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR | | | 01423875754 |
01455241128 | Roofing Services | NUNEATON | lpc.contracts.ltd@gmail.com | http://www.lpccontracts.co.uk | 01455241128 |
01455632945 | Footwear Suppliers | NUNEATON | | | 01455632945 |
01455843400 | Pet Shops | NUNEATON | pete@aquapet.co.uk | http://www.aquapet.co.uk | 01455843400 |
01472886035 | Pubs | STUDLEY | | http://www.sizzlingpubs.co.uk | 01472886035 |
01483724873 | Mobile Homes | STRATFORD UPON AVON | | | 01483724873 |
01503220312 | Hotels & Inns | STUDLEY | | http://www.jubilee-inn.co.uk | 01503220312 |
01519287124 | Pubs | STUDLEY | | | 01519287124 |
01527850585 | Motorhomes | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | goeurogailey@aol.co.uk goeuropeanaftersales@aol.co.uk | http://www.goeuropean.co.uk | 01527850585 |
01527919980 | Web Design & Development | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | hello@iostudios.co.uk | http://www.iostudios.co.uk | 01527919980 |
01543496345 | Motorhomes | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | goeurogailey@aol.co.uk goeuropeanaftersales@aol.co.uk | http://www.goeuropean.co.uk | 01543496345 |
01564794044 | Italian Restaurants | BIDFORD ON AVON | | | 01564794044 |
01608662295 | Electrical Engineers | SHIPSTON ON STOUR | sales@mcblythe.co.uk sales@matthewcblythe.co.uk | http://www.matthewcblythe.co.uk | 01608662295 |
01622891025 | Cabinet Makers | SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR | | http://www.timsmithfurniture.com | 01622891025 |
01709366776 | Aquarium & Pond Supplies | NUNEATON | | | 01709366776 |
01752812246 | Pubs | STUDLEY | | | 01752812246 |
01773591888 | Hairdressers | RUGBY | | | 01773591888 |
01788522021 | Ladies Clothes Shops | RUGBY | | | 01788522021 |
01788575240 | Commercial Vehicle Repairs | RUGBY | | | 01788575240 |
01788810625 | Hairdressers | RUGBY | | | 01788810625 |
01788869121 | Brewers | CATTHORPE | | | 01788869121 |
01789263950 | Drains & Pipe Cleaning | STRATFORD UPON AVON | | http://www.absolutedrains.co.uk | 01789263950 |
01789293439 | Sports Ground Contractors | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | info@avonmore-associates.co.uk | http://www.avonmore-associates.co.uk/ | 01789293439 |
01789295018 | Carpets & Rugs Retail & Repair | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | | http://www.barbers-flooring.com | 01789295018 |
01789721203 | Caravan Agents & Dealers | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | info@camperking.co.uk | http://www.camperking.co.uk | 01789721203 |
01789750898 | Caravan Parks | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | | | 01789750898 |
01789764118 | Aerial Services & Supplies | BIDFORD ON AVON | pete.charlton@btinternet.com pete@chartel.co.uk tony@chartel.co.uk | http://www.chartel.co.uk | 01789764118 |
01797229191 | Carpenters & Joiners | ALCETER | | http://www.mermaidjoinery.co.uk | 01797229191 |
01827712216 | Agricultural Contractors | ATHERSTONE | | | 01827712216 |
01905350464 | Landscapers | BIDFORD ON AVON | | http://www.bootforce.co.uk | 01905350464 |
01924495999 | Electrical Engineers | STUDLEY | | http://www.mcs-automation.co.uk | 01924495999 |
01926338609 | Welding Equipment | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | | http://www.gys-welding.com | 01926338609 |
01926356222 | Footwear Suppliers | WARWICK | info@afinepairofshoes.co.uk | http://www.afinepairofshoes.co.uk | 01926356222 |
01926493222 | Advertising & Graphic Designers | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | studio@chemicalcode.com | http://www.chemicalcode.com | 01926493222 |
01926642848 | Model Shops | STRATFORD-UPON-AVON | angro@angro.com gm@angro.com | http://www.angro.com | 01926642848 |
01926814922 | Flooring Materials | SOUTHAM | | http://www.floorwise.co.uk | 01926814922 |
01926831777 | Estate Agents | WARWICK | | http://www.maisonproperties.co.uk | 01926831777 |
01926843006 | Financial Advisers | WARWICK | mel@jscfinancial.co.uk paul@jscfinancial.co.uk alan@jscfinancial.co.uk | http://www.jscfinancial.co.uk | 01926843006 |
01926852428 | Tool Suppliers & Services | INDUSTRIAL ESTATE KENILWORTH | | http://www.threadmastergauges.co.uk | 01926852428 |
01959542530 | Detective Agencies | NR NUNEATON | | | 01959542530 |
02088800188 | Computer Consultancy | WARWICK | solutions@cix.co.uk | http://www.cix.co.uk | 02088800188 |
02089865002 | Recruitment Consultants | STRATFORD ON AVON | richard@interfacio.com webadmin@interfacio.com | http://www.interfacio.com | 02089865002 |
02476012883 | Tree Surgeons | NUNEATON | | | 02476012883 |
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