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Company name [Commercial Food Processing Equipment


Navigation and Streetview 6HA°+53.720676° Google Maps
Contact phone 01706815040
E-mail sales@foodmac.eu
Web site www.foodmac.co.uk
Extended address STOODLEY LANE
Postcode [[|]]
Category 46140 - Agents involved in the sale of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft


Phone number 01706815040 is used by UK company FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.


FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01706815040. FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to sales@foodmac.eu. FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED's homepage is at www.foodmac.co.uk.

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FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is located at STOODLEY BRIDGE MILL, EASTWOOD, TODMORDEN (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: OL14 6HA°, 53.720676°.The following coordinate was not recognized: OL14 6HA°, 53.720676°.)).

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01248422244H.C.S. LIMITEDCentral Heating EquipmentEASTWOOD
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01463793949H.C.S. LIMITEDCommercial CleaningEASTWOOD
01554773333H.C.S. LIMITEDAntique DealersEASTWOOD
01706815040FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED46140 - Agents involved in the sale of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraftEASTWOODsales@foodmac.euhttp://www.foodmac.co.uk
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Further info

Further details about [Commercial Food Processing Equipment https://scoriff.co.uk/company/04627871-FOODMAC-INTERNATIONAL-LIMITED FOODMAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.