01914820445 | |
Company name | [Pallet & Case Makers
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03560703-TWP-PACKAGING-LIMITED TWP PACKAGING LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 0EX°+54.916512° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01914820445 |
sales@twp-packaging.com | |
Web site | www.twp-packaging.com |
Extended address | SMITHY LANE |
County | GATESHEAD |
Category | 16240 - Manufacture of wooden containers |
Phone number 01914820445 is used by UK company TWP PACKAGING LIMITED.
TWP PACKAGING LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01914820445. TWP PACKAGING LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to sales@twp-packaging.com. TWP PACKAGING LIMITED's homepage is at www.twp-packaging.com.
Get contacts as VCard:
TWP PACKAGING LIMITED is located at LAMESLEY SAW MILL, LAMESLEY, GATESHEAD (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: NE11 0EX°, 54.916512°.The following coordinate was not recognized: NE11 0EX°, 54.916512°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 1 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01914820445 | TWP PACKAGING LIMITED | 16240 - Manufacture of wooden containers | LAMESLEY | sales@twp-packaging.com | http://www.twp-packaging.com |
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01773603232 | RAINBRIDGE TIMBER LIMITED | 16240 - Manufacture of wooden containers | PYE BRIDGE | sales@rainbridgetimber.co.uk | http://www.rainbridgetimber.co.uk |
01914820445 | TWP PACKAGING LIMITED | 16240 - Manufacture of wooden containers | LAMESLEY | sales@twp-packaging.com | http://www.twp-packaging.com |
01942711811 | UNIT PALLETS LIMITED | 16240 - Manufacture of wooden containers | http://www.unit-pallets.co.uk |
Further info
Further details about [Pallet & Case Makers https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03560703-TWP-PACKAGING-LIMITED TWP PACKAGING LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.