02079937000 | |
Company name | [Electronic Components
Navigation and Streetview | 9DW°+51.492095° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 02079937000 |
Address | 2ND FLOOR, THE MILLE |
Extended address | 1000 |
County | BRENTFORD |
Category | 74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. |
Phone number 02079937000 is used by UK company ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED.
ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 02079937000.
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ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED is located at 2ND FLOOR, THE MILLE, GREAT WEST ROAD, BRENTFORD (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: TW8 9DW°, 51.492095°.The following coordinate was not recognized: TW8 9DW°, 51.492095°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 12 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01293511644 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | email@daygroup.co.uk sales@daygroup.co.uk transport@daygroup.co.uk recycling@daygroup.co.uk watertreatment@daygroup.co.uk humanresources@daygroup.co.uk technical@daygroup.co.uk equestrianarenaaggregates@daygroup.co.uk karen.dixon@daygroup.co.uk nationalsales@daygroup.co.uk equestrian@daygroup.co.uk | http://www.daygroup.co.uk |
0140446836 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | email@daygroup.co.uk sales@daygroup.co.uk transport@daygroup.co.uk recycling@daygroup.co.uk watertreatment@daygroup.co.uk humanresources@daygroup.co.uk technical@daygroup.co.uk equestrianarenaaggregates@daygroup.co.uk karen.dixon@daygroup.co.uk nationalsales@daygroup.co.uk equestrian@daygroup.co.uk | http://www.daygroup.co.uk |
01454325589 | DES GROUP LIMITED | 33200 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment | GREAT WEST ROAD | http://www.des-electrical.co.uk | |
01483725100 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | email@daygroup.co.uk sales@daygroup.co.uk transport@daygroup.co.uk recycling@daygroup.co.uk watertreatment@daygroup.co.uk humanresources@daygroup.co.uk technical@daygroup.co.uk equestrianarenaaggregates@daygroup.co.uk karen.dixon@daygroup.co.uk nationalsales@daygroup.co.uk equestrian@daygroup.co.uk | http://www.daygroup.co.uk |
01484660044 | DES GROUP LIMITED | 33200 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment | GREAT WEST ROAD | http://www.desgroupltd.co.uk | |
01825873611 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | email@daygroup.co.uk sales@daygroup.co.uk transport@daygroup.co.uk recycling@daygroup.co.uk watertreatment@daygroup.co.uk humanresources@daygroup.co.uk technical@daygroup.co.uk equestrianarenaaggregates@daygroup.co.uk karen.dixon@daygroup.co.uk nationalsales@daygroup.co.uk equestrian@daygroup.co.uk | http://www.daygroup.co.uk |
02078191400 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | ||
02079937000 | ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED | 74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. | GREAT WEST ROAD | ||
02083054994 | DAY AGGREGATES LIMITED | 99999 - Dormant Company | GREAT WEST ROAD | ||
02085608787 | DES GROUP LIMITED | 33200 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment | GREAT WEST ROAD | http://www.desgroupltd.co.uk | |
02088970515 | GOLDEN SERVICES PLUS LIMITED | 41100 - Development of building projects | GREAT WEST ROAD | gsplus@gsplus.co.uk aawad@btconnect.com | http://www.gsplus.co.uk |
08704430023 | ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED | 74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. | GREAT WEST ROAD | http://www.vitalsourceinc.com |
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[Electronic Components https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03179501-ADVANCED-MP-TECHNOLOGY-UK-LIMITED ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.. There are 191 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Electronic Components https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03179501-ADVANCED-MP-TECHNOLOGY-UK-LIMITED ADVANCED MP TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.