01215040890 | |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01215040890 |
bparchive@bp.com, mybpshares@capita.co.uk, bpdistributionservices@bp.com, shareholderuk@bp.com, bpreports@precisionir.com, ir@bp.com, bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com, sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com, bpgeosust@bp.com, bppress@bp.com, uspress@bp.com, sr@bp.com, photogs@bp.com, mail@jonchallicom.com, info@studiobrunocohen.com, mail@grahamtrott.com, stuart@stuartconway.com, rocky@rockykneten.com, webassure@bp.com, 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo, 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com, 4000shareholderuk@bp.com, 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com, bpgeosust@bp.com.bp, +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com, +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | |
Web site | www.bp.com |
Extended address | SUNBURY ON THAMES |
Postcode | TW16 7BP |
Category | Petrol Stations |
Phone number 01215040890 is used by UK company BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED.
BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01215040890. BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to bparchive@bp.com, mybpshares@capita.co.uk, bpdistributionservices@bp.com, shareholderuk@bp.com, bpreports@precisionir.com, ir@bp.com, bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com, sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com, bpgeosust@bp.com, bppress@bp.com, uspress@bp.com, sr@bp.com, photogs@bp.com, mail@jonchallicom.com, info@studiobrunocohen.com, mail@grahamtrott.com, stuart@stuartconway.com, rocky@rockykneten.com, webassure@bp.com, 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo, 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com, 4000shareholderuk@bp.com, 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com, bpgeosust@bp.com.bp, +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com, +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com. BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED's homepage is at www.bp.com.
Get contacts as VCard:
BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED is located at CHERTSEY ROAD, MIDDLESEX, (postcode TW16 7BP (52° 27' 9.39" N, 2° 3' 29.40" W)).
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01132380412 | SANDWICH BOX LIMITED | Takeaway Food | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132449999 | BIG BITE LIMITED | Fast Food Restaurants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132532277 | J B BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD | Builders | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132622214 | J & A MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132665184 | CORNERHOUSE DENTAL PRACTICE LTD | Dentists | MIDDLESEX | http://www.cornerhousedentalpractice.net | |
01132888855 | PREMIER PLC | Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles | MIDDLESEX | http://www.premiercarsleeds.co.uk | |
01142360583 | LIBERTY FOODS LIMITED | Butchers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01142396396 | PREMIER PLC | Grocers & Convenience Stores | MIDDLESEX | http://www.premier-stores.co.uk | |
01142432337 | BIG BITE LIMITED | Sandwich Shops & Delivery | MIDDLESEX | ||
01142513446 | IT'S ABOUT TIME LIMITED | Clocks & Watches Retail & Repairs | MIDDLESEX | http://www.itsabouttimesheffield.co.uk | |
01142516772 | SKY LIMITED | Satellite & Cable Tv | MIDDLESEX | http://www.sky.com | |
01142568137 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01142568567 | OASIS LIMITED | Ladies Clothes Shops | MIDDLESEX | http://www.oasis.co.uk | |
01142679996 | OASIS LIMITED | Takeaway Food | MIDDLESEX | ||
01143217264 | IT'S ABOUT TIME LIMITED | Clocks & Watches Retail & Repairs | MIDDLESEX | info@itsabouttimeuk.co.uk | http://www.itsabouttimesheffield.co.uk |
01144534977 | M & S MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01158405060 | ADVANCED GARDENING LIMITED | Hydroponics | MIDDLESEX | advancednotts@gmail.com | http://www.advancedhydroponicsnottingham.co.uk |
01159081560 | FITZROY LIMITED | Residential & Retirement Homes | MIDDLESEX | services@fitzroy.org fundraising@fitzroy.org volunteering@fitzroy.org recruitment@fitzroy.org marketing@fitzroy.org diane.french@fitzroy.org julie.bruce@fitzroy.org joanne.keight@fitzroy.org sue.prior@fitzroy.org mark.grover@fitzroy.org | http://www.fitzroy.org |
01159280440 | OASIS LIMITED | Beauty Salons & Consultants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01159300073 | ABBEY COACHWORKS LIMITED | Car Body Repairs | MIDDLESEX | http://www.abbey-coachworks.co.uk | |
01159404110 | CARPETSTYLE LIMITED | Carpets & Rugs Retail & Repair | MIDDLESEX | carpetstyle@hotmail.co.uk | http://www.carpet-style.co.uk |
01162392541 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01162785278 | PRESTIGE SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Garage Doors | MIDDLESEX | info@prestigesecuritysolutions.co.uk | http://www.prestigesecuritysolutions.co.uk |
01162849930 | UKAY KHOA MANUFACTURING LIMITED | Dairy Products | MIDDLESEX | ||
01163400256 | RAY FAWEHIMI LIMITED | Property Development | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179258270 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179509607 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01179699808 | SUNSHINE GARDENS LIMITED | Landscapers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179734074 | SKY LIMITED | Picture Framers & Frame Makers | MIDDLESEX | http://www.skybristol.co.uk | |
01189263766 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189427712 | WESTWOOD ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Tax Advisers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189549975 | HINDS LTD | Painters & Decorators | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189585464 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01189589292 | PICNIC LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | MIDDLESEX | http://www.picnicfoods.co.uk | |
01189594779 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189701404 | QUALITY DIRECT LIMITED | Double Glazing Installers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189795755 | PARK STREET PEOPLE LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | MIDDLESEX | london@parkstreetpeople.com maidenhead@parkstreetpeople.com windsor@parkstreetpeople.com wokingham@parkstreetpeople.com james@parkstreetpeople.com | http://www.parkstreetpeople.com |
01202395437 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01202420033 | HAIRWORX LIMITED | Hairdressers | MIDDLESEX | andyandbabe@aol.com | http://www.hair-worx.co.uk |
01202478066 | SUNSHINE GARDENS LIMITED | Garden Services | MIDDLESEX | malcommussell@virginmedia.com | http://www.sunshine-gardens.co.uk |
01202486459 | KITCHEN STUDIO LIMITED | Kitchen Planning & Installation | MIDDLESEX | http://www.kitchenstudio.co.uk | |
01202582653 | CONSTRUCTION COMPUTER SOFTWARE LIMITED | Computer Software Sales | MIDDLESEX | http://www.ccsuk.com | |
01202592000 | CLANCY DOCWRA LIMITED | Civil Engineers | MIDDLESEX | enquiries@theclancygroup.co.uk | http://www.theclancygroup.co.uk |
01202649902 | SKY LIMITED | Broadcasting Services | MIDDLESEX | http://www.sky.com | |
01204395369 | KNS LIMITED | Fast Food Restaurants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01204395511 | J & A MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01204555050 | KNIGHTSBRIDGE LIMITED | Business Transfer Agents | MIDDLESEX | http://www.knightsbridgeplc.com | |
01205351018 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01205360889 | OASIS LIMITED | Sports Injury Clinics | MIDDLESEX | ||
01206211921 | RECORD 316 LIMITED | Commercial Food Processing Equipment | MIDDLESEX | info@asdesigning.com info@record316.com | http://www.record316.com |
... further results |
Similar companies
BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Petrol Stations. There are 814 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132308400 | UNITED GARAGES LIMITED | Petrol Stations | ROCHDALE | ||
01132449635 | JET LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MILTON KEYNES | ||
01132551568 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01132558550 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01132562519 | JET LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MILTON KEYNES | http://www.phillips66.com | |
01132810400 | TOTAL LIMITED | Petrol Stations | CHELTENHAM | http://www.total.co.uk | |
01132863826 | OAKDALE GARAGE LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WAKEFIELD | ||
01142324278 | JET LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MILTON KEYNES | http://www.phillips66.com | |
01142325142 | BROBOT PETROLEUM LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.brobot.co.uk |
01142373689 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01142423944 | JET LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MILTON KEYNES | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01142548433 | BROBOT PETROLEUM LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.brobot.co.uk |
01142725194 | TEXACO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.texaco.co.uk | |
01159209041 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01159411252 | VICTORIA FILLING STATION LIMITED | Petrol Stations | BRADFORD | ||
01159440620 | TOTAL LIMITED | Petrol Stations | CHELTENHAM | http://www.total.co.uk | |
01159655236 | BROBOT PETROLEUM LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.brobot.co.uk |
01159843801 | BROBOT PETROLEUM LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.brobot.co.uk |
01159864562 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01162302205 | HILLTOP GARAGE LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WATERLOOVILLE | ||
01162392541 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01162405870 | MALTHURST LIMITED | Petrol Stations | ST. ALBANS | ||
01162460366 | SHELL U.K. LIMITED | Petrol Stations | http://www.shell.com | ||
01162532375 | H.K.S. RETAIL LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | http://www.hksmotors.co.uk | |
01162571162 | HOCKENHULL GARAGES LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LEICESTER | ||
01162640587 | BMC PETROLEUM LIMITED | Petrol Stations | SOUTHAMPTON | ||
01162688830 | M.P.K. GARAGES LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LEICESTER | ||
01162750800 | M.P.K. FILLING STATIONS LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LEICESTER | ||
01162876313 | TEXACO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.midlandscoop.com | |
01179162571 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01179323272 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01179423308 | PETRO GAS LLP | Petrol Stations | LONDON | ||
01179672700 | HARVEST ENERGY LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WEYBRIDGE | http://www.harvestenergy.co.uk | |
01179720148 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01179891142 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01189263766 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189361191 | GULF PETROLEUM LTD | Petrol Stations | OXFORD | ||
01189508866 | SNAX 24 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.snax24.co.uk | |
01189566554 | TEXACO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.kriscoservices.com | |
01189594779 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189722021 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01189733114 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01189866606 | KRISCO SERVICES LIMITED | Petrol Stations | READING | ||
01189883110 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01202409900 | SHELL U.K. LIMITED | Petrol Stations | http://www.shell.co.uk | ||
01202632910 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01202873510 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01202886980 | MURCO LIMITED | Petrol Stations | LONDON | http://www.murco.co.uk | |
01204571279 | PARKVIEW SERVICE STATION LTD | Petrol Stations | NEWTOWNARDS | http://www.esso.co.uk | |
01204595026 | PEARL FORECOURTS LTD | Petrol Stations | BOLTON | ||
... further results |
Further info
Further details about BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
Longitude: -2.058168 +