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01274733503 | |
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Contact phone | 01274733503 |
Web site | www.hortonhousing.co.uk |
Category | Housing Associations & Trusts |
Phone number 01274733503 is used by UK company HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION.
HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION can be contacted by calling to 01274733503.
HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION's homepage is at www.hortonhousing.co.uk.
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HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION is located at , , (postcode (53° 46' 44.18" N, 1° 45' 2.29" W)).

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Similar companies
HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION operates mainly in the business of Housing Associations & Trusts. There are 1785 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132007700 | UNITY HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | LEEDS | lewis.holloway@unityha.co.uk uha@unityha.co.uk ann.foster@unityha.co.uk fio@unityha.co.uk kamila.maqsood@unityha.co.uk rashpal.sahota@unityha.co.uk | http://www.unityha.co.uk |
01132350202 | CONNECT HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | myhome@connecthousing.org.uk | http://www.connecthousing.org.uk | |
01132370814 | LEEDS JEWISH HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01132458091 | BRACKENHOUSE LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | LOWER HESWALL | http://www.riverside.org.uk | |
01132468660 | HOME GROUP LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.homegroup.org.uk | ||
01132473971 | GREAT PLACES HOUSING GROUP LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | 20cat@greatplaces.org.uk cat@greatplaces.org.uk joanne.cullen@greatplaces.org.uk phil.elvy@greatplaces.org.uk 20john@guestgarsden.com john@guestgarsden.com claire.alcock@greatplaces.org.uk 20host@salford.gov.uk host@salford.gov.uk 20sarahlodge@greatplaces.org.uk sarahlodge@greatplaces.org.uk 20ellencourt@greatplaces.org.uk ellencourt@greatplaces.org.uk 20olivialodge@greatplaces.org.uk olivialodge@greatplaces.org.uk 20lornalodge@greatplaces.org.uk lornalodge@greatplaces.org.uk meadowlodge@greatplaces.org.uk pomonagardens@greatplaces.org.uk 20floatingsupportinleeds@greatplaces.org.uk floatingsupportinleeds@greatplaces.org.uk 20emma.wood@greatplaces.org.uk emma.wood@greatplaces.org.uk 20stepforward@greatplaces.org.uk stepforward@greatplaces.org.uk 20keri.berry@greatplaces.org.uk keri.berry@greatplaces.org.uk 20alyson.whyte@greatplaces.org.uk alyson.whyte@greatplaces.org.uk 20dochertyproject@greatplaces.org.uk dochertyproject@greatplaces.org.uk 20inpartnership@greatplaces.org.uk inpartnership@greatplaces.org.uk 20rodney@greatplaces.org.uk rodney@greatplaces.org.uk 20bluebellcourt@greatplaces.org.uk bluebellcourt@greatplaces.org.uk rebecca.jackson@greatplaces.org.uk verna.wilde@greatplaces.org.uk 20oldhampfi@greatplaces.org.uk oldhampfi@greatplaces.org.uk 20infooldhampfi@wates.co.uk infooldhampfi@wates.co.uk | http://www.greatplaces.org.uk | |
01132481813 | GIPTON SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT LIVING LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01132488743 | TANGRAM HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.tangramhousing.co.uk/ | ||
01132557487 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01132667247 | YORKSHIRE LADIES COUNCIL (HOSTELS) LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | LEEDS | info@foresthill-leeds.org.uk | http://www.foresthill-leeds.org.uk |
01132784506 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01132859340 | HABINTEG HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | direct@habinteg.org.uk info@habinteg.org.uk | http://www.habinteg.org.uk | |
01132909771 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01133861000 | LEEDS FEDERATED HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.lfha.co.uk | ||
01138256000 | YORKSHIRE HOUSING LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.yorkshirehousing.co.uk | ||
01142288100 | ARCHES HOUSING LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.archeshousing.org.uk | ||
01142554318 | SHEFFIELD JEWISH HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01142626800 | GREAT PLACES HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | 20cat@greatplaces.org.uk cat@greatplaces.org.uk joanne.cullen@greatplaces.org.uk phil.elvy@greatplaces.org.uk 20john@guestgarsden.com john@guestgarsden.com claire.alcock@greatplaces.org.uk 20host@salford.gov.uk host@salford.gov.uk 20sarahlodge@greatplaces.org.uk sarahlodge@greatplaces.org.uk 20ellencourt@greatplaces.org.uk ellencourt@greatplaces.org.uk 20olivialodge@greatplaces.org.uk olivialodge@greatplaces.org.uk 20lornalodge@greatplaces.org.uk lornalodge@greatplaces.org.uk meadowlodge@greatplaces.org.uk pomonagardens@greatplaces.org.uk 20floatingsupportinleeds@greatplaces.org.uk floatingsupportinleeds@greatplaces.org.uk 20emma.wood@greatplaces.org.uk emma.wood@greatplaces.org.uk 20stepforward@greatplaces.org.uk stepforward@greatplaces.org.uk 20keri.berry@greatplaces.org.uk keri.berry@greatplaces.org.uk 20alyson.whyte@greatplaces.org.uk alyson.whyte@greatplaces.org.uk 20dochertyproject@greatplaces.org.uk dochertyproject@greatplaces.org.uk 20inpartnership@greatplaces.org.uk inpartnership@greatplaces.org.uk 20rodney@greatplaces.org.uk rodney@greatplaces.org.uk 20bluebellcourt@greatplaces.org.uk bluebellcourt@greatplaces.org.uk rebecca.jackson@greatplaces.org.uk verna.wilde@greatplaces.org.uk 20oldhampfi@greatplaces.org.uk oldhampfi@greatplaces.org.uk 20infooldhampfi@wates.co.uk infooldhampfi@wates.co.uk | http://www.greatplaces.org.uk | |
01142752915 | SOUTH YORKSHIRE HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | enquiries@syha.co.uk | http://www.syha.co.uk | |
01142900200 | SOUTH YORKSHIRE HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | enquiries@syha.co.uk | http://www.syha.co.uk | |
01158443150 | NOTTINGHAM COMMUNITY HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.ncha.org.uk | |
01158470660 | FRAMEWORK LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | YATELEY | fundraising@frameworkha.org | http://www.frameworkha.org |
01159051515 | GEDLING HOMES | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.gedlinghomes.co.uk | ||
01159113640 | TUNTUM HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | NOTTINGHAM | admin@tuntum.co.uk | http://www.tuntum.co.uk |
01159161003 | METROPOLITAN HOUSING TRUST LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01159166066 | TUNTUM HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | NOTTINGHAM | admin@tuntum.co.uk | http://www.tuntum.co.uk |
01159295960 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01159328191 | HOME GROUP LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.homegroup.org.uk | ||
01159402981 | LONGHURST & HAVELOK HOMES LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | service.centre@longhurst-group.org.uk | http://www.longhurst-group.org.uk | |
01159691332 | ST ANDREWS HOUSE LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | MORPETH | ||
01159708585 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01159821794 | LONGHURST & HAVELOK HOMES LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | service.centre@longhurst-group.org.uk | http://www.longhurst-group.org.uk | |
01159856094 | NOTTINGHAM COMMUNITY HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | post@fastfloor.net | http://www.ncha.org.uk | |
01162205555 | WATERLOO HOUSING GROUP LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | info@waterloo.org.uk julie.gamble@waterloo.org.uk dermot.mcroberts@waterloo.org.uk andrew.brook@waterloo.org.uk equalityanddiversity@waterloo.org.uk comms@waterloo.org.uk rents@waterloo.org.uk | http://www.waterloo.org.uk | |
01162512225 | LEICESTER HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | homes@asra.org.uk complaints@asra.org.uk gas.servicing@asra.org.uk enquiries@asra.org.uk tst@asra.org.uk communications@asra.org.uk | http://www.lha.org.uk | |
01162540518 | ADULLAM HOMES HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01162611513 | LEICESTER HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | homes@asra.org.uk complaints@asra.org.uk gas.servicing@asra.org.uk enquiries@asra.org.uk tst@asra.org.uk communications@asra.org.uk | http://www.lha.org.uk | |
01162789098 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01173178800 | 1625 INDEPENDENT PEOPLE LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | s.glos@1625ip.co.uk projectworker@1625ip.co.uk pilar.garcia@1625ip.co.uk | http://www.1625ip.co.uk | |
01179041160 | BRUNELCARE | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | http://www.brunelcare.org.uk | |
01179236828 | HANOVER HOUSING ASSOCIATION | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.hanover.org.uk | ||
01179244071 | SOLON SOUTH WEST HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | http://www.swha.co.uk | |
01179251811 | BRISTOL MISSING LINK LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | enquiries@missinglinkhousing.co.uk | http://www.missinglinkhousing.co.uk | |
01179352881 | SGYH | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | http://www.sgyh.org | |
01179393957 | BRUNELCARE | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | http://www.brunelcare.org.uk | |
01179424600 | UNITED COMMUNITIES LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | info@unitedcommunities.org.uk media@unitedcommunities.org.uk | http://www.unitedcommunities.org.uk |
01179586336 | BRUNELCARE | Housing Associations & Trusts | BRISTOL | http://www.brunelcare.org.uk | |
01179589160 | THE RIVERSIDE GROUP LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | http://www.riverside.org.uk | ||
01179628013 | HABINTEG HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED | Housing Associations & Trusts | |||
01179683814 | HANOVER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD | Housing Associations & Trusts | LONDON | ||
... further results |
Further info
Further details about HORTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
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