From Who Called Me
01315245650 | |
Company name | BOWLEVEN PLC |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01315245650 |
info@bowleven.com | |
Web site | www.bowleven.com |
Address | 50 LOTHIAN ROAD |
Extended address | FESTIVAL SQUARE |
Postcode | EH3 9WJ |
Category | Oil & Gas Exploration |
Phone number 01315245650 is used by UK company BOWLEVEN PLC.
BOWLEVEN PLC can be contacted by calling to 01315245650. BOWLEVEN PLC can be contacted by sending an e-mail to info@bowleven.com. BOWLEVEN PLC's homepage is at www.bowleven.com.
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BOWLEVEN PLC is located at 50 LOTHIAN ROAD, EDINBURGH, (postcode EH3 9WJ (55° 57' 14.67" N, 3° 11' 16.07" W)).
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01133222200 | GETECH GROUP PLC | Oil & Gas Exploration | LEEDS | info@getech.com | http://www.getech.com |
01189349809 | MILES OFFSHORE SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | MAIDENHEAD | enquiries@milesoffshore.com | http://www.milesoffshore.co.uk |
01189353222 | BG GROUP LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.bg-group.com | |
01189591341 | EXPRO NORTH SEA LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | READING | http://www.exprogroup.com | |
01202632700 | WYTCH ENERGY LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | ||
01202690001 | DOWNHOLE TOOLS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | EASTLEIGH | enquire@dti.uk.com | http://www.dti.uk.com |
01206385706 | TIME LINE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | COLCHESTER | ||
01209713675 | R.L.K. SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | CAMBORNE | ||
01209832292 | PORE SCALE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | CAMBORNE | http://www.porescale.co.uk | |
01223403370 | AIV EUROPE LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | hansenm@aivinc.com cwalker@aivinc.com conflictminerals@aivinc.com bmynes@aivinc.com jevans@aivinc.com agonzales@aivinc.com agarcia@aivinc.com jtaylor@aivinc.com smidori@aivinc.com bkanatani@aivinc.com juan.cantu@aivinc.com jaime.martinez@aivinc.com bwinsted@aivinc.com jmccormick@aivinc.com nalvarado@aivinc.com james.bishop@aivinc.com mayhewr@aivinc.com kevin.gonzalez@aivinc.com mcquillans@aivinc.com clayton.rogers@aivinc.com bnibert@aivinc.com mike.lutringer@aivinc.com msage@aivinc.com billyp@aivinc.com chris.kramer@aivinc.com jwilson@aivinc.com srhodes@aivinc.com staylor@aivinc.com skeel@aivinc.com rrusso@aivinc.com bboudreaux@aivinc.com jreidy@aivinc.com thanna@aivinc.com rcrosswhite@aivinc.com wallman@aivinc.com chris.wheatley@aivinc.com bgoebel@aivinc.com gsheruda@aivinc.com mmusteca@aivinc.com alid@aivinc.com fjimenez@aivinc.com pthompson@aivinc.com oplaza@aivinc.com eherrera@aivinc.com mdunn@aivinc.com jgardiner@aivinc.com csoublis@aivinc.com tmusteca@aivinc.com cdutot@aivinc.com clangdon@aivinc.com ldavies@aivinc.com psmith@aivinc.com stuart.plaster@aivinc.com michel.padilla@aivinc.com snayak@aivinc.com pnayak@aivinc.com chiang.chokmeng@aivinc.com celena.quok@aivinc.com | http://www.aivinc.com |
01224202020 | BG GROUP LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.bg-group.com | |
01224210002 | PROCUREALL LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.procureall.com | |
01224210366 | MGA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD | Oil & Gas Exploration | WARRINGTON | http://www.mgamud.co.uk | |
01224215930 | HYDRATIGHT OPERATIONS LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | NORTHUMBERLAND | http://www.hyrdatight.com | |
01224217185 | NOV INTELLISERV UK LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.nov.com/intelliserv2 | |
01224222111 | PREMIUM DRILLING TOOLS LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.mountwestgroup.com | |
01224222790 | GRAYLOC PRODUCTS LTD | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.grayloc.com | |
01224224600 | FMC TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.fmc.com | |
01224224646 | WESTERN WELL TOOL LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | http://www.tco.com | ||
01224228761 | SPECMAR LTD | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.specmarlimited.com | |
01224243000 | RIGMAR SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | info@rigmar.co.uk | http://www.rigmar.co.uk |
01224248821 | LHR MARINE LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.lhrmarine.com | |
01224249220 | SOLIDS CONTROL SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | info@solidscontrolservices.com info@scsenvironmental.com | http://www.solidscontrolservices.com |
01224249400 | MIDCONTINENT (ABERDEEN) LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | NORFOLK | aberdeen@midcontinent.co.uk keithmowat@midcontinent.co.uk johnbinns@midcontinent.co.uk joewilliamson@midcontinent.co.uk sstewart@midcontinent.co.uk vthompson@midcontinent.co.uk oliversavel@midcontinent.co.uk garrycruickshank@midcontinent.co.uk service@midcontinent.co.uk tanyacaldwell@midcontinent.co.uk derekmennie@midcontinent.co.uk dreynolds@midcontinentgy.com jbaxter@midcontinentgy.com sales@midcontinentgy.com | http://www.midcontinent.co.uk |
01224249678 | BAKER HUGHES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.bakerhughes.com | |
01224249680 | GULFSTREAM SERVICES INTERNATIONAL UK LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.gulfstreamservices.com | |
01224255480 | K C I LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | HAMPTON HILL | http://www.kciltd.co.uk | |
01224271000 | TECHNIP UK LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | contact-flexibles@technip.com contact-rigidpipe@technip.com contact-tultd@technip.com contact-offshore@technip.com contact-c1@technip.com contact-refining@technip.com contact-hydrogen@technip.com contact-ethylene@technip.com contact-petrochem@technip.com contact-fertilizers@technip.com sales-tpgy@technip.com contact-renewables@technip.com contact-mmnd@technip.com contact-lifesciences@technip.com sustainability@technip.com press@technip.com abaudeyvignaud@technip.com erobbemouillot@technip.com | http://www.technip.com |
01224275000 | HALLIBURTON LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | ||
01224275275 | TAQA BRATANI LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.taqa.ae | |
01224285566 | C S L LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | KENT | http://www.csl-engineering.com | |
01224287000 | ENQUEST PLC | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | communications@enquest.com enquiries@enquest.com careers@enquest.com accounts-queries@enquest.com | http://www.enquest.com |
01224287200 | AKER SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.akersolutions.com | |
01224289777 | SAND MONITORING SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | info@sand-monitoring.co.uk | http://www.sand-monitoring.co.uk |
01224300500 | FAIRFIELD ENERGY LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | info@fairfield-energy.com gayle.grant@bigpartnership.co.uk zoe.ogilvie@bigpartnership.co.uk | http://www.fairfield-energy.com |
01224303600 | CNR INTERNATIONAL (U.K.) LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | http://www.cnrl.com | |
01224310212 | IPLUX LTD | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | ||
01224314113 | GONTECH LTD | Oil & Gas Exploration | BLACKPOOL | ||
01224329090 | CYCLOTECH LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | WEST SUSSEX | http://www.cyclotech.com | |
01224336600 | READ CASED HOLE LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.readwellservices.com | |
01224337200 | PETROTECHNICS LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | marketing@petrotechnics.com | http://www.petrotechnics.com |
01224337777 | LABTECH SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.labtechmodular.com | |
01224380200 | WEATHERFORD U.K. LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LOUGHBOROUGH | reception.moscow@eu.weatherford.com reception.astrakhan@eu.weatherford.com reception.orenburg@eu.weatherford.com reception.irkutsk@eu.weatherford.com reception.izhevsk@eu.weatherford.com wft.nizhnevartovsk@eu.weatherford.com weatherford.noyabrsk@eu.weatherford.com reception.samara@eu.weatherford.com sakhalin.administration@eu.weatherford.com | http://www.weatherford.com |
01224383050 | HALLIBURTON LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | LONDON | boardofdirectors@halliburton.com webmaster@halliburton.com | http://www.halliburton.com |
01224406900 | PROSAFE OFFSHORE LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | BRISTOL | http://www.prosafe.com | |
01224411411 | DOLPHIN DRILLING LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | EASTLEIGH | http://www.dolphindrilling.com | |
01224472565 | ROVOP LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | rov@rovop.com | http://www.rovop.com |
01224498400 | NORWELL LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | info@norwellengineering.com | http://www.norwellengineering.com |
01224571491 | SCOTOIL SERVICES LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | ||
01224574482 | ABERDEEN DRILLING MANAGEMENT LIMITED | Oil & Gas Exploration | ABERDEEN | http://www.drillingmanagement.com | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about BOWLEVEN PLC, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
... more about "01315245650"