01384238786 | |
Company name | [Catering Equipment Manufacturers
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/04768614-ALOMGATE-LIMITED ALOMGATE LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 8SY°+52.502476° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01384238786 |
Extended address | NEW ROAD |
County | DUDLEY |
Postcode | ENGLAND |
Category | 74990 - Non-trading company |
Phone number 01384238786 is used by UK company ALOMGATE LIMITED.
ALOMGATE LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01384238786.
Get contacts as VCard:
ALOMGATE LIMITED is located at MIDTHERM HOUSE MIDTHERM BUSINESS PARK, NETHERTON, DUDLEY (postcode ENGLAND (The following coordinate was not recognized: DY2 8SY°, 52.502476°.The following coordinate was not recognized: DY2 8SY°, 52.502476°.)).
Nearby companies
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Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01202479621 | FASTENER NETWORK HOLDINGS LIMITED | Nuts & Bolts | NETHERTON | sales@fastenernetwork.co.uk info@fastenernetwork.co.uk careers@fastenernetwork.co.uk | http://www.fastenernetwork.co.uk |
01215508838 | CUBICLE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Cubicles | NETHERTON | info@cubiclesolutions.co.uk | http://www.cubiclesolutions.co.uk |
01296586800 | FUN 4 KIDZ | 93290 - Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. | NETHERTON | http://www.fun4kidz.co.uk | |
01384217600 | FASTENER NETWORK HOLDINGS LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | NETHERTON | sales@fastenernetwork.co.uk info@fastenernetwork.co.uk careers@fastenernetwork.co.uk | http://www.fastenernetwork.co.uk |
01384236688 | VENTILATION & ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLIES PLC | Air Conditioning Equipment | NETHERTON | http://www.vesuk.co.uk | |
01384238451 | ELECTRO DISCHARGE LIMITED | 25620 - Machining | NETHERTON | http://www.electro-discharge.co.uk | |
01384238786 | ALOMGATE LIMITED | 74990 - Non-trading company | NETHERTON | ||
01384242505 | BETTS MOTOR SERVICES LIMITED | Garage Services | NETHERTON | rob.betts@bettsmotors.co.uk | http://www.bettsmotors.co.uk |
01384258877 | MIDTHERM POWDER COATING LIMITED | 45111 - Sale of new cars and light motor vehicles | NETHERTON | sales@midthermcoating.co.uk | http://www.midthermcoating.co.uk |
01384458660 | LISEGA LTD | 25990 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. | NETHERTON | info@de.lisega.com info@us.lisega.com info@in.lisega.com info@cn.lisega.com info@fr.lisega.com info@uk.lisega.com info@ru.lisega.com info@muermann.eu info@ostservices.com garyconlan@lisegasouth.com rickkruger@pdq.net gabriel@lycathtech.com agarcia@industrial-logistics.com don.broschard@nepconukes.com kinbrks@att.net ehull@michpower.com info@valnamex.com tim.clark@cts-industries.com stevef@fischerequipment.com kentbrockman@iusales.net michelle@jchrep.com sking@epco-llc.com rjanis0508@aol.com crc.lisega@gmail.com terry.rush@astechusa.com gsrameht@gmail.com ues.parker@comcast.net mike@linkassociatesinc.com nps62@verizon.net john@kennapowersales.com nakagawa@yamashita-seisaku.co.jp info@umur.com info@za.lisega.com bing_pham_xuan@toanthang.vn okta.pinem@dialogasia.com hama@yamashita-international.co.jp rsp@technostd.com steinar@shsunde.com marko.hiltunen@orkp.net info@indarmat.hu prue@prue.pl nnicolescu@yahoo.com info@rolis.eu vendite.torino@idrosapiens.it nilovrapista@nielsonssafetysystems.com info@kompaflex-dmm.sk benny@insupco.co.il ikedjeka@eunet.rs gs@g-s.dk h.sueters@hanwel.com info@hanwel.be goizea@goizea.com sales@hangersaustralia.com.au frevemca@yahoo.com ocepeda@flexilatina.cl dinatecnica@dinatecnica.com.ar ggeneral@flexilatina.com ksh@eroompne.com katese@otenet.gr ecei@ecei.biz info@dinatecnica.com.br syteow@dialogasia.com chek@dialogasia.com chanvit@caeasia.com danis@mbox.contact.bg geral@cirtec.pt boris.bakale@zg.t-com.hr rjsanchez@anteco.pe richard@tedcomp.se | http://www.lisega.co.uk |
01386833773 | CHAMBERS INTERNATIONAL LTD | Lighting Product Wholesalers | NETHERTON | http://www.chambers-international.com | |
01415833613 | ACORN JOINERY SERVICES LIMITED | 43320 - Joinery installation | NETHERTON | ||
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01785710845 | ACORN JOINERY SERVICES LIMITED | 43320 - Joinery installation | NETHERTON | info@acornjoineryservices.co.uk | http://www.acornjoinerystafford.co.uk |
08448806929 | ADVANCED DIRECT MAIL LIMITED | 82920 - Packaging activities | NETHERTON | julie@advanceddirect.co.uk | http://www.advanceddirect.co.uk |
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Further info
Further details about [Catering Equipment Manufacturers https://scoriff.co.uk/company/04768614-ALOMGATE-LIMITED ALOMGATE LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.