From Who Called Me

Company name [Flooring Services

https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03989136-C-G-FLOORING-SYSTEMS-LIMITED C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED]

Navigation and Streetview 0RW°+53.610981° Google Maps
Contact phone 01484600085
E-mail info@cg-flooring.com
Web site www.cg-flooring.com
Extended address NORTH ROAD
Postcode [[|]]
Category 43330 - Floor and wall covering


Phone number 01484600085 is used by UK company C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED.


C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01484600085. C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to info@cg-flooring.com. C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED's homepage is at www.cg-flooring.com.

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C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED is located at DENE HOUSE, KIRKBURTON, HUDDERSFIELD (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: HD8 0RW°, 53.610981°.The following coordinate was not recognized: HD8 0RW°, 53.610981°.)).

Nearby companies

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01484600085C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED43330 - Floor and wall coveringKIRKBURTONinfo@cg-flooring.comhttp://www.cg-flooring.com
01484600090FACE CONSULTANTS LIMITED74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.KIRKBURTONinfo@face-consultants.comhttp://www.face-consultants.com
01484601400EASILIFT LOADING SYSTEMS LIMITEDLifting GearKIRKBURTONsales@loading-systems.co.uk
01618720983GOTTLIEB PACKAGING MATERIALS LIMITED82920 - Packaging activitiesKIRKBURTONhttp://www.gottliebpackaging.com
01618725666PYRAMID DISPLAY MATERIALS LIMITED46900 - Non-specialised wholesale tradeKIRKBURTONhttp://www.pyramiddisplaymaterials.co.uk
01914877130PYRAMID DISPLAY MATERIALS LIMITED46900 - Non-specialised wholesale tradeKIRKBURTONhttp://www.pyramid-display.co.uk

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Further info

Further details about [Flooring Services https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03989136-C-G-FLOORING-SYSTEMS-LIMITED C G FLOORING SYSTEMS LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.