01566700721 | |
Company name | LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01566700721 |
info@ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk | |
Web site | www.ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk |
Address | UNIT C |
Town | LIFTON |
County | DEVON |
Postcode | PL16 0AH |
Category | Curtains & Soft Furnishings |
Phone number 01566700721 is used by UK company LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD.
LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD can be contacted by calling to 01566700721. LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD can be contacted by sending an e-mail to info@ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk. LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD's homepage is at www.ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk.
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LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD is located at UNIT C, LIFTON, DEVON (postcode PL16 0AH (50° 38' 33.78" N, 4° 16' 25.12" W)).
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01288321262 | SOUTH WEST LAKES TRUST | Sport Fishing | LIFTON | info@swlakestrust.org.uk lakeside@swlakestrust.org.uk roadfordwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk wimbleball@swlakestrust.org.uk stithianswatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk siblybackreception@swlakestrust.org.uk tamarwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk | http://www.swlakestrust.org.uk |
01288321712 | SOUTH WEST LAKES TRUST | Water Sports | LIFTON | info@swlakestrust.org.uk lakeside@swlakestrust.org.uk roadfordwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk wimbleball@swlakestrust.org.uk stithianswatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk siblybackreception@swlakestrust.org.uk tamarwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk | http://www.swlakestrust.org.uk |
01398371460 | SOUTH WEST LAKES TRUST | Water Sports | LIFTON | info@swlakestrust.org.uk lakeside@swlakestrust.org.uk roadfordwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk wimbleball@swlakestrust.org.uk stithianswatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk siblybackreception@swlakestrust.org.uk tamarwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk | http://www.swlakestrust.org.uk |
01566700530 | LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD | Blinds & Awnings | LIFTON | info@ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk | http://www.ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk |
01566700721 | LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD | Curtains & Soft Furnishings | LIFTON | info@ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk | http://www.ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk |
01566771930 | SOUTH WEST LAKES TRUST | Outdoor Pursuits | LIFTON | info@swlakestrust.org.uk lakeside@swlakestrust.org.uk roadfordwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk wimbleball@swlakestrust.org.uk stithianswatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk siblybackreception@swlakestrust.org.uk tamarwatersports@swlakestrust.org.uk | http://www.swlakestrust.org.uk |
01566771989 | TINHAY BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED | Builders' Merchants | LIFTON | http://www.tinhaybuildingsupplies.co.uk | |
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01566784478 | LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD | Curtains & Soft Furnishings | LIFTON | info@ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk | http://www.ltb-blindsandcurtains.co.uk |
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LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD operates mainly in the business of Curtains & Soft Furnishings. There are 1198 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about LTB BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.