01635866915 | |
Company name | [Stone Cleaners & Restorers
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05620702-STONE-ART-LIMITED STONE ART LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 2QN°+51.373627° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01635866915 |
enquiries@stoneartmemorials.co.uk, enquiries@stone-art.co.uk | |
Web site | www.stone-art.co.uk |
Address | 4 HACKNEY CROFT |
Extended address | DARLEY HOUSE ESTATE |
County | MATLOCK |
Category | 47770 - Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores |
Phone number 01635866915 is used by UK company STONE ART LIMITED.
STONE ART LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01635866915. STONE ART LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to enquiries@stoneartmemorials.co.uk, enquiries@stone-art.co.uk. STONE ART LIMITED's homepage is at www.stone-art.co.uk.
Get contacts as VCard:
STONE ART LIMITED is located at 4 HACKNEY CROFT, DARLEY DALE, MATLOCK (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: DE4 2QN°, 51.373627°.The following coordinate was not recognized: DE4 2QN°, 51.373627°.)).
Nearby companies
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01629812206 | STONE ART LIMITED | 47770 - Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores | DARLEY DALE | sales@jewellerybystoneart.co.uk | http://www.jewellerybystoneart.co.uk |
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01635866915 | STONE ART LIMITED | 47770 - Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores | DARLEY DALE | enquiries@stoneartmemorials.co.uk enquiries@stone-art.co.uk | http://www.stone-art.co.uk |
Similar companies
[Stone Cleaners & Restorers https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05620702-STONE-ART-LIMITED STONE ART LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 47770 - Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores. There are 18 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Stone Cleaners & Restorers https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05620702-STONE-ART-LIMITED STONE ART LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.