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01788879563 | |
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Contact phone | 01788879563 |
Address | UNIT 7 |
Extended address | PELHAM ROAD |
Town | RUGBY |
Postcode | CV23 0PB |
Category | Machinery |
Phone number 01788879563 is used by UK company TOTAL MACHINERY SOLUTIONS LIMITED.
TOTAL MACHINERY SOLUTIONS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01788879563.
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TOTAL MACHINERY SOLUTIONS LIMITED is located at UNIT 7, RUGBY, (postcode CV23 0PB (52° 22' 28.40" N, 1° 16' 57.36" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 759 companies nearby:
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01132529748 | PERFECT IT LIMITED | Computer Repairs | RUGBY | http://www.perfect-it.info | |
01132701123 | PRECISION STAINLESS FASTENERS LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | RUGBY | ||
01142571200 | WARWICK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED | Windows | RUGBY | http://www.warwicktradewindows.co.uk | |
01142706779 | PLANTOLOGY LIMITED | Florists | RUGBY | plantology@gmail.com | http://www.plantologyfloralcreations.co.uk |
01142758738 | LIFE'S A GAS LIMITED | Central Heating Services | RUGBY | http://www.easylifestairliftssouthwales.co.uk | |
01143218189 | LIFE'S A GAS LIMITED | Central Heating Services | RUGBY | ||
01159394000 | A2B CABS LIMITED | Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles | RUGBY | http://www.a2b-nottingham.co.uk | |
01159886211 | PREMIER LEGAL LLP | Solicitors | RUGBY | http://www.premier-legal.co.uk | |
01162530133 | AEROTIGHT MANUFACTURING LIMITED | Precision Engineers | RUGBY | sales@apexstainless.com | http://www.apexstainless.com |
01162553742 | FUTURES UNLOCKED | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | RUGBY | http://www.futuresunlocked.org | |
01162661708 | VISHAL JEWELLERS LIMITED | Jewellers | RUGBY | http://www.vishaljewellers.com | |
01162880195 | G BURGESS LIMITED | Painters & Decorators | RUGBY | ||
01179070320 | RM TRANSPORT LIMITED | Road Haulage Services | RUGBY | ||
01179258030 | SNAPPY PIZZA LTD | Pizza Delivery & Takeaway | RUGBY | http://www.snappytomotapizza.co.uk | |
01179359645 | HAFELE U.K. LIMITED | Fixings & Fastenings | RUGBY | http://www.hafele.co.uk | |
01189326272 | THE SHOULDER OF MUTTON LIMITED | Pubs | RUGBY | info@shoulderofmutton-hartleywintney.co.uk | http://www.shoulderofmutton-hartleywintney.co.uk/ |
01202514260 | A J STACEY LIMITED | Plumbers | RUGBY | ||
01202751959 | S EDWARDS LIMITED | Driving Schools | RUGBY | http://www.edwardsdrivinglessons.co.uk | |
01202830204 | BIG BEAR EVENTS LIMITED | Conference & Event Management | RUGBY | http://www.bigbearevents.co.uk | |
01207580295 | CEMEX UK | Concrete Products & Suppliers | RUGBY | ||
01208831341 | HIGH CROSS FARM LIMITED | Bed & Breakfast | RUGBY | http://high-cross-farm.co.uk | |
01212368681 | THE DENTIST IN TOWN LIMITED | Dentists | RUGBY | http://www.dentistintown.co.uk | |
01213186707 | LORAX COMPLIANCE LIMITED | Computer Software Development | RUGBY | http://www.loraxcompliance.com/index.html | |
01213586808 | B B FENCING LIMITED | Fencing Services | RUGBY | ||
01213600710 | SISTER ACT LIMITED | Hairdressers | RUGBY | ||
01213841665 | JCE TRANSPORT LIMITED | Courier Services | RUGBY | http://www.jcetransport.co.uk | |
01214404484 | R F TOOLS LIMITED | Precision Engineers | RUGBY | ||
01215055919 | M & B FRUITS LLP | Fruit & Vegetable Wholesalers | RUGBY | ||
01215151161 | VICTORIA JAMES LIMITED | Jewellers | RUGBY | http://www.victoria-james.co.uk | |
01217454064 | HEALTH & SAFETY COMPLIANCE ENGINEERING LIMITED | Health & Safety Consultants | RUGBY | http://www.hs-compliance.com | |
01223561436 | BLAKES PROPERTY SERVICES LIMITED | Building Maintenance & Repairs | RUGBY | ||
01223897879 | HUSSAR LIMITED | Web Design & Development | RUGBY | http://www.hussarweb.co.uk | |
01224593008 | QUARTZELEC LTD | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | RUGBY | info.uk@quartzelec.com aberdeen@quartzelec.com dominic.buse@quartzelec.com middleeast@quartzelec.com bury.stedmunds@quartzelec.com grimsby@quartzelec.com hamilton@quartzelec.com leeds@quartzelec.com malaysia@quartzelec.com manchester@quartzelec.com rugby@quartzelec.com sheffield@quartzelec.com swansea@quartzelec.com wrexham@quartzelec.com info.quartzcoil@quartzelec.com quartzteq@quartzelec.com info.tsmetals@quartzelec.com aberdeen@quartzelec.coml middleeast@quartzelec.comv bury.stedmunds@quartzelec.comv grimsby@quartzelec.coml hamilton@quartzelec.coml leeds@quartzelec.comv malaysia@quartzelec.coml manchester@quartzelec.coml rugby@quartzelec.coml sheffield@quartzelec.coml swansea@quartzelec.coml wrexham@quartzelec.coml info.quartzcoil@quartzelec.coml quartzteq@quartzelec.comv info.tsmetals@quartzelec.comv | http://www.quartzelec.com |
01224597320 | BAADER (U.K.) LIMITED | Commercial Food Processing Equipment | RUGBY | nguyenphuong.tam@jbtc.com nl@baader.com f.reese@fms-werther.de baader@baader.com dnvazquez@dnvazquez.com.ar paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com christian.witt@baader.com service@baader.com dmitry.esin@baader.com magnasco@magnasco.com.br sales-ca@baader.com esberto.andrade@baader.cl manuel@technofood.com.co anders.lorentzen@baader.com service-baader-dk@baader.com kari.palonen@thomeko.fi christian.moreau@mondialnavys.com zellastrading@ath.forthnet.gr orn@baader.is marc.schlichte@baader.com racglobal@gmail.com eddie@eddiecarr.com yamasaki@lincofood.co.jp narita@lincofood.co.jp michael@baader-namibia.com kalo@baader.com vidar.breiteig@baader.com a.magnasco@magnasco.com.pe biuro@phimex.pl info@bogima.pt pjbrandkorea@gmail.com sergey.safonov@baader.com jurgen@afrigol.com corempe@corempe.com daniel@danmix-es.com ondersaribas@efessa.com service-baader-uk@baader.com simon.jahnke@baader.com sales-us@baader.com jean.pierre.bozo@ferrostaal.com linco@baader.com lincoasia@baader.com josezamora@bimex.com.ar sales@linco.com.au mos.office@baader.com mangesh.thorat@baader.com info@linco-benelux.nl npeters@corpitsa.com alirep@terra.com.pe komercijala@lfco-oprema.com dubai@ipsdubai.com lincobrasil@lincofood.com sicon@siconbg.com frontdesk@baaderna.com palle.laursen@baader.com su.hongke@baader.com harjeron@spidernet.com.cy samunoz58@yahoo.com egypt@ipsdubai.com lincofrance@baader.com info@tetomachine.gr atul@drfroebindia.com budi.setiadi@javatec-food.com bsaniee.coop@gmail.com main@radion.co.il halco@go.com.jo bafi@bafi.net jesus.cuevas@baader.com sales@dasfs.co.za sales@agfatech.com lynnette@renos.com lukasz.tyszka@baader.com pedro.sucarrats@baader.com michael-park@daum.net office@agchim.ro aywyne@seed.net.tw euroasiatex@gmail.com lincovenezuela@baader.com ghlt2@maill.com pcvan@pnagrobusiness.com raul.rodrigo@multivac.com.ar sales@foodpro.org verkauf@gramiller.at filip@debailliefilip.be zcurlic@sezampro.rs polyclipbjo@vip.sina.com polyclip@online.sh.cn milosbrada@fimex.cz v.lefebvre@lassoudry.com m.schaarschmidt@baader.com uweoswald@dieterschott.de info@waidhauser.com info@ritscher.de office-vienna@manolas.com reschgmbh@aon.at epromas@singnet.com.sg axelroda@barak.net.il kj.ishii@kbk.co.jp basko@basko.apollo.lv mmarrink@verbufa.nl t.sierski@rieckermann.com.ph thielmann_gdansk@rudolfthielmann.gda.pl biuro@walowsky.com.pl swchung@vaxkorea.com w.schoeberl@aon.at bertil@cantec.se hugo.koch@josefkoch.ch cgokhan@tekmak.net | http://www.baader.co.uk |
01229468007 | G. BARNES LIMITED | Carpenters & Joiners | RUGBY | ||
01234343431 | DEBBIE'S DAY CARE LTD | Day Nurseries | RUGBY | ||
01235861528 | INTEC BUSINESS COLLEGES LIMITED | Training Services | RUGBY | http://www.getoncourse.net | |
01237425216 | MBA CONSULTING LIMITED | Structural Engineers | RUGBY | http://www.mbatruro.co.uk | |
01243839393 | BRADLEY ELECTRICAL LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | RUGBY | ||
01244319999 | RUBENS COFFEE LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | RUGBY | http://www.rubenscoffee.co.uk | |
01244530473 | LINK LIGHT LIMITED | Computer Networking & Cabling | RUGBY | http://www.linklight.co.uk | |
01248470510 | BILL ROBERTS LIMITED | Boiler Installations | RUGBY | ||
01249822545 | HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY LTD | Nursery Schools | RUGBY | ||
01253693038 | CLASSIC RESTORATIONS LIMITED | Garage Services | RUGBY | ||
01257794559 | DEBBIE'S DAY CARE LTD | Childminders & Creches | RUGBY | http://www.debbiesdaycare.co.uk | |
01260226305 | G BURGESS LIMITED | Farmers | RUGBY | ||
01261812021 | SALON 45 LIMITED | Hairdressers | RUGBY | ||
01267243909 | GOLDEN LION HOTEL LLP | Pubs | RUGBY | ||
01268822888 | PREMIER WORK SUPPORT LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | RUGBY | http://www.premierworksupport.co.uk | |
01269841334 | WOODLANDS SERVICE STATION LIMITED | Garage Services | RUGBY | http://www.texaco.com | |
... further results |
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01132586538 | FARASON LIMITED | Machinery | LEEDS | kdmcinnes@aol.com | http://www.farason.co.uk |
01132701999 | HARVEY PRECISION LIMITED | Machinery | LEEDS | ||
01132751277 | RTS (LEEDS) LIMITED | Machinery | LEEDS | http://www.rtsleeds.com | |
01132772456 | JMS PLANT HIRE LIMITED | Machinery | BELLSHILL | hire@jms-planthire.co.uk | http://www.jms-planthire.co.uk |
01133938939 | GEMSKILL LIMITED | Machinery | CASTLEFORD | sales@wmduk.com | http://www.wmduk.com |
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01142492020 | LECHLER LIMITED | Machinery | SHEFFIELD | http://www.lechler.com | |
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01142634615 | G.D. MACHINERY LIMITED | Machinery | ROTHERHAM | http://www.gdmachinery.co.uk | |
01142685216 | HUNTERS BAR PACKAGING LIMITED | Machinery | SHREWSBURY | http://www.huntersbarpackaging.com | |
01142706146 | A. G. SHEPHERD (MACHINERY) LIMITED | Machinery | SHEFFIELD | sales@agshepherd.com | http://www.agshepherd.com |
01142765411 | T.W. WARD C.N.C. MACHINERY LIMITED | Machinery | SHEFFIELD | sales@wardcnc.com service@wardcnc.com e.sales@wardcnc.com | http://www.wardcnc.com |
01142830646 | TECHMART MACHINERY LIMITED | Machinery | SHEFFIELD | ||
01158705071 | EMCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES LIMITED | Machinery | ILKESTON | info@emconservices.co.uk | http://www.emconservices.co.uk |
01158800070 | NU-STAR MATERIAL HANDLING LIMITED | Machinery | EDNASTON | enquiries@nu-starmhl.com enquiryform@nu-starmhl.com x@nu-starmhl.com y@nu-starmhl.com z@nu-starmhl.com | http://www.nu-starmhl.com |
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01162350512 | MITCHELL GRIEVE LIMITED | Machinery | LONDON | ||
01162643500 | GROZ-BECKERT U.K. LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTER | http://www.grozbeckert.com | |
01162694891 | UNITEC UK LIMITED | Machinery | BIRMINGHAM | http://www.unitec-systems.co.uk | |
01162708324 | KASTOR LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTERSHIRE | ||
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01162718205 | POLLARD CNC SPARES LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTER | http://www.pollardcncspares.co.uk | |
01162764242 | MEKKO TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTER | http://www.mekko.co.uk | |
01162787578 | WARNER TEXTILE MACHINERY LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTER | http://www.warnertextilemachinery.co.uk | |
01162867053 | KNITECH UK LIMITED | Machinery | LEICESTER | ||
01162899199 | RIDGWAY MACHINES LIMITED | Machinery | THURMASTON | http://www.ridgwayeng.com | |
01179059960 | NAC ELECTRICAL SERVICES LIMITED | Machinery | LONDON | http://www.nacengineering.co.uk | |
01179401777 | SUN SOURCE EUROPE LLC | Machinery | MARYLAND | amtrac.phils.inc@gmail.com info@sunautomation.cn eric@goettsch.com nasi38sc@centrin.net.id chip.mathews@sunautomation.com tony.garland@sunautomation.co.uk greg.smith@sunautomation.com vickie.wood@sunautomation.com marco.visani@logics.it mark.peyton@sunautomation.com will.garcia@sunautomation.com joe.farace@sunautomation.com pelletierv@wanadoo.fr bob.thompson@sunautomation.com john.beigel@sunautomation.com mike.zublick@sunautomation.com phil.saltamacchio@sunautomation.com vince.barbagallo@sunautomation.com keith.ball@sunautomation.co.uk chris.kyger@sunautomation.com rob.dal.lago@sunautomation.co.uk dawn.marmaras@sunautomation.com frank.lu@sunautomation.cn jens@scanteco.dk andrew.broad@sunautomation.co.uk josh.morgan@sunautomation.com roxy.alder@sunautomation.co.uk terrie.farace@sunautomation.com mike.mellett@sunautomation.com sean.moloney@sunautomation.com v.mirre@walther-poetsch.de john.dunn@sunautomation.co.uk david.president@sunautomation.com daniel.bosma@sunautomation.co.uk wes.sayer@sunautomation.com morgensflexo@hotmail.com greg.jones@sunautomation.com sherry.seitz@sunautomation.com cindy.wang@sunautomation.com m.hunze@walther-poetsch.de ian.cutts@sunautomation.com vince.babagallo@sunautomation.com jimmcl@goettsch.com bill.brown@sunautomation.com steve.alder@sunautomation.co.uk jim.brown@sunautomation.com ron-conray1@bellnet.ca debbie.little@sunautomation.com stephen.toben@sunautomation.com colin.goh@sunautomation.com eric.aulton@sunautomation.com jva@trocarsa.com frank.reynolds@sunautomation.com mindy.morgan@sunautomation.com mike@goettsch.com paul.gilliam@sunautomation.com tomislav.belosevic@zeti.hr | http://www.sunautomation.com |
01179609329 | CHEMICALS & PROCESS EQUIPMENT LIMITED | Machinery | WARMLEY | http://www.chemproequipment.co.uk | |
01189180420 | PBE MARKING SYSTEMS LIMITED | Machinery | READING | sales@pbemarking.com | http://www.pbemarking.com |
01189230200 | TERALBA UK LIMITED | Machinery | ALDERSHOT | http://www.teralba.com/ | |
01189315600 | APPLIED MATERIALS UK LIMITED | Machinery | CALIFORNIA 95054-3299 | customer_portal@amat.com media_relations@amat.com investor_relations@amat.com www_website_requests@amat.com staffing_inquiries@amat.com info_india@amat.com u003einfo_india@amat.com jayen_desai@amat.com bill_nichols@amat.com apf_support@amat.com automod_support@amat.com autoschedap_support@amat.com cellworks_support@amat.com classmcs5_support@amat.com cornerstone_support@amat.com e3_support@amat.com crc_fab300@amat.com factoryworks_support@amat.com ees_service@amat.com crc_toolnexus@amat.com patterns_support@amat.com promis_support@amat.com sentinel_support@amat.com space_support@amat.com stationworks_support@amat.com winsecs_support@amat.com crc_support@amat.com xsite_support@amat.com eur_customersupport@amat.com mas_csr_swsupport@amat.com mas_jkr_swsupport@amat.com trademarks@amat.com | http://www.appliedmaterials.com |
01189731946 | SCIENTIFIC VACUUM SYSTEMS LTD | Machinery | WOKINGHAM | sales@svs.co.uk | http://www.svs.co.uk |
01189833347 | EYEC-UK LIMITED | Machinery | KINVER | http://www.eyec-uk.com | |
01202681501 | HOLTON CREST LIMITED | Machinery | SOUTHAMPTON | http://www.holtoncrest.com | |
01202890705 | HAYSTACK DRYERS LIMITED | Machinery | RINGWOOD | paul.thomas@haystack-dryers.com simon.nicholson@haystack-dryers.com wayne.jacks@haystack-dryers.com | http://www.haystack-dryers.com |
01204534414 | GOODWIN MACHINERY LIMITED | Machinery | MANCHESTER | http://www.goodwinmachineryltd.com | |
01205280788 | B. D. ENGINEERING LIMITED | Machinery | NR SITTINGBOURNE | ||
01205364013 | MAVERICK AUTOMATION LTD | Machinery | BOSTON | ||
01206871881 | ERNEST DOE & SONS LIMITED | Machinery | ESSEX | accounts@ernestdoe.com hayleyhill@ernestdoe.com | http://www.ernestdoe.com |
01212421194 | PIPER DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED | Machinery | HERNE BAY | ||
01213537223 | PARADAY FABRICATIONS LIMITED | Machinery | SUTTON COLDFIELD | http://www.paraday.co.uk | |
01213594322 | SURFACE TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS LIMITED | Machinery | WEST MIDLANDS | http://www.surtech.co.uk | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about TOTAL MACHINERY SOLUTIONS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
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