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https://scoriff.co.uk/company/07741797-SIXTY-STORES-LTD SIXTY STORES LTD]

Navigation and Streetview 0HL°+52.198288° Google Maps
Contact phone 01789868209
Web site www.sixty.co.uk
Extended address COLMAN HOUSE
Category 47540 - Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores


Phone number 01789868209 is used by UK company SIXTY STORES LTD.


SIXTY STORES LTD can be contacted by calling to 01789868209.

SIXTY STORES LTD's homepage is at www.sixty.co.uk.

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SIXTY STORES LTD is located at C/O MAGIC ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES LTD, KNOWLE, SOLIHULL (postcode UNITED KINGDOM (The following coordinate was not recognized: B93 0HL°, 52.198288°.The following coordinate was not recognized: B93 0HL°, 52.198288°.)).

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Further info

Further details about [Web Design & Development https://scoriff.co.uk/company/07741797-SIXTY-STORES-LTD SIXTY STORES LTD], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.