From Who Called Me

Company name [Self Catering Holiday Accommodation


Navigation and Streetview 4JD°+50.480766° Google Maps
Contact phone 01803325786
E-mail enquiries@sunningdaleapartments.co.uk
Web site www.sunningdaleapartments.co.uk
Extended address 116 ABBEY STREET
Town [[|]]
County BANGOR.
Postcode [[|]]
Category 98000 - Residents property management


Phone number 01803325786 is used by UK company SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED.


SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01803325786. SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to enquiries@sunningdaleapartments.co.uk. SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED's homepage is at www.sunningdaleapartments.co.uk.

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SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED is located at 5 BRUNSWICK MANOR,, , BANGOR. (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: BT20 4JD°, 50.480766°.The following coordinate was not recognized: BT20 4JD°, 50.480766°.)).

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Further info

Further details about [Self Catering Holiday Accommodation https://scoriff.co.uk/company/NI015022-SUNNINGDALE-APARTMENTS-LIMITED SUNNINGDALE APARTMENTS LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.