01829732183 | |
Company name | [Ladies Clothes Shops
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/06632338-TRURO-GREEN-LIMITED TRURO GREEN LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 8HG°+53.158309° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01829732183 |
Web site | www.sibelle.co.uk |
Address | 6 SHEAF FARM COURT |
Extended address | PLATTS LANE HOCKENHULL |
Town | TARVIN |
County | CHESTER |
Category | 47710 - Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores |
Phone number 01829732183 is used by UK company TRURO GREEN LIMITED.
TRURO GREEN LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01829732183.
TRURO GREEN LIMITED's homepage is at www.sibelle.co.uk.
Get contacts as VCard:
TRURO GREEN LIMITED is located at 6 SHEAF FARM COURT, TARVIN, CHESTER (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: CH3 8HG°, 53.158309°.The following coordinate was not recognized: CH3 8HG°, 53.158309°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 5 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01829732183 | TRURO GREEN LIMITED | 47710 - Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores | TARVIN | http://www.sibelle.co.uk | |
01829740913 | RENBY LIMITED | Conveyor Systems & Belting | TARVIN | http://www.renby.co.uk | |
01829741119 | CROSTON ENGINEERING LIMITED | Engineers | TARVIN | admin@croston-engineering.co.uk | http://www.croston-engineering.co.uk |
01829741324 | BELLINO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Textile Services & Supplies | TARVIN | ||
01829742100 | OAKMERE TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED | 19209 - Other treatment of petroleum products (excluding petrochemicals manufacture) | TARVIN | http://www.oakmerets.com |
Similar companies
[Ladies Clothes Shops https://scoriff.co.uk/company/06632338-TRURO-GREEN-LIMITED TRURO GREEN LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 47710 - Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores. There are 71 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Ladies Clothes Shops https://scoriff.co.uk/company/06632338-TRURO-GREEN-LIMITED TRURO GREEN LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.