01908424321 | |
Company name | [Recruitment Consultants
Navigation and Streetview | 0UZ°+52.038872° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01908424321 |
chris@accountancyaction.com, alex@accountancyaction.com, london@accountancyaction.com, mk@accountancyaction.com, cambridge@accountancyaction.com, bwood@accountancyaction.com, birmingham@accountancyaction.com, paul.smith@accountancyaction.com | |
Web site | www.accountancyaction.com |
Address | MAGMA HOUSE |
Extended address | 16 DAVY COURT |
County | RUGBY |
Category | 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities |
Phone number 01908424321 is used by UK company ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED.
ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01908424321. ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to chris@accountancyaction.com, alex@accountancyaction.com, london@accountancyaction.com, mk@accountancyaction.com, cambridge@accountancyaction.com, bwood@accountancyaction.com, birmingham@accountancyaction.com, paul.smith@accountancyaction.com. ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED's homepage is at www.accountancyaction.com.
Get contacts as VCard:
ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED is located at MAGMA HOUSE, CASTLE MOUND WAY, RUGBY (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: CV23 0UZ°, 52.038872°.The following coordinate was not recognized: CV23 0UZ°, 52.038872°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 12 companies nearby:
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01327221075 | COMPLEAT OFFICE INITIATIVES LIMITED | 47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets | CASTLE MOUND WAY | http://www.compleat.co.uk | |
01327221237 | COMPLEAT OFFICE INITIATIVES LIMITED | 47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets | CASTLE MOUND WAY | ||
01327708966 | COMPLEAT OFFICE INITIATIVES LIMITED | 47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets | CASTLE MOUND WAY | http://www.compleat.co.uk | |
01427718700 | THE HUME ARMS LIMITED | 56101 - Licensed restaurants | CASTLE MOUND WAY | info@eversosensible.com | http://www.eversosensible.com |
01604862342 | MERRIS BROS (FARMERS) LIMITED | 01500 - Mixed farming | CASTLE MOUND WAY | ||
01788550015 | BURGE HUGHES WALSH LIMITED | 82990 - Other business support service activities n.e.c. | CASTLE MOUND WAY | enquiries@burgehugheswalsh.co.uk | http://www.burgehugheswalsh.co.uk |
01908424321 | ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED | 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities | CASTLE MOUND WAY | chris@accountancyaction.com alex@accountancyaction.com london@accountancyaction.com mk@accountancyaction.com cambridge@accountancyaction.com bwood@accountancyaction.com birmingham@accountancyaction.com paul.smith@accountancyaction.com | http://www.accountancyaction.com |
01954212121 | ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED | 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities | CASTLE MOUND WAY | chris@accountancyaction.com alex@accountancyaction.com london@accountancyaction.com mk@accountancyaction.com cambridge@accountancyaction.com bwood@accountancyaction.com birmingham@accountancyaction.com paul.smith@accountancyaction.com | http://www.accountancyaction.com |
02074620003 | ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED | 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities | CASTLE MOUND WAY | chris@accountancyaction.com alex@accountancyaction.com london@accountancyaction.com mk@accountancyaction.com cambridge@accountancyaction.com bwood@accountancyaction.com birmingham@accountancyaction.com paul.smith@accountancyaction.com | http://www.accountancyaction.com |
02087360400 | ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED | 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities | CASTLE MOUND WAY | chris@accountancyaction.com alex@accountancyaction.com london@accountancyaction.com mk@accountancyaction.com cambridge@accountancyaction.com bwood@accountancyaction.com birmingham@accountancyaction.com paul.smith@accountancyaction.com | http://www.accountancyaction.com |
02476348693 | A. WILLIAMSON DESIGN LIMITED | 82990 - Other business support service activities n.e.c. | CASTLE MOUND WAY | ||
07860923372 | MAGIC VOICES LIMITED | 90010 - Performing arts | CASTLE MOUND WAY |
Similar companies
[Recruitment Consultants https://scoriff.co.uk/company/04201880-ACCOUNTANCY-ACTION-LIMITED ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 78200 - Temporary employment agency activities. There are 82 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Recruitment Consultants https://scoriff.co.uk/company/04201880-ACCOUNTANCY-ACTION-LIMITED ACCOUNTANCY ACTION LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.