From Who Called Me

Company name [Agricultural Contractors

https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03846892-MP-HIRE-LIMITED MP HIRE LIMITED]

Navigation and Streetview 5NU°+52.879745° Google Maps
Contact phone 01939233244
E-mail bryan@mp-hire.com
Web site www.mp-hire.com
Address THE ELMS
Extended address NEWTOWN
Town WEM
Postcode [[|]]
Category 77310 - Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment


Phone number 01939233244 is used by UK company MP HIRE LIMITED.


MP HIRE LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01939233244. MP HIRE LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to bryan@mp-hire.com. MP HIRE LIMITED's homepage is at www.mp-hire.com.

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MP HIRE LIMITED is located at THE ELMS, WEM, SHREWSBURY (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: SY4 5NU°, 52.879745°.The following coordinate was not recognized: SY4 5NU°, 52.879745°.)).

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01939233244MP HIRE LIMITED77310 - Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipmentWEMbryan@mp-hire.comhttp://www.mp-hire.com
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01939235862VALUE POWER SYSTEMS LIMITEDUninterruptible Power SuppliesWEMhttp://www.vps-ups.co.uk
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01948661640FILKIN & CO. EHS LIMITEDEnvironmental ConsultantsWEMhttp://www.filkin-ehs.co.uk
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01948809508JFT MARQUEES & TARPAULINS LTDMarquee & Tent HireWEMhttp://www.jftmarqueesandtarpaulins.co.uk/
01948841268HAZPORT LIMITEDCommercial Waste DisposalWEMsales@hazport.comhttp://www.hazport.com

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Further info

Further details about [Agricultural Contractors https://scoriff.co.uk/company/03846892-MP-HIRE-LIMITED MP HIRE LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.