From Who Called Me
01977655888 | |
Company name | J. MARR LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01977655888 |
Web site | www.j-marr.co.uk |
Extended address | UNIT 18/20 LANGTHWAITE BUSINESS PARK |
Postcode | WF9 3AP |
Category | Ice Suppliers |
Phone number 01977655888 is used by UK company J. MARR LIMITED.
J. MARR LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01977655888.
J. MARR LIMITED's homepage is at www.j-marr.co.uk.
Get contacts as VCard:
J. MARR LIMITED is located at JOSEPH MARR HOUSE, SOUTH KIRKBY, WEST YORKSHIRE (postcode WF9 3AP (53° 35' 24.25" N, 1° 18' 34.58" W)).
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01977648844 | SOUTH KIRKBY EYE CARE LTD | Ophthalmic Opticians | SOUTH KIRKBY | http://www.southkirkbyeyecare.co.uk | |
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01977655888 | J. MARR LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | SOUTH KIRKBY | http://www.j-marr.co.uk | |
01977671777 | REUSE GLASS UK LIMITED | 38210 - Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste | SOUTH KIRKBY | ||
08452300856 | MX 5 CITY LIMITED | Garage Services | SOUTH KIRKBY |
Similar companies
J. MARR LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Ice Suppliers. There are 26 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01189078063 | IMMEDIATE ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.iceimmediate.com | |
01202622267 | SOUTH COAST ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | WIMBORNE | http://www.southcoastice.com | |
01202718500 | CRYSTAL ICE SCULPTURES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | POOLE | http://www.crystalicesculptures.co.uk | |
01293532732 | ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | HARROW | info@ultraice.eu | http://www.ultraice.eu/ |
01342835348 | P S D ICE ART LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LINGFIELD | enquiries@psdiceart.co.uk | http://www.psdiceart.co.uk |
01413331919 | W.A.A. EDDIE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | GLASGOW | http://www.waaeddie.co.uk | |
01472345476 | DRY ICE UK LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | GRIMSBY | info@dryiceuk.com | http://www.dryiceuk.com |
01480213245 | ICE SCULPTURES LTD | Ice Suppliers | SANDY | info@icesculptures.ltd.uk | http://www.icesculptures.ltd.uk |
01592657509 | PURE ICE LTD | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.pureice.com | |
01595692956 | L.H.D. MARINE SUPPLIES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LOWESTOFT | richie@lhdshetland.co.ukbr brian@lhdshetland.co.ukga gspence@lhdshetland.co.ukan andrew@lhdshetland.co.ukha richie@lhdshetland.co.uk brian@lhdshetland.co.uk gspence@lhdshetland.co.uk andrew@lhdshetland.co.uk hazel@lhdshetland.co.uk smanson@lhdshetland.co.uk vaila@lhdshetland.co.uk clive@lhdshetland.co.uk andy@lhdshetland.co.uk james@lhdshetland.co.uk gbain@lhdshetland.co.uk christine@lhdshetland.co.uk eddie@lhdshetland.co.uk grant@lhdshetland.co.uk beth@lhdshetland.co.uk fiona@lhdshetland.co.uk dianne@lhdshetland.co.uk lynn@lhdshetland.co.uk gmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk gsmith@lhdshetland.co.uk awatt@lhdshetland.co.uk joe@lhdshetland.co.uk kmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk netstore@lhdshetland.co.uk | http://www.lhdshetland.co.uk |
01595880563 | L.H.D. MARINE SUPPLIES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LOWESTOFT | richie@lhdshetland.co.ukbr brian@lhdshetland.co.ukga gspence@lhdshetland.co.ukan andrew@lhdshetland.co.ukha richie@lhdshetland.co.uk brian@lhdshetland.co.uk gspence@lhdshetland.co.uk andrew@lhdshetland.co.uk hazel@lhdshetland.co.uk smanson@lhdshetland.co.uk vaila@lhdshetland.co.uk clive@lhdshetland.co.uk andy@lhdshetland.co.uk james@lhdshetland.co.uk gbain@lhdshetland.co.uk christine@lhdshetland.co.uk eddie@lhdshetland.co.uk grant@lhdshetland.co.uk beth@lhdshetland.co.uk fiona@lhdshetland.co.uk dianne@lhdshetland.co.uk lynn@lhdshetland.co.uk gmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk gsmith@lhdshetland.co.uk awatt@lhdshetland.co.uk joe@lhdshetland.co.uk kmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk netstore@lhdshetland.co.uk | http://www.lhdshetland.co.uk |
01606872086 | ICE SCULPTURES LTD | Ice Suppliers | SANDY | ||
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01915100541 | SUB ZERO LTD | Ice Suppliers | CHELMSFORD | http://www.subzeroiceart.com | |
01977655888 | J. MARR LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | SOUTH KIRKBY | http://www.j-marr.co.uk | |
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Further info
Further details about J. MARR LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
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