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02089412525 | |
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Contact phone | 02089412525 |
Address | 12 CARDINALS WALK |
Extended address | HAMPTON |
Postcode | TW12 2TS |
Category | Consulting Engineers |
Phone number 02089412525 is used by UK company HARRISON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LIMITED.
HARRISON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 02089412525.
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HARRISON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LIMITED is located at 12 CARDINALS WALK, MIDDLESEX, (postcode TW12 2TS (51° 25' 12.95" N, 0° 21' 39.00" W)).
Nearby companies
There are 1845 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132380412 | SANDWICH BOX LIMITED | Takeaway Food | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132449999 | BIG BITE LIMITED | Fast Food Restaurants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132532277 | J B BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD | Builders | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132622214 | J & A MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01132665184 | CORNERHOUSE DENTAL PRACTICE LTD | Dentists | MIDDLESEX | http://www.cornerhousedentalpractice.net | |
01132888855 | PREMIER PLC | Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles | MIDDLESEX | http://www.premiercarsleeds.co.uk | |
01142360583 | LIBERTY FOODS LIMITED | Butchers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01142396396 | PREMIER PLC | Grocers & Convenience Stores | MIDDLESEX | http://www.premier-stores.co.uk | |
01142432337 | BIG BITE LIMITED | Sandwich Shops & Delivery | MIDDLESEX | ||
01142513446 | IT'S ABOUT TIME LIMITED | Clocks & Watches Retail & Repairs | MIDDLESEX | http://www.itsabouttimesheffield.co.uk | |
01142516772 | SKY LIMITED | Satellite & Cable Tv | MIDDLESEX | http://www.sky.com | |
01142568137 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01142568567 | OASIS LIMITED | Ladies Clothes Shops | MIDDLESEX | http://www.oasis.co.uk | |
01142679996 | OASIS LIMITED | Takeaway Food | MIDDLESEX | ||
01143217264 | IT'S ABOUT TIME LIMITED | Clocks & Watches Retail & Repairs | MIDDLESEX | info@itsabouttimeuk.co.uk | http://www.itsabouttimesheffield.co.uk |
01144534977 | M & S MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01158405060 | ADVANCED GARDENING LIMITED | Hydroponics | MIDDLESEX | advancednotts@gmail.com | http://www.advancedhydroponicsnottingham.co.uk |
01159081560 | FITZROY LIMITED | Residential & Retirement Homes | MIDDLESEX | services@fitzroy.org fundraising@fitzroy.org volunteering@fitzroy.org recruitment@fitzroy.org marketing@fitzroy.org diane.french@fitzroy.org julie.bruce@fitzroy.org joanne.keight@fitzroy.org sue.prior@fitzroy.org mark.grover@fitzroy.org | http://www.fitzroy.org |
01159280440 | OASIS LIMITED | Beauty Salons & Consultants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01159300073 | ABBEY COACHWORKS LIMITED | Car Body Repairs | MIDDLESEX | http://www.abbey-coachworks.co.uk | |
01159404110 | CARPETSTYLE LIMITED | Carpets & Rugs Retail & Repair | MIDDLESEX | carpetstyle@hotmail.co.uk | http://www.carpet-style.co.uk |
01162392541 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01162785278 | PRESTIGE SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Garage Doors | MIDDLESEX | info@prestigesecuritysolutions.co.uk | http://www.prestigesecuritysolutions.co.uk |
01162849930 | UKAY KHOA MANUFACTURING LIMITED | Dairy Products | MIDDLESEX | ||
01163400256 | RAY FAWEHIMI LIMITED | Property Development | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179258270 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179509607 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01179699808 | SUNSHINE GARDENS LIMITED | Landscapers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01179734074 | SKY LIMITED | Picture Framers & Frame Makers | MIDDLESEX | http://www.skybristol.co.uk | |
01189263766 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189427712 | WESTWOOD ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Tax Advisers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189549975 | HINDS LTD | Painters & Decorators | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189585464 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01189589292 | PICNIC LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | MIDDLESEX | http://www.picnicfoods.co.uk | |
01189594779 | BP EXPRESS SHOPPING LIMITED | Petrol Stations | MIDDLESEX | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com |
01189701404 | QUALITY DIRECT LIMITED | Double Glazing Installers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01189795755 | PARK STREET PEOPLE LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | MIDDLESEX | london@parkstreetpeople.com maidenhead@parkstreetpeople.com windsor@parkstreetpeople.com wokingham@parkstreetpeople.com james@parkstreetpeople.com | http://www.parkstreetpeople.com |
01202395437 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01202420033 | HAIRWORX LIMITED | Hairdressers | MIDDLESEX | andyandbabe@aol.com | http://www.hair-worx.co.uk |
01202478066 | SUNSHINE GARDENS LIMITED | Garden Services | MIDDLESEX | malcommussell@virginmedia.com | http://www.sunshine-gardens.co.uk |
01202486459 | KITCHEN STUDIO LIMITED | Kitchen Planning & Installation | MIDDLESEX | http://www.kitchenstudio.co.uk | |
01202582653 | CONSTRUCTION COMPUTER SOFTWARE LIMITED | Computer Software Sales | MIDDLESEX | http://www.ccsuk.com | |
01202592000 | CLANCY DOCWRA LIMITED | Civil Engineers | MIDDLESEX | enquiries@theclancygroup.co.uk | http://www.theclancygroup.co.uk |
01202649902 | SKY LIMITED | Broadcasting Services | MIDDLESEX | http://www.sky.com | |
01204395369 | KNS LIMITED | Fast Food Restaurants | MIDDLESEX | ||
01204395511 | J & A MOTORS LIMITED | Garage Services | MIDDLESEX | ||
01204555050 | KNIGHTSBRIDGE LIMITED | Business Transfer Agents | MIDDLESEX | http://www.knightsbridgeplc.com | |
01205351018 | F.HINDS LIMITED | Jewellers | MIDDLESEX | onlinesales@fhinds.co.uk customerservices@fhinds.co.uk recruitment@fhinds.co.uk customerservice@fhinds.co.uk affiliates@lakestarmccann.com hsbd@fhinds.co.uk pam.fenton@fhinds.co.uk usonlinesales@fhinds.co.uk | http://www.fhinds.co.uk |
01205360889 | OASIS LIMITED | Sports Injury Clinics | MIDDLESEX | ||
01206211921 | RECORD 316 LIMITED | Commercial Food Processing Equipment | MIDDLESEX | info@asdesigning.com info@record316.com | http://www.record316.com |
... further results |
Similar companies
HARRISON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Consulting Engineers. There are 1925 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01132042200 | BURO HAPPOLD CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | BATH | http://www.burohappold.com | |
01132042880 | RAMBOLL UK LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | london@ramboll.co.uk dan.harvey@ramboll.co.uk phil.studds@ramboll.co.uk nswankie@ramboll.com | http://www.ramboll.co.uk |
01132091640 | SCOTT WILSON LTD | Consulting Engineers | KIDDERMINSTER | http://www.scottwilson.com | |
01132344008 | ERNEST GRIFFITHS LTD | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | http://www.ernestgriffiths.com | |
01132394518 | ADEPT CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD | Consulting Engineers | FARSLEY | inbox@adeptcsce.com | http://www.adeptcsce.com |
01132428498 | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | webmaster@arup.com scienceandindustry@arup.com eadelaide@arup.com ebrisbane@arup.com ecairns@arup.com ecanberra@arup.com emelbourne@arup.com eperth@arup.com esydney@arup.com etownsville@arup.com egaborone@arup.com eamericas@arup.com ephnompenh@arup.com emontreal@arup.com etoronto@arup.com ebogota@arup.com ecopenhagen@arup.com eberlin@arup.com edusseldorf@arup.com efrankfurt@arup.com ebeijing@arup.com echongqing@arup.com eguangzhou@arup.com ehongkong@arup.com emacau@arup.com eshanghai@arup.com eshenzhen@arup.com etaipei@arup.com etianjin@arup.com ewuhan@arup.com eoasys@arup.com emumbai@arup.com eindonesia@arup.com ecork@arup.com edublin@arup.com egalway@arup.com elimerick@arup.com emilan@arup.com etokyo@arup.com emauritius@arup.com eamsterdam@arup.com eauckland@arup.com emanila@arup.com ekrakow@arup.com ewarsaw@arup.com eqatar@arup.com ebucharest@arup.com emoscow@arup.com est-petersburg@arup.com ebelgrade@arup.com esingapore@arup.com ejohannesburg@arup.com ecapetown@arup.com edurban@arup.com eseoul@arup.com emadrid@arup.com ebangkok@arup.com eankara@arup.com eistanbul@arup.com eabu-dhabi@arup.com edubai@arup.com ebelfast@arup.com ebristol@arup.com ecardiff@arup.com eedinburgh@arup.com eglasgow@arup.com eleeds@arup.com eliverpool@arup.com elondon@arup.com emanchester@arup.com enewcastle@arup.com enottingham@arup.com esheffield@arup.com esolihull@arup.com ewinchester@arup.com eyork@arup.com eboston@arup.com echicago@arup.com ehouston@arup.com elosangeles@arup.com enewjersey@arup.com enewyork@arup.com esanfrancisco@arup.com eseattle@arup.com ewashington@arup.com ehochiminhcity@arup.com eamericas-press@arup.com easia-press@arup.com eaustralasia.press@arup.com eeurope-press@arup.com emedia@arup.com | http://www.arup.com | |
01132432241 | TROUP BYWATERS & ANDERS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | http://www.tbanda.com | |
01132434671 | FAIRHURST LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LANCASHIRE | http://www.fairhurst.co.uk | |
01132452528 | JBA BENTLEY LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SKIPTON | info@jba-bentley.co.uk | http://www.jba-bentley.co.uk |
01132461555 | BRYAN G HALL LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | http://www.bryanghall.co.uk | |
01132467910 | SEJC CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | http://www.sejc.co.uk | |
01132500370 | HYDROTEC CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | info@hydrotecltd.co.uk | http://www.hydrotecltd.co.uk |
01132581622 | HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | http://www.hydraulic-analysis.com | |
01132612695 | ARBON ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | ||
01132623546 | SIMBA CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | j.syan@simbaconsultants.co.uk info@simbaconsultants.co.uk | http://www.simbaconsultants.co.uk | |
01132655566 | PHS DESIGN LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | ||
01132740721 | BRIDGES POUND LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | COVENTRY | general@bridgespound.co.uk | http://www.bridgespound.com |
01132748509 | CURTINS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LIVERPOOL | http://www.curtins.com | |
01132818292 | F.A. LACHMANN CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | lc.services@btconnect.com | http://www.lachmannconsultants.co.uk | |
01132862555 | WALKER & WALKER LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | MANCHESTER | ||
01132908397 | NETWORK MAPPING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | KNARESBOROUGH | ||
01133457678 | EGORUM LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | OTLEY | ||
01133697925 | GOODSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | http://wwwwgoodsons.com | ||
01133800250 | FORE CONSULTING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | enquiries@foreconsulting.co.uk | http://www.foreconsulting.co.uk/home |
01133916800 | AECOM LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | http://www.aecom.com | |
01138152220 | MOREVISION LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LEEDS | http://www.morevision.co.uk | |
01142242240 | LIMITSTATE LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | info@limitstate.com | http://www.limitstate.com |
01142317850 | AMEY PLC | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | http://www.amey.co.uk | |
01142331993 | WHITE STRUCTURAL LTD | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.whitestructural.co.uk | |
01142337084 | ANSOLVE LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LYMINGTON | ||
01142356104 | SCHOLFIELD & CO LTD | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | ||
01142364634 | CFD TECHNOLOGIES LTD | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.cfd-technologies.co.uk | |
01142447555 | SERVICES DESIGN ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | ||
01142456244 | WARDELL ARMSTRONG LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | STOKE ON TRENT | http://www.wardellarmstrong.com | |
01142477190 | INSPIRIT ENERGY LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LONDON | info@inspiritenergy.com | http://www.inspiritenergy.com |
01142477365 | SEE NC LTD | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.see-nc.co.uk | |
01142564420 | JSH CONSULTING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.jshconsulting.co.uk | |
01142626200 | ATOMISING SYSTEMS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | info@atomising.co.uk | http://www.atomising.co.uk |
01142721589 | B S P CONSULTING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | CHIPPENHAM | http://www.bsp-consulting.co.uk | |
01142727868 | NPRIME LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | info@nprime.co.uk | http://www.nprime.co.uk |
01142728247 | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | webmaster@arup.com scienceandindustry@arup.com eadelaide@arup.com ebrisbane@arup.com ecairns@arup.com ecanberra@arup.com emelbourne@arup.com eperth@arup.com esydney@arup.com etownsville@arup.com egaborone@arup.com eamericas@arup.com ephnompenh@arup.com emontreal@arup.com etoronto@arup.com ebogota@arup.com ecopenhagen@arup.com eberlin@arup.com edusseldorf@arup.com efrankfurt@arup.com ebeijing@arup.com echongqing@arup.com eguangzhou@arup.com ehongkong@arup.com emacau@arup.com eshanghai@arup.com eshenzhen@arup.com etaipei@arup.com etianjin@arup.com ewuhan@arup.com eoasys@arup.com emumbai@arup.com eindonesia@arup.com ecork@arup.com edublin@arup.com egalway@arup.com elimerick@arup.com emilan@arup.com etokyo@arup.com emauritius@arup.com eamsterdam@arup.com eauckland@arup.com emanila@arup.com ekrakow@arup.com ewarsaw@arup.com eqatar@arup.com ebucharest@arup.com emoscow@arup.com est-petersburg@arup.com ebelgrade@arup.com esingapore@arup.com ejohannesburg@arup.com ecapetown@arup.com edurban@arup.com eseoul@arup.com emadrid@arup.com ebangkok@arup.com eankara@arup.com eistanbul@arup.com eabu-dhabi@arup.com edubai@arup.com ebelfast@arup.com ebristol@arup.com ecardiff@arup.com eedinburgh@arup.com eglasgow@arup.com eleeds@arup.com eliverpool@arup.com elondon@arup.com emanchester@arup.com enewcastle@arup.com enottingham@arup.com esheffield@arup.com esolihull@arup.com ewinchester@arup.com eyork@arup.com eboston@arup.com echicago@arup.com ehouston@arup.com elosangeles@arup.com enewjersey@arup.com enewyork@arup.com esanfrancisco@arup.com eseattle@arup.com ewashington@arup.com ehochiminhcity@arup.com eamericas-press@arup.com easia-press@arup.com eaustralasia.press@arup.com eeurope-press@arup.com emedia@arup.com | http://www.arup.com | |
01142761242 | MOTT MACDONALD LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | CROYDON | http://www.mottmac.com | |
01142799999 | M.F.H. ENGINEERING (HOLDINGS) LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.mfhgroup.co.uk | |
01142823395 | FAIRHURST LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | LANCASHIRE | http://www.fairhurst.co.uk | |
01142914313 | THOMPSON ASSOCIATES (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | ||
01142995007 | 53 DEGREES NORTH ENGINEERING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | enquiries@53northgroup.com | http://www.53neng.com |
01143310377 | LIVE OAK LTD | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | contact@liveoakltd.com | http://www.liveoakltd.com |
01143990400 | EADON CONSULTING LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | SHEFFIELD | http://www.eadonconsulting.co.uk | |
01144007986 | MARCAD ENGINEERING DESIGN LTD | Consulting Engineers | CHESTERFIELD | info@marcadengineering.co.uk | http://www.marcadengineering.co.uk |
01157270068 | ALLSOP CONSULT LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | NOTTINGHAM | http://www.allsopconsult.co.uk | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about HARRISON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
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