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03456445002 | |
Company name | UPS DIRECT LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 03456445002 |
Fax | 03456 445 003 |
Web site | www.upsdirect.com |
Address | COLUMN HOUSE |
Extended address | LONDON ROAD |
Postcode | SY2 6NN |
Category | Uninterruptible Power Supplies |
Phone number 03456445002 is used by UK company UPS DIRECT LIMITED.
UPS DIRECT LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 03456445002.
UPS DIRECT LIMITED's homepage is at www.upsdirect.com. UPS DIRECT LIMITED can be contacted by sending a fax to 03456 445 003.
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UPS DIRECT LIMITED is located at COLUMN HOUSE, SHREWSBURY, SHROPSHIRE (postcode SY2 6NN (52° 42' 11.21" N, 2° 43' 50.30" W)).
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01159813155 | U.P.S. POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | NOTTINGHAM | ||
01189731506 | BENNING POWER ELECTRONICS (UK) LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | FINCHAMPSTEAD | http://www.benninguk.com | |
01189786911 | LAB POWER LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | WOKINGHAM | http://www.lab-power.com | |
01214142739 | ADELAN LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | MARKET DRAYTON | http://www.adelan.com | |
01223864869 | INESS LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | LONDON | http://www.iness.co.uk | |
01234851155 | SPECIALIST POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BEDFORD | sales@specialistpower.com service@specialistpower.com | http://www.specialistpower.com |
01243212304 | COMPUTER POWER PROTECTION (SALES) LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | SWINDON | sales@cppsales.com | http://www.cppsales.com |
01246431431 | POWER CONTROL LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | GLASGOW | info@pcl-ups.com | http://pcl-ups.com |
01252692559 | SOURCE UPS LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | FLEET | info@sourceups.co.uk | http://www.sourceups.co.uk |
01252878471 | STATRON (UK) LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | CHESTER | http://www.statron.co.uk | |
01264351415 | ADEPT POWER SOLUTIONS LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | ANDOVER | enquiries@adeptpower.co.uk sales@adeptpower.co.uk support@adeptpower.co.uk accounts@adeptpower.co.uk enquires@adeptpower.co.uk | http://www.adeptpower.co.uk |
01264366812 | LINNET TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | STIRLING | ups@linnet-tec.co.uk | http://www.linnet-tec.co.uk |
01271343058 | DEVON & CORNWALL DC POWER LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BARNSTAPLE | info@dcdcpower.co.uk | http://www.dcdcpower.co.uk |
01279406960 | PDS DESIGN SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | OLD HARLOW | http://www.whatpowersupply.com | |
01285657721 | PILLER UK LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | CIRENCESTER | info@piller.com australia@piller.com latinamerica@piller.com usa@piller.com china@piller.com france@piller.com germany@piller.com india@piller.com italia@piller.com korea@piller.com netherlands@piller.com asiapac@piller.com spain@piller.com service.asia@piller.com uk@piller.com laidoud@windowslive.com thomas.ott@christof-electrics.at anilv@almoayyedintl.com.bh tozzetti@gtem.com.br mmujicas@teknica.cl info@chunghingeng.com kontor@piller.dk wassef@elserafy.com cecilia.westerholm@westimq.fi mail@balmex.hu info@ariantodarmawan.com info@radianparto.com tobinaga.yoshiki@kobelco.com info@powertecs-system.com worldscope2003@yahoo.com info@makker.no businesspower@businesspower.com.pl office@margex.ro piller@hited.ru primoz.mahoric@pronet.si steveyap@acenet.co.za duffuaa@dgsudan.com info@sweab.com roland.iseli@gebrueder-meier.ch nabil.oulabi@outatex.com charleswan@solomon.com.tw bnk@piller.co.th ytopaloglu@inform.com.tr daniel.bianconi@piller.com terlyaev@extreme-ltd.com.ua ssamhat@avicorpme.ae | http://www.piller.com |
01330823950 | SKYLARK ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | ABOYNE | info@skylark.co.uk -@skylark.co.uk sales@skylark.co.uk -sales-@skylark.co.uk webmaster@skylark.co.uk | http://www.skylark.co.uk |
01355590165 | R B POWER SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | GLASGOW | ||
01386870006 | ACTIVE POWER SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | CIRENCESTER | http://www.activepower.com | |
01437865041 | ABILITY POWER LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | HAVERFORDWEST | enquiries@abilitypower.co.uk sales@abilitypower.co.uk service@abilitypower.co.uk | http://www.abilitypower.co.uk |
01442219355 | ELTEK POWER (UK) LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | HEMEL HEMPSTEAD | hs.jung@eltek.com krsales@eltek.com 3akrsales@eltek.com advice@advice.co.il astrec@astrec.com desitek@desitek.dk luis.garino@eltek.com admin.au@eltek.com ausupport@eltek.com ausales@eltek.com 3aausales@eltek.com auservice@eltek.com vendas@eltek.com.br singapore.eltek@eltek.com customercare.sg@eltek.com fermin.luna@eltek.com info.de@eltek.com salesmea@eltek.com mahmoud.morsy@eltek.com ahmed.refaat@eltek.com 3aahmed.refaat@eltek.com albert.cheung@eltek.com sales.china@eltek.com cncustomerservice@eltek.com turkey@eltek.com sales.fi@eltek.com sales.us@eltek.com techsupport.us@eltek.com eltek@eltek.in customercare@eltek.in info-it@eltek.com nick.searra@eltek.com sales.mexico@eltek.com eltek@eltek.com service.no@eltek.com sales.norway@eltek.com 3asales.norway@eltek.com info@eltek.pk sales@eltek.pk 3asales@eltek.pk gina.gonzales@eltek.com deo.pulian@eltek.com 3asingapore.eltek@eltek.com eltek@eltek.com.pl froffice@eltek.com enquiry.hk@eltek.com my.sales@eltek.com sesales@eltek.com sales.gb@eltek.com info@eltek.ru service@eltek.ru sales@eltek.ru 3asales@eltek.ru tibor.fuzik@eltek.com sales.ng@eltek.com webmaster@eltek.com 3awebmaster@eltek.com ovicente@insytepowersystems.es office@lorennetworks.com erdenebat@monhorus.mn miguelborla.worktel@gmail.com | http://www.eltek.com |
01488648667 | POWER PROTECTION SYSTEMS LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | HUNGERFORD | info@powerprotectionsystems.net | http://www.powerprotectionsystems.net |
01488680500 | U.P.S SYSTEMS PLC | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | SWINDON | sales@upssystems.co.uk | http://www.upssystems.co.uk |
01488685207 | ONLITECH LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BERKSHIRE | sales@onlitech.com | http://www.onlitech.com |
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01494871544 | POWER SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | STOKE-ON-TRENT | info@powersystemsinternational.com | http://www.powersystemsinternational.com |
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01525222727 | TB POWERTEC LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | DUNSTABLE | ||
01525720099 | PULS UK LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | NORTHAMPTON | ||
01536445485 | STATRON (UK) LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | CHESTER | http://www.statron.co.uk | |
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01732771818 | POWERSENSE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | TONBRIDGE | http://www.powersense.co.uk | |
01786450433 | LINNET TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | STIRLING | ups@linnet-tec.co.uk | http://www.linnet-tec.co.uk |
01865744836 | POWER INSPIRED LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BICESTER | ||
01903708850 | APPLIED KILOVOLTS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | WORTHING | sales@appliedkilovolts.com | http://www.appliedkilovolts.com |
01908565656 | HARLAND SIMON UPS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | MILTON KEYNES | enquiries@hsups.co.uk info@hsups.co.uk | http://www.harlandsimonups.com |
01920871077 | CETRONIC POWER SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | HODDESDON | sales@cetronicpower.com 871077sales@cetronicpower.com | http://www.cetronicpower.com |
01924894499 | INFINIS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | NORTHAMPTON | ||
01926484535 | HITEC POWER PROTECTION LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BIRMINGHAM | info@hitec-ups.com | http://www.hitecups.com |
01939235862 | VALUE POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | WEM | http://www.vps-ups.co.uk | |
01943831990 | ADVANCED POWER TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | ILKLEY | info@advancedpower.co.uk | http://www.advancedpower.co.uk |
01943870070 | COMPUTERPOWER (CONSULTANTS) LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | LEEDS | ||
01977551764 | LINNET TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | STIRLING | ups@linnet-tec.co.uk | http://www.linnet-tec.co.uk |
01992719200 | AEG POWER SOLUTIONS LTD. | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | ENFIELD | http://www.aegps.com | |
02083345300 | AES ELECTRIC LTD | Uninterruptible Power Supplies | BRISTOL | http://www.aes.com | |
... further results |
Further info
Further details about UPS DIRECT LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.
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