07970959258 | |
Company name | [Plastering & Screeding
https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05689267-ARMOUREND-LIMITED ARMOUREND LIMITED] |
Navigation and Streetview | 1HE°+51.561807° Google Maps |
Contact phone | 07970959258 |
Web site | tinyurl.com/pmx777k |
Address | SUITE 1, MOOR HOUSE, 166 MOOR |
Extended address | LANE |
Town | CRANHAM |
County | UPMINSTER |
Category | 43310 - Plastering |
Phone number 07970959258 is used by UK company ARMOUREND LIMITED.
ARMOUREND LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 07970959258.
ARMOUREND LIMITED's homepage is at tinyurl.com/pmx777k.
Get contacts as VCard:
ARMOUREND LIMITED is located at SUITE 1, MOOR HOUSE, 166 MOOR, CRANHAM, UPMINSTER (postcode (The following coordinate was not recognized: RM14 1HE°, 51.561807°.The following coordinate was not recognized: RM14 1HE°, 51.561807°.)).
Nearby companies
There are 6 companies nearby:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01277222382 | ESSEX HIRE & SALES LTD | Tool & Equipment Hire Services | CRANHAM | http://www.essexhire.co.uk | |
01277365961 | ESSEX FINISHERS LTD | Electroplaters & Metal Finishers | CRANHAM | ||
01708204967 | ARMOUREND LIMITED | 43310 - Plastering | CRANHAM | armourend@gmail.com | http://www.armourend.co.uk |
01708510628 | ARMOUREND LIMITED | 43310 - Plastering | CRANHAM | armourend@gmail.com | http://www.armourend.co.uk |
01787888081 | PAUL JAMES BLINDS & CURTAINS LTD | Blinds & Awnings | CRANHAM | enquiries@pauljamesblinds.co.uk | http://www.pauljamesblinds.co.uk |
07970959258 | ARMOUREND LIMITED | 43310 - Plastering | CRANHAM | http://tinyurl.com/pmx777k |
Similar companies
[Plastering & Screeding https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05689267-ARMOUREND-LIMITED ARMOUREND LIMITED] operates mainly in the business of 43310 - Plastering. There are 23 other companies with the same activity:
Further info
Further details about [Plastering & Screeding https://scoriff.co.uk/company/05689267-ARMOUREND-LIMITED ARMOUREND LIMITED], including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.