01215011171 | TUBE GEAR LIMITED | Commercial Vehicle Accessories & Parts | AMPTHILL | sales@tube-gear.com oesales@tube-gear.com | http://www.tube-gear.com | 01215011171 |
01234273172 | ANGLIA MOBILITY LIMITED | Mobility Aids & Vehicles | AMPTHILL | morganpete@ntlworld.com leigh@banilla.co.uk info@angliamobilityltd.co.uk | http://www.angliamobilityltd.co.uk | 01234273172 |
01234327227 | ELLA & WHITE LTD. | Building Maintenance & Repairs | AMPTHILL | | | 01234327227 |
01234358395 | J & M RECYCLING LIMITED | Recycling | AMPTHILL | | | 01234358395 |
01234741991 | DINGLE DELL LIMITED | Computer Consumables | AMPTHILL | | | 01234741991 |
01234881900 | L C SERVICES LIMITED | Laboratory Facilities & Services | AMPTHILL | | http://www.lcservs.co.uk | 01234881900 |
01245402180 | MG PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIMITED | Project Management Services | AMPTHILL | admin@mgpm.com | http://www.mgpm.com | 01245402180 |
01284700803 | TYPEPART LIMITED | Office Equipment Suppliers | AMPTHILL | | | 01284700803 |
01384864192 | ABSOLUTE BUILDING SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Builders | AMPTHILL | | | 01384864192 |
01388329996 | ABSOLUTE BUILDING SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Building Services Engineering | AMPTHILL | | http://www.absolute-building-solutions.com | 01388329996 |
01438869386 | TAE (UK) LIMITED | Fencing Services | AMPTHILL | info@taeuklimited.co.uk | http://www.taeuklimited.co.uk | 01438869386 |
01462752855 | MERRY POPPETS NURSERY LIMITED | Day Nurseries | AMPTHILL | | | 01462752855 |
01474321954 | TUBE GEAR LIMITED | Commercial Vehicle Accessories & Parts | AMPTHILL | sales@tube-gear.com oesales@tube-gear.com | http://www.tube-gear.com | 01474321954 |
01480890005 | GILL-HUDSON HOMES LIMITED | Builders | AMPTHILL | info@gillhudsonhomes.com 956info@gillhudsonhomes.com | http://www.gillhudsonhomes.com | 01480890005 |
01502517567 | STUART BROWN LIMITED | Fencing Services | AMPTHILL | | | 01502517567 |
01525301510 | AMPTHILL CARPETS LIMITED | Flooring Services | AMPTHILL | ampthillcarpets@live.co.uk | http://www.ampthillcarpets.co.uk | 01525301510 |
01525303540 | AMPTHILL GLASS CENTRE LIMITED | Double Glazing Installers | AMPTHILL | lauren@ampthillglass.co.uk enquiries@ampthillglass.co.uk | http://ampthillglasscentre.co.uk | 01525303540 |
01525402465 | WOODCOCK TRANSPORT LTD | Road Haulage Services | AMPTHILL | | | 01525402465 |
01525403303 | AMPTHILL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY RUGBY CLUB LIMITED | Rugby Clubs | AMPTHILL | | http://clubs.rfu.com/clubs/portals/ampthilldistrictrfc | 01525403303 |
01525403609 | AMPTHILL GLASS CENTRE LIMITED | Double Glazing Installers | AMPTHILL | lauren@ampthillglass.co.uk enquiries@ampthillglass.co.uk | http://ampthillglasscentre.co.uk | 01525403609 |
01525404058 | THE BAIKIE-WOOD CONSULTANCY LIMITED | Training Services | AMPTHILL | | | 01525404058 |
01525404873 | ARCHWAY JOINERY LTD | Joinery Manufacturers | AMPTHILL | info@archway-joinery.co.uk | http://www.archway-joinery.co.uk | 01525404873 |
01525405524 | FORDFIELD HOUSE NURSERY LIMITED | Nursery Schools | AMPTHILL | | | 01525405524 |
01525712122 | FIONA GRAY FINANCIAL PLANNING LIMITED | Pensions | AMPTHILL | enquiries@graymoney.co.uk | http://www.graymoney.co.uk | 01525712122 |
01525724460 | INDEPENDENT FLEET CONSULTANTS LIMITED | Car Leasing | AMPTHILL | | http://www.ifcfleet.com | 01525724460 |
01525791311 | ANNETTE PIPER THERAPY LTD | Counselling & Advice | AMPTHILL | info@annettepipertherapy.com | http://www.annettepipertherapy.com | 01525791311 |
01525840252 | THE MILLBROOK GOLF CLUB LIMITED | Golf Clubs, Courses & Professionals | AMPTHILL | | http://www.themillbrook.com | 01525840252 |
01525841199 | AMPTHILL FIREPLACES LIMITED | Fireplaces | AMPTHILL | moreinfo@ampthillfireplaces.co.uk | http://www.ampthillfireplaces.co.uk | 01525841199 |
01525841550 | NICK PINNY AUTOS LIMITED | Garage Services | AMPTHILL | | | 01525841550 |
01525844000 | AXIOM GROUP LIMITED | Flooring Services | AMPTHILL | | http://www.axiomgroup.co.uk | 01525844000 |
01525853700 | CALVERT STUDIOS LIMITED | Commercial & Industrial Photographers | AMPTHILL | | http://www.calvertstudios.com | 01525853700 |
01582402277 | POLYMEC ROLLERS LIMITED | Printers' Services | AMPTHILL | | http://www.polymecrollers.com | 01582402277 |
01582435100 | SYSTEM SCAFFOLD CONTRACTS LIMITED | Scaffolding Erectors | AMPTHILL | enquiries@systemscaffolds.com | http://www.systemscaffolds.com | 01582435100 |
01582456147 | PLASTICS WINDOW FEDERATION | Trade Associations | AMPTHILL | info@starlitesoftware.co.uk | http://www.pwfed.co.uk | 01582456147 |
01582491140 | SYSTEM SCAFFOLD CONTRACTS LIMITED | Scaffolding Erectors | AMPTHILL | enquiries@systemscaffolds.com | http://www.systemscaffolds.com | 01582491140 |
01582493731 | DAWKINS GROUP LIMITED | Groundwork Contractors | AMPTHILL | | http://www.dawkinsgroup.co.uk | 01582493731 |
01582575494 | CMT INDUSTRIAL POWDER COATERS LTD | Powder Coating | AMPTHILL | info@cmtindustrial.co.uk | http://www.cmtindustrial.co.uk | 01582575494 |
01582665022 | M.J. SECURITY SYSTEMS LIMITED | Burglar Alarms & Security Systems | AMPTHILL | info@mjsecurity.co.uk | http://www.mjsecurity.co.uk | 01582665022 |
01582882275 | THE BIKE BAG LIMITED | Luggage & Bags | AMPTHILL | sales@thebikebag.com | http://www.thebikebag.com | 01582882275 |
01707373105 | P W GATES DISTRIBUTION LIMITED | Road Haulage Services | AMPTHILL | sales@pwgates.co.uk | http://www.pwgates.co.uk | 01707373105 |
01727850668 | ARCHIMEDES CONSULTING LIMITED | Management & Business Consultants | AMPTHILL | enquiries@archimedesconsulting.co.uk | http://www.archimedesconsulting.co.uk | 01727850668 |
01843823554 | RECLAMET LIMITED | Scrap Metal Merchants | AMPTHILL | diane@reclamet.co.uk | http://www.birchingtontyres.co.uk | 01843823554 |
01873890440 | VIGILANT PLC | Burglar Alarms & Security Systems | AMPTHILL | | http://www.vigilantsecurity.com | 01873890440 |
01888563500 | TRAFFORDS LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | AMPTHILL | | | 01888563500 |
01904701118 | ENABLING DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | Management & Business Consultants | AMPTHILL | | http://www.enablingdevelopment.com | 01904701118 |
01908646566 | EVO AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Motor Factors | AMPTHILL | | | 01908646566 |
01908695500 | THE WORDS WORKSHOP LIMITED | Public Relations Consultants | AMPTHILL | | http://www.thewordsworkshop.co.uk | 01908695500 |
02085780388 | INFORMATION STORAGE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Document Management | AMPTHILL | info@ucr.uk.com | http://www.istorage.uk.com | 02085780388 |
03331233000 | FLETCHER BLAKE LIMITED | Computer Software Development | AMPTHILL | | http://www.fletcherblake.co.uk | 03331233000 |
03337720444 | MAXON COMPUTER LIMITED | Computer Software Sales | AMPTHILL | | http://www.maxon.net | 03337720444 |
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