01237471736 | HAINES WATTS RURAL BUSINESS LLP | Management & Business Consultants | EXETER | | http://www.hwca.com | 01237471736 |
01335343177 | 2.0 LIMITED | Petrol Stations | EXETER | | | 01335343177 |
01342844408 | HOPPINGS SOFTWOOD PRODUCTS PLC | Timber Importers & Agents | | | http://www.hoppings.com | 01342844408 |
01363774187 | KENSA STUDIOS LTD | General Photographers | EXETER | | | 01363774187 |
01364644611 | SAM GILPIN DEMOLITION LIMITED | Demolition | EXETER | office@gilpindemolition.com | http://www.gilpindemolition.com | 01364644611 |
01392221100 | FORESIGHT FINANCIAL PLANNING LIMITED | Financial Advisers | EXETER | info@foresight-ltd.co.uk | http://www.foresight-ltd.co.uk | 01392221100 |
01392241653 | GLEAVE MEDIA LIMITED | Advertising & Graphic Designers | EXETER | hello@gleavemedia.co.uk | http://www.gleavemedia.co.uk | 01392241653 |
01392251004 | CLEARWATER FINANCIAL LIMITED | Financial Advisers | EXETER | | http://www.clearwaterfinancial.co.uk | 01392251004 |
01392258981 | IT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | EXETER | | http://www.itelectricalcontractors.co.uk | 01392258981 |
01392308570 | EX2 ELECTRICAL (SOUTH WEST) LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | EXETER | | http://www.ex2electrical.com | 01392308570 |
01392660000 | ALTITUDE PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED | Commercial Estate Agents | EXETER | george.turnbull@altitude-investments.com sales@altitude-investments.com info@altitude-am.com | http://www.altitude-investments.com | 01392660000 |
01392686752 | HOMEMAKER SOUTHWEST | Charitable & Voluntary Organisations | EXETER | | http://www.homemakersw.org.uk | 01392686752 |
01395267513 | DEVON AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION LIMITED | Air Conditioning Services | EXETER | | | 01395267513 |
01395442233 | H. CARTER & SONS (RETAIL) LIMITED | Cook Shops | DEVON | enquiries@homehardware.co.uk | http://www.homehardware.co.uk | 01395442233 |
01395512827 | CARINAS NIGHTCLUB LIMITED | Night Clubs & Bars | EXETER | | | 01395512827 |
01409221192 | TARPAFLEX LIMITED | Tarpaulin | DEVON | | http://www.tarpaflex.co.uk | 01409221192 |
01425270188 | BRICK-CLAD LTD | Cladding | EXETER | | http://www.brick-clad.co.uk | 01425270188 |
0146066366 | PMBL LIMITED | Battery Suppliers | EXETER | solutions@pmbl.co.uk | http://www.pmbl.co.uk | 0146066366 |
01626333886 | DEVONTECH LIMITED | Control Panels & Equipment | EXETER | | | 01626333886 |
01626774087 | ADDICOTT ELECTRICS LIMITED | Generators | EXETER | contactus@addicottelectrics.co.uk | http://www.addicottelectrics.co.uk | 01626774087 |
01626778747 | A&A REFRIGERATION LIMITED | Refrigeration Engineers | | | http://www.aandarefrigeration-devon.co.uk | 01626778747 |
01626830762 | GILPIN SCRAP METALS LIMITED | Scrap Metal Merchants | EXETER | office@gilpinscrapmetals.com | http://www.gilpinscrapmetals.com | 01626830762 |
01626852119 | VIRTUAL JET CENTRE LTD | Flying Schools | EXETER | | http://www.virtualjetcentre.co.uk | 01626852119 |
01642226004 | BERWICK HILLS DENTAL PRACTICE LIMITED | Dentists | EXETER | | http://www.berwickhillsdental.co.uk | 01642226004 |
01803526777 | BAY SKIPS LIMITED | Skip Hire | EXETER | | http://www.bayskips.com | 01803526777 |
01823213499 | BRUMERS BIKES LIMITED | Motorcycle & Scooter Dealers | EXETER | brumertt@gmail.com | http://www.brumersbikes.co.uk | 01823213499 |
01823214756 | BRUMERS BIKES LIMITED | Motorcycle Repairs & Services | EXETER | paul@brumersmotorcycleshop.com clare@brumersmotorcycleshop.com | http://www.brumersmotorcycleshop.com | 01823214756 |
01823665100 | BRUMERS BIKES LIMITED | Motorcycle Accessories & Parts | EXETER | | http://www.brumersbikes.com | 01823665100 |
0182753019 | TRUCKLES LIMITED | Dairy Products | EXETER | | | 0182753019 |
0183752092 | R.L. TAYLOR LTD. | Road Haulage Services | | | | 0183752092 |
01844339993 | QUANTUM PRODUCTION LIMITED | Electronic Engineers | EXETER | info@quantumproduction.co.uk info@quantumcryogenics.com sales@quantumcryogenics.com service@quantumcryogenics.com | http://www.quantumproduction.co.uk | 01844339993 |
01884256048 | COURTSIDE CONVERSIONS LIMITED | Mobility Aids & Vehicles | DEVON | | http://www.courtsideconversions.co.uk | 01884256048 |
01884855327 | ARROW AVIATION SERVICES LIMITED | Aircraft Services | EXETER | | http://www.arrowaviation.net | 01884855327 |
01934743113 | THE ORIGINAL CHEDDAR CHEESE CO. LTD. | Dairy Products | EXETER | | http://www.originalcheddar.co.uk | 01934743113 |
01934876942 | BRISTOL INDUSTRIAL HEATING LIMITED | Industrial Heating | EXETER | | | 01934876942 |
01992560072 | HOPPINGS SOFTWOOD PRODUCTS PLC | Timber Merchants | | | http://www.qualitydecking.co.uk | 01992560072 |
02030868072 | THE LAZY TRADER LTD | Training Services | EXETER | | http://thelazytrader.com/ | 02030868072 |
02074045338 | TRUCKLES LIMITED | Bars & Wine Bars | EXETER | | http://www.davy.co.uk/truckles | 02074045338 |
02920667135 | THE HALFWAY LIMITED | Pub Restaurants | EXETER | | http://www.sabrain.co.uk | 02920667135 |
07749309223 | FITNESS MATTERS LIMITED | Martial Arts | EXETER | | http://www.fitnessmatters.biz | 07749309223 |
07766077444 | CHIROPRACTIC MATTERS LIMITED | Chiropractors | EXETER | | http://www.chiropracticmatters.co.uk | 07766077444 |
07815313536 | VIRGINIAS VINTAGE HIRE LIMITED | Weddings - General | EXETER | hello@virginiasvintagehire.co.uk | http://www.virginiasvintagehire.co.uk | 07815313536 |
08000337838 | SWANKYAPPLE LIMITED | Internet Web Design & Development | EXETER | | http://www.swankyapple.com | 08000337838 |
08000612290 | VPW SYSTEMS (UK) LIMITED | Computer Services | EXETER | | http://www.vpwsys.net | 08000612290 |
08453372928 | 2.0 LIMITED | Tv, Film & Video Production Services | EXETER | bill.wells@2dot0.co.uk info@2dot0.co.uk info@2dot0co.uk | http://www.2dot0.co.uk | 08453372928 |
08707705311 | PMBL LIMITED | Battery Suppliers | EXETER | | | 08707705311 |
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